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9 day novena prayer to st jude

    if you are looking for the best and most powerful prayers to st jude, you have just found it. it is a simple and short novena prayer to st jude from apostle john paul ii. it has been taken from his book, on the saint of the day, what we must never forget. this prayer is designed that when you pray this novena to st jude, your intention will be realized in three days after you finish the first nine days of this novena prayer, which helps to fix a problem and restore peace of mind.

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    9 day novena prayer to st jude

    St. Jude, Apostle and Martyr, pray for us.

    St. Jude, the helper of all who call upon you, pray for us.

    St. Jude, whose intercession is so powerful, pray for us.

    St. Jude, friend of the hopeless and helpless, pray for us.

    St. Jude, who suffered so much for the love of God and mankind, pray for us.

    St. Jude, glorious apostle of Jesus Christ, the beloved friend of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, who was so dear to His Sacred Heart that He called you “Beloved” (Jn 21:16), and said that you would be present in His glory in heaven (Rev 1:9), grant us our petition through your intercession with God. We beg you to hear our prayers and grant them if it be God’s holy will and pleasure; through Christ our Lord we offer Him this novena in thanksgiving for favours already received or yet to be obtained; as a pledge of love and submission to His Divine Majesty; as an act of reparation for our sins against His infinite goodness; as a prayer that He may continue to bless His Church with peace on earth

    1st Day: Dear St. Jude, I pray for the grace to be able to forgive others.

    2nd Day: Dear St. Jude, I pray for a recovery of my health.

    3rd Day: Dear St. Jude, I pray for the conversion of my parents in law, who have separated from their spouses and are living together as a couple but without being married to each other. They are not practicing Catholics and are not going to church anymore. They have 2 sons who attend Catholic school and they want them to stop attending because they don’t want them to learn about Catholic beliefs and values, which is why they sent them to public schools instead of Catholic ones (which is what their mother wanted).

    4th Day: Dear St. Jude, I pray for my sister who has been struggling with depression and anxiety ever since she was a teenager and now she’s turning 30 this year but she still hasn’t recovered yet even after taking medication for 3 years now but we’re trying our best as her family members just like how you tried your best when you were alive so that one day she could find happiness again someday soon too someday soon dear God please help her recover fully soon

    St. Jude, Apostle and Martyr,

    Pray for us.

    That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

    Make our intentions holy;

    Give to us a spirit of contrition, confession, and satisfaction;

    To obtain pardon for our sins and the help of divine grace in time of need.

    We pray thee to keep us from falling into any grievous sin, particularly that which most easily besets us.

    Obtain for us from God a true sorrow for our sins, a perfect resignation to his holy will, and a firm purpose of amendment.

    Grant that we may love what thou commandest and desire what thou dost promise; grant that we may persevere in the grace of God until death.

    Obtain for me the grace to root out all evil habits which are displeasing to thee and harmful to my soul, that I may be able to attain perfection in thy service. Give me perseverance in prayer, especially mental prayer; teach me how to pray well according to thy will. Grant me an understanding heart and a willing spirit; make me docile to thy inspirations

    St. Jude,

    Patron of hopeless causes,

    please come to my aid.

    I have no one else to ask.

    I know I am not a perfect Christian,

    but I believe in you,

    and I believe in the power of your intercession.

    Please help me with this matter;

    I know that it is difficult for you, but please do what you can for me.

    O glorious St. Jude, great apostle, faithful servant and friend of Jesus, the name of the traitor has never sullied your noble heart. To you who are so earnestly invoked in hopeless cases as the patron of desperate causes, I come with childlike confidence.

    O Holy Father St. Jude, kind intercessor for all who have recourse to you, listen to my prayer and accept my urgent plea. You are an apostle of love and goodness; let me feel your power and obtain what I ask through your assistance.

    Come to my assistance in this urgent need that has come upon me. Bring to me a quick relief from my troubles and anxiety. Help me in my present need to make a decision or resolve a problem or to answer this or that question.

    I pray for (state your intention here). May it be granted me by God’s grace through the intercession of the great apostle St. Jude whose feast day we celebrate on October 28th each year. Amen!

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