Prayer is an essential element to our mercy ministry. For many people love the thought of “praying for me”, but do not know how to go about making a prayer for that person, nor do they have the time to pray. Our mother of perpetual help prays for us as we pray for others in every hardship. Every day new souls come to our page looking for spiritual help and guidance on seeking God’s intervention in their lives. The novena prayers are a powerful tool that can be used to obtain miracles from God.
Back to the basics. The novena prayer is simple and easy to pray with anyone. Our Mother of Perpetual Help, we love you and all you do for us. Please come to our aid where we are unable to ourselves.
9 Days Novena Prayer To Our Mother Of Perpetual Help

Our Lady of Perpetual Help, we salute you.
You are the Mother of Jesus Christ and our Mother. You are Mary, the Virgin Mother of God.
This is the ninth day of our novena to you. We thank you for all your help in our lives. We ask for your special intercession with Jesus today, that he may be merciful to us in this hour of our needs and in every other hour as well.
We ask for your intercession with the Holy Spirit that He may enlighten us with His divine light and fill us with His divine love.
We ask also for your special intercession with the Father that He may pour out upon us His blessings in abundance both temporal and spiritual.
Help us to be true children of God by leading us into all truth and keeping us in His love always, so that we may reach Heaven at last; through Christ Our Lord Who lives and reigns forevermore. Amen!
Our Mother of Perpetual Help,
you are the refuge of all who seek you.
You have always stood by us in our sorrows,
and you are waiting to relieve us in our afflictions.
You never fail to answer the prayers of those who call upon you.
Have mercy on us and hear our prayers!
Our Mother of Perpetual Help, we beg You to obtain for us from Jesus, the grace of never losing heart in any adversity.
We ask this through Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Our Mother of Perpetual Help, we beg You to obtain for us from Jesus, the grace of being ever watchful in prayer.
We ask this through Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Our Mother of Perpetual Help, we beg You to obtain for us from Jesus, the grace of persevering in our vocation until death.
We ask this through Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Our Mother of Perpetual Help, we beg You to obtain for us from Jesus, the grace of having a great devotion to Mary as our mother and model.
We ask this through Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Our Mother of Perpetual Help, watch over us and protect us.
May we be worthy to receive your help in our needs,
and to trust in your goodness.
I ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Mother of Mercy, you are the refuge of sinners and the hope of the despairing; you take pity on those in misery and console those who weep. You have chosen us as your children, and have given us your Son as our Savior. We bless you for this great favor, O Mother of Perpetual Help! And we pray that you will continue to help us by always protecting us from evil, by leading us to good, and by obtaining for us the graces and favors we need in life. Teach us to put our trust in God alone, so that we may be ready when he calls us to himself. Amen!
Symbolism in the Icon of
Our Lady (Mother) of Perpetual Help
Please refer to Our Lady of Perpetual Help to the left. Let us take a moment to examine the icon. We can view symbology in nearly every aspect.
As we first look, Mary is central. She initially captures our eyes, and our focus. Then we notice Jesus – she directs our attention to Him.
The blue of Our Lady’s mantle is a shade of “lapis lazuli.” It is recognized as precious, and used to produce the pigment color “ultramarine.” Gold leaf also communicates the precious value of the icon and its message. It also serves as a reminder of the heavenly realm.
We can see some Greek inscriptions written. These are abbreviations which stand for, if we read them from left to right:
Mother of God
Michael the Archangel
Gabriel the Archangel
Jesus Christ
The Archangels are shown bearing the instruments of Our Lord’s passion.
Michael is holding a spear, or lance. He additionally carries a sponge and urn of gall. Gabriel bears a Cross and nails.
The Infant Jesus’ fear and anguish is indicated by the sandal we observe slipping from his foot. Showing His heel is a reference to the promise God makes in Genesis 3:15.
If we study the eye lines and the inclination of heads – Mary is looking straight at us, and with her arms, invites us to focus not on her, but on her Son. He is our salvation. Mary’s head is inclined toward Jesus, in reverence of His divinity. Jesus is portrayed as a child, but His face has greater maturity. This is an indication of His dual nature. Mary’s mouth is small. This can be viewed as an admonishment to be silent before the presence of God. Mary’s head bears a star. She leads us, as the Star of the Sea and our Morning Star who will lead us to Christ.
The hands of the Icon speak to us. Mary’s hands are in contact with Jesus. Her hand between his two hands is a symbol of her will conformed to His. His two hands grasping hers as he faces the dread Cross are an example for us to seek her comfort and protection, which, mysteriously, comes from His own inner strength.
We view Jesus’ clothing as green and gold. This symbolizes both earth and heaven OR humanity and divinity, another indicative of His duality. Green can also be viewed as Creation, Gold symbolizing Resurrection. And, the Red of His sash is for the Passion. So, there are references to all of His mysteries for us: Incarnation, Passion, Death, and Resurrection.
More than merely a striking picture, the Icon gives us much to recognize and contemplate.