The goal for this blog is to provide a relational experience for readers that can be found in the New Testament. We will go through each book of the new testament with a promise to read one chapter a day for fourty days, that way the reader does not feel the need to read each book in one night and can take their time absorbing each book.
According to the Bible, Christians are supposed to read the New Testament at least twice a year. For many people, this takes one or two months to read, but there are many ways to break up the New Testament and make it easier. A 90-day new testament reading plan is an answer to these issues. It breaks down each book of the New Testament into three chunks that you can read over a period of 90 days.
Churchgists will provide you with all the relevant information you are looking for on 27 books of the new testament in chronological order, one year chronological new testament reading plan, new testament for today, and so much more.

Embarking on a 90-day journey through the New Testament in chronological order is a spiritual adventure that promises not only a deepened understanding of the life and teachings of Jesus but also a transformative experience of personal growth and faith. In this blog post, we invite you to join us on this extraordinary expedition through the pages of the New Testament, exploring the seamless narrative of the life of Christ and the early Christian community.
A Transformative Odyssey: 90 Days Through the New Testament in Chronological Order
Days 1-30: The Gospels Unveiled
Start your journey by immersing yourself in the Gospel accounts. Follow the life of Jesus from His birth to His ministry, miracles, and parables. Each day offers a new perspective, unveiling the profound love and teachings of the Savior. Reflect on the Sermon on the Mount, the miracles, and the encounters that reveal the heart of Christ.
Days 31-60: The Acts of the Apostles
Transition into the book of Acts, which serves as a bridge between the Gospels and the Epistles. Witness the birth of the early Christian Church, the outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, and the apostles’ bold proclamation of the Gospel. Explore the challenges and triumphs of the early Christian community as they spread the message of Christ.
Days 61-80: The Epistles and Letters
Engage with the letters written by apostles such as Paul, Peter, James, and John. Delve into the theological richness of Romans, the practical wisdom of James, the pastoral guidance in the letters to Timothy and Titus, and the profound truths revealed in Ephesians and Colossians. These letters provide insights into Christian doctrine, ethics, and community life.
Days 81-90: Revelation and Reflection
Conclude your 90-day journey with the book of Revelation. While its apocalyptic imagery may seem mysterious, take the time to discern its central message of hope, victory, and the ultimate triumph of God. Reflect on the transformation that has occurred within you over the course of this journey and consider how the teachings and stories of the New Testament apply to your life today.
90 days through the new testament in chronological order
I’m excited to announce a new reading plan: a 90-day new testament reading plan!
The New Testament is the second part of the Christian Bible and contains the four Gospels. These are accounts of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, as well as other books that chronicle his life. The first part is called the Old Testament and contains many other books written before Jesus was born.
The New Testament is a great place to start your journey with God because it tells us how he created us in his image, how we can have faith in him, and how he wants us to live with him forever through Jesus Christ.
We hope you’re having a great day! We just wanted to let you know about a new reading plan we’ve put together that we think you’ll love.
It’s called the 90-day New Testament Reading Plan, and it’s designed to help you read through the entire Bible in just three months. It’s a great way to make sure you have time to read the whole thing, but also that you’re not spending too much time on any one passage of scripture.
Here’s how it works: every morning, you’ll get an email with a reading assignment for that day. It’ll be three verses from three different books of the Bible (one Old Testament passage, one New Testament passage, and one Psalm). You can read the passages wherever and whenever you’d like—we just want them to be part of your daily routine. We know how busy life gets, so we’ve made this as simple as possible for you!
Not only will this help keep yourself accountable for reading daily, but it will also make sure that your faith is growing every day by helping you learn more about God’s word. And we’ve found that when it comes to studying God’s word and growing deeper in faith—it really does take regular practice over
The New Testament is the second part of the Christian Bible, containing 27 books that tell the story of Jesus Christ and his followers. This reading plan will take 90 days to complete, and it is designed to help you understand the context in which these sacred texts were written.
The best way to read the Bible is in bites.
That’s why we created this 90-day plan for you.
This plan is designed to help you make it through the entire New Testament in just three months, which is a manageable amount of time and commitment to make if you’re new to reading the Bible.
If you can commit to reading one chapter of the New Testament each day, then you’ll be all set! The plan starts with Matthew and ends with Revelation, so if you’re looking for a good place to start, this is it!
Day 1: Genesis 1:1—2:3 (NIV)
Day 2: Genesis 2:4-25 (NIV)
Day 3: Genesis 3 (NIV)
Day 4: Genesis 4 (NIV)
Day 5: Genesis 5 (NIV)
Day 6: Genesis 6—9 (NIV)
Day 7: Genesis 10—11 (NIV)
27 books of the new testament in chronological order
The New Testament
Acts of the Apostles
1 Corinthians
2 Corinthians
1 Thessalonians
2 Thessalonians
1 Timothy
2 Timothy
1 Peter
2 Peter
1 John
2 John
3 John
As you complete this 90-day expedition through the New Testament in chronological order, celebrate the knowledge gained, the spiritual insights acquired, and the personal growth experienced. The New Testament is not merely a historical account but a living testament that continues to shape the lives of believers across the ages. May this journey deepen your relationship with God, inspire a fresh commitment to follow Christ, and equip you to share the good news with others on your ongoing pilgrimage of faith.