spiritual meaning of lame

Lameness is the debilitation or impairment of a body part or function. While lameness is a strongly dislikeable attribute in men and women, it holds different meanings in spiritual terms. More specifically, gross limpness and minimal limpness have different meanings in spiritual terms. Gross limping refers to one who takes acts of worship lightly. A shirker. Minimal limpness refers to one who has not completely abandoned the act of worship but is somewhat uncertain about it.

Churchgists will provide you with all the relevant information you are looking for on lame meaning, greek meaning of lame, what does crippled mean in the bible, and so much more.

lame meaning

The word lame originates from the Latin word lambĕre meaning “to lie upon” (as in a bed). Its derivative, lŏnĕus, refers to an animal or person lying supine and is seen in the lamb’s position of lying down. References to lameness are found both in Avestan and Sanskrit books. It has several meanings, which have led to its becoming a figurative term.

Lame, an adjective describing a person who is or appears weak, or lacking effectiveness. In religious circles, the term is also used to describe someone as morally weak, or failing to accomplish their mission, hence Jesus’ parable of the four men carrying a paralyzed man: the first three people carry him on their own and give up under the burden; only when it’s time for prayer do they find a fourth person to help.

The spiritual meaning of lame is that you have a fear or weakness that holds you back. You may be afraid to speak up at work or to go after things you want in life.

This is a lesson where you need to face your fears and overcome them. If you’re afraid of something, then do it! Don’t let the fear keep you from living your life.

In this way, the spiritual meaning of lame represents courage. If there’s something holding you back, then stop being scared and go get it!

The spiritual meaning of lame is that you are feeling stuck, or unable to move forward.

This may be in your life or it could be in your career. You might feel like you have been faking it for so long that now it’s time to stop pretending.

You may also find yourself feeling trapped, as though there is no way out of whatever situation you’re in.

spiritual meaning of lame

What Does Lame Mean?

To be ‘lame’ is to be unoriginal, uncool, stupid, or even disliked. When someone uses the phrase ‘lame’ they are informing someone else that something doesn’t work, it can be an outfit to even someone’s personality.

Origin of Lame

The original meaning behind the word ‘lame’ is to be unable to walk normally due to the fact of an illness or injury. In the late 1980s, the word started being used to say something was uncool and has grown through generations and still commonly used today.

Conversation Examples

Ways you will find this internet slang word used.

Example 1

  • Guy: Hey babe how you doing?
  • Girl: Um no, no way.
  • Guy: What?
  • Girl: You are totally lame.

Here you have a guy trying to pick a girl up someplace like a bar and she thinks he looks like a dork or loser and tells him he is ‘lame’ hoping he will leave her alone.

Example 2

  • Texter 1: Hey look at this pic.
  • Texter 1: (Picture of a girl in a very neon-colored sundress.)
  • Texter 2: Wow.
  • Texter 1: Don’t you just love it.
  • Texter 2: Sorry girl that thing is so lame.

Not only can you use ‘lame’ to talk about how uncool a person is, but it can also be used like here, where one friend just can’t lie and has to tell her buddy that sundress really sucks.

  • pic – Picture

Example 3

  • Texter 1: Hey did you hear Alice is having a party tonight?
  • Texter 2: Yeah she invited me.
  • Texter 1: WHAT!?
  • Texter 2: Yeah I see her every day at work, why? What’s up?
  • Texter 1: She didn’t invite me and is ignoring my calls.
  • Texter 2: How lame.

Here you will find ‘lame’ is used in a sort of way to say ‘not cool’. For instance, the one not getting an invite to a party and the host can’t even tell them why resulting in the ‘how lame’.

what does crippled mean in the bible

What the Bible says about Healing of a Crippled Man
(From Forerunner Commentary)

Matthew 9:1-8

In the healing of the paralytic (Matthew 9:1-8; Mark 2:1-12; Luke 5:17-26), the physician Luke uses a medical term, “palsied” (KJV), the technical Greek word used to describe paralysis from disease in some part of the nervous system. Because his disease was so debilitating, the man needed comfort and healing. Jesus thus refers to him as “son,” or more literally, “child,” showing His fatherly compassion.

Paralysis represents sin’s crippling power and the sinner’s sheer helplessness to do anything to relieve his own suffering. The apostle Paul speaks of our initial lack of spiritual strength in Romans 5:6, “For when we were still without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly.” With this miracle, Jesus forgave the penalty that the man had incurred through sin and raised him from his miserable state.

Martin G. Collins
The Miracles of Jesus Christ: Healing a Paralytic (Part Two)

John 5:1-16

Jesus’ healing of the crippled man beside the pool called Bethesda is one of nine healing miracles involving water and one of seven performed on the Sabbath. Only the apostle John records it (John 5:1-16). It is impossible to be sure when the miracle occurred other than it happened on a Sabbath day.

John’s reference to “a feast of the Jews” (John 5:1) rather than a “feast of the Lord” (Exodus 12:14; Leviticus 23:2, 37) illustrates the spiritual decline that had occurred among the Jews regarding God’s feast days. People may typically start out with God being central to their worship, but they end up getting in the way and become the main focus themselves. The people had made this festival a feast of the people instead of continuing it as God’s feast.

In His journey from Galilee to Jerusalem, Jesus expended a considerable amount of effort to be there in time for this Sabbath. In doing this, He set an example in terms of spiritual priorities and the sacrifices involved in putting spiritual matters first. Some Christians are unclear about spiritual priorities, desiring a convenient religion that requires little inconvenience and no sacrifice. Frequently, those who complain most about not getting enough out of church are often those who attend sporadically and involve themselves the least in church activities. Jesus, on the other hand, took great pains to fellowship and to help the people, especially on the Sabbath.

Martin G. Collins
The Miracles of Jesus Christ: Healing a Cripple by a Pool (Part One)

John 5:1-16

In the healing of the crippled man at Bethesda (John 5:1-16), the man clearly desires to be healed, but no one would help him down to the pool (verse 7). The Bible’s mention of this detail is an intentional rebuke of the heartlessness and meanness of human nature. It was every man for himself.

Despite the man’s frustration, he still maintains good manners by acknowledging Jesus as “Sir.” This word, the Greek kurios, appears over 700 times in the New Testament. Hundreds of times it is translated as “Lord” or “lord,” but as “Sir” only about a dozen times. The term shows respect and honor for Christ. In today’s society, we see quite a contrast to this example. The opposite attitude is usually present when people address each other, and even when children address parents.

Martin G. Collins
The Miracles of Jesus Christ: Healing a Cripple by a Pool (Part Two)

John 5:13-14

After his miraculous healing, the man heads to the Temple, probably to praise and thank God for his wonderful blessing. There, Christ instructs him in the spiritual principle of overcoming sin. The Jews viewed the Temple, not only as a place of thanksgiving, but also one of spiritual teaching and learning. Similarly, worship on the Sabbath with others of like mind creates a place of essential spiritual instruction for living God’s way of life. People who avoid formal worship of God miss out on vital instruction and will be spiritually unprepared for God’s Kingdom.

The man’s healing was instantaneous, but the learning is not. It is a long process that requires both instruction (hearing) and application (doing). It takes time to grow in grace and knowledge (James 1:23-25; II Peter 3:17-18; Isaiah 28:9-10), as well as patience and discipline.

Christ warns the healed man not to go back to sinful conduct, indicating that his crippled condition resulted from sin. All sickness is not caused by our own personal sin, as John 9 shows in the example of the man blind from birth. Sometimes ill health is the effect of our forebears’ sins or the accumulated sins of a whole society.

Jesus’ warning, “Sin no more, lest a worse thing come upon you,” is always apt because human nature, especially when encouraged by Satan, easily degenerates into sin. The experience of renewed health should instill in us a deeper repulsion of sin, a greater watchfulness for its pitfalls, and a more purposeful determination to overcome it. When we experience healing, we would all do well to remember Christ’s warning.

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