God created Metatron, who is a powerful archangel. He was called the “Great Angel” and was considered to be the only angel who could move between Heaven and Earth at will.
Metatron, whose name means “the one who serves before God,” also helped create human beings. In this way, he is considered a creator god in many texts.
The Bible mentions Metatron as being present during the creation of Adam and Eve, but it does not say whether he actually participated in their creation or not. The Book of Enoch claims that Metatron was responsible for teaching Adam about astronomy, writing, and languages; other sources suggest that he taught humans how to make weapons and musical instruments.
Hebrew lore also mentions that Metatron lived on Earth for a time before returning to Heaven with God’s permission. During his time on Earth, Metatron taught people about agriculture and animal husbandry—something that angered Satan greatly because it meant humans were no longer dependent on him for food or shelter.
However, after learning how to farm and build houses from Metatron’s teachings, humans began worshiping him instead of Satan!
Metatron In The Bible
Although he may have a name that seems more like it belongs to a Transformer than an angel—”Metatron”—some believe he is the most potent angel in heaven.
In various Christian, Islamic, and occult faiths, Metatron is seen as a powerful angel or creature. Some people think of him as an angel who was once human and is now serving as God’s scribe and a liaison between God and Israel.
However there are a number of problems with the concept of Metatron.
Where Did the Metatron Legend Originate?
Apocryphal volumes of Enoch, the Babylonian Talmud, and mystical Kabbalistic writings all make reference to Metatron.
A key text in Judaism, the Talmud, contains discussions and commentary on Jewish law, history, and customs. The Talmud was transmitted orally for a very long time before it was collected and written down in a book called the Mishnah in the second century AD. The Gemara, the second section of the Talmud, was then composed as commentary on the Mishnah. The aforementioned Babylonian Talmud was finished in the fifth century AD.
The Mishnah was written down and made canon before the Babylonian Talmud came to be, and even though some of its teachings may be compatible with Christian teachings, the Talmud is not regarded as a sacred work in Christianity. The New Testament was entirely written and largely compiled by the time the Mishnah was written down and made canon.
Metatron Christianity
The apocryphal writings of Enoch are pseudodepigraphical, which is a literary term for a work to which an unreliable authorship claim has been made. Although several of these works are credited to Enoch, most people mean 1 Enoch when they talk about “the Book of Enoch.”
These books are not regarded as holy or divinely inspired. The texts are prone to strange theology and historical errors, just like other apocryphal works.
What Are the Metatron-Related Legends?
Enoch, who is described in the book of Genesis as a man who walked diligently with God, was once a human named Metatron, according to these scriptures (though in one version, Metatron was never human, nor did he come from Enoch).
Without passing away, Enoch was carried to heaven where he was changed into the angel Metatron and seated next to God’s throne. In terms of strength, knowledge, and grandeur, he surpassed God, and all the other angels submitted to him.
Legend has it that only a few angels, including Metatron, are permitted to gaze upon God’s face. He serves as a mediator between Israel and God, acting as both a heavenly scribe and a heavenly priest for the people. According to a tale, Metatron guided Israel through the wilderness.
The legend of Metatron has survived thanks to occult and New Age rituals. Enoch/Metatron “ascended into the angelic realm by virtue of [his] faith in God and [his] absolutely devout actions,” according to a well-known tarot website. According to the website, Archangel Metatron is one of the most potent archangels in the New Age because he exemplifies our ability to ascend and tap into spiritual power.
Publications on mysticism and archangels abound as well, instructing readers to identify Metatron by his aura’s hue, his distinguishing aroma, or by making an invocation to him with crystals and candles.
What Is the Word of God on Metatron?
The Bible makes no reference of Metatron. Enoch, however, is mentioned in two chapters.
Genesis 5:18–24 has a (short) account of Enoch’s life:
Jared became the father of Enoch after 162 years of living. Jared had several sons and daughters after having Enoch and lived for 800 years. Jared lived for a total of 962 years before passing away.
Enoch became the father of Methuselah after 65 years on earth. Enoch walked obediently with God for 300 years after having Methuselah, fathering additional sons and girls. Enoch lived for a total of 365 years. Enoch walked obediently with God, but after God took him away, he was no longer.
There is a little more detail in Hebrews 11:5:
Enoch was removed from this world by faith, preventing him from dying: “He could not be located since God had whisked him away.” He was praised as someone who pleased God before he was taken, after all.
Hence, neither does the Bible mention Metatron nor does it imply that Enoch turned into an angel.
Does Metatron Exist?
Thus, the Bible does not mention Metatron. Would he still be around, though?
Orthodox Christians disagree if he was originally the human Enoch. Angels are completely distinct from humans, and humans cannot turn into angels.
What if, though, he wasn’t a human at first? There are still many warning signs.
One of the earliest is Metatron’s claim to be a priest or mediator between Israel and God. There is only one who is qualified for this position, and the Bible makes it clear that Jesus is that one (1 Timothy 2:5). Hebrews 4:14 describes Jesus as the high priest who intercedes on our behalf, and it would be hazardous to replace him with anybody other, human or angel.
The notion of Metatron being seated adjacent to God’s throne raises a second objection. Jesus is said to be seated at the right hand of the Father numerous times in the Bible (Hebrews 3:3). Once more, it appears like Jesus is being replaced by Metatron in this.
The Bible makes it clear that the LORD, YHWH, went before the Israelis, not Metatron, as some have claimed (Exodus 13:21-22). Metatron appears to be taking God’s place in every situation.
Threats from Metatron
It is a serious thing to believe in a creature that takes away from the reverence and respect due to God. The majority of New Age and esoteric knowledge about Metatron, including how to summon him, feel him, and invoke his power, is just as alarming as the scriptural inaccuracy of the legends.
In order to only locate Christian or even Jewish perspectives, the majority of the study for this essay included a significant amount of New Age and occult publications.
Keep in mind, in particular, the statement from the previous quote, which states that “Archangel Metatron is one of the most powerful archangels in this New Age since he directly represents our capability for ascension and our ability to access spiritual power.”
Focusing on conjuring, learning about, or even praying to entities and powers other than God ultimately stems from a sense of arrogance. The Bible makes it quite apparent that we are completely wicked and lack any “potential for ascension” from inside, and that only God’s grace can save us (Ephesians 2:8-9).
Whether or not there is an angel who in some way resembles Metatron, let us keep in mind 1 Timothy 4:7: Don’t engage in godless lore and superstitions; instead, develop your relationship with God. Let us keep our eyes fixed on Christ, our all-sufficient Lord and Savior, in everything.