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7 covenants of the bible

    We are in the midst of covenant month and a lot of people are talking about covenants. Where are you seeing people mention covenants and what are some links that have been shared in the last few months between them?

    The 7th covenant in the Bible is the covenant of circumcision.

    The word of God was given to man through the prophet Moses. God gave the Israelites a way to remember and honor him by making a mark on their bodies. This is called circumcision.

    The Lord said to Moses, “This is the law of the trespass offering: It is most holy. The priest who makes atonement with it shall have it as his own possession.” (Leviticus 7:1-2)

    God instructed Moses to tell Aaron and his sons to go and wash their hands and feet, then eat their meal offering in front of the Lord’s tabernacle. They were not allowed to eat it anywhere else except at the entrance of the tabernacle, because it was a sin offering dedicated to God. (Leviticus 6:21-22)

    Then the Lord told Moses that he should take all of these things from them and put them on Aaron’s sons instead, so that they could be priests like him for their entire lives! (Leviticus 8:1-4).

    Right here on Churchgists, you are privy to a litany of relevant information on 7 covenants of the bible in order, types of covenant, power of covenant in the bible, and so much more. Take out time to visit our Website for more information on similar topics.

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    7 covenant in the bible

    types of covenant

    The Edenic Covenant.

    The Edenic Covenant (Genesis 2:15-17) was God’s covenant with man. It was a covenant of works, not grace. It was conditional and based on man keeping his part of the agreement. This is the same type of covenant that was given to Israel at Mt. Sinai (Exodus 19:5-6), but unlike Israel, Adam and Eve failed to keep their part of the agreement and fell short of God’s standard for righteousness (Romans 5:12). However, this failure did not nullify God’s promise; rather it brought about a change in its realization in history. In other words, while they were unable to fulfill all conditions of this initial promise, Jesus Christ came as our substitute who fulfilled all requirements necessary for eternal life through His death on the cross (Romans 5:8). Thus we say that this initial promise serves as the basis for our salvation since it points us back into time when God made His covenant with us through Jesus Christ during His first advent to earth

    The Adamic Covenant.

    • The Adamic Covenant.
    • The covenant with Abraham.
    • The Mosaic Covenant.

    The Noahic Covenant.

    The Noahic covenant is an agreement between God and all living creatures that never again would the world be destroyed by a flood. God promised to never again destroy the world by flood, and He placed a rainbow in the sky as a sign of His promise.

    The Abrahamic Covenant.

    The Abrahamic covenant marked the beginning of God’s relationship with humankind. It was a promise to bless all creation through Abraham and his descendants. The covenant was unconditional and based on God’s promise.

    God promised that through Abraham all nations on earth would be blessed if they obeyed His commands (Genesis 12:1-3). He also promised to protect them from any harm (Genesis 12:15; 13:14).

    The Mosaic Covenant.

    The Mosaic Covenant is a conditional covenant that was made between God and the Israelites. It was given to Moses, who then taught the people how to keep it. The conditions of this covenant were:

    • They would be blessed if they followed God’s laws (which included sacrificing animals and following certain dietary restrictions).
    • If they didn’t follow these laws, they would be punished by having their land taken away from them.

    The Mosaic Covenant also required all male children to be circumcised by their eighth day after birth as an outward sign of their agreement with God’s demands for obedience and loyalty (Genesis 17:1-14).

    The Land or Palestinian Covenant.

    The land or Palestinian Covenant was made with Israel (the nation), and it was made by God through Moses. It occurred after the exodus from Egypt, in the book of Deuteronomy.

    This covenant is different from others because it deals with land and territory, rather than with personal behavior or spiritual relationship.

    The Davidic Covenant.

    The Davidic Covenant is the covenant between God and King David. In this covenant, God promises David that his descendants will rule over Israel forever and that he will never be without a descendant on the throne. This covenant is unconditional, meaning that it does not depend on any conditions being met by either humans or angels. It is also a covenant of grace and not law; God gives his grace freely to those who accept him as their King, whereas under the Mosaic Covenant obedience was required for salvation (Leviticus 18:5).

    The prophecy of Nathan is often cited as support for this view because when he told David about how his son Solomon would build a temple in Jerusalem, he said: “I have chosen [Solomon] to be My son…” (2 Samuel 7:14-16). However, it must be noted that Dr. John MacArthur points out in his commentary on 1 Kings 1:38-40 that Solomon was not promised kingship because he was born into royalty but rather because God chose him specifically through prayerful consideration by His prophet Nathan!

    All 7 covenant in the bible should be known by every christian

    You can’t just read the Bible and expect to know what God is saying to you. You need to study it in context, knowing the culture and history of the time period as well as any other relevant information that would give you an understanding of what is being said.

    The Bible has 7 covenants in it:

    • Abrahamic Covenant (Genesis 12)
    • Mosaic Covenant (Exodus 19)
    • Davidic Covenant (2 Samuel 7)
    • Adamic Covenant (Romans 5)

    power of covenant in the bible

    Making and keeping covenants with God is the source of strength and power which will be needed in the days ahead, proclaimed Elder D. Todd Christofferson of the Quorum of the Twelve during the Saturday morning session of conference.

    During the first portion of his talk Elder Christofferson plainly stated the road ahead will not be easy and Church members can acquire necessary fortitude by covenanting with God.

    “We need strong Christians who can persevere against hardship, who can sustain hope through tragedy, who can lift others by their example and their compassion, and who can consistently overcome temptations,” he said. “We need strong Christians who can make important things happen by their faith and who can defend the truth of Jesus Christ against moral relativism and militant atheism.

    “What is the source of such moral and spiritual power, and how do we obtain it? The source is God. Our access to that power is through our covenants with Him. A covenant is an agreement between God and man, an accord whose terms are set by God. In these divine agreements, God binds Himself to sustain, sanctify, and exalt us in return for our commitment to serve Him and keep His commandments.”

    Elder Christofferson taught that the ordinance of baptism is our foundational covenant, “the one in which we first pledge our willingness to take upon us the name of Christ.” Subsequent covenants can be made via temple ordinances.

    He devoted the majority of his discourse to highlighting the three aspects of making and keeping covenants with God that “(give) us the power to smile through hardships, to convert tribulation into triumph, to ‘be anxiously engaged in a good cause, … and bring to pass much righteousness’ (Doctrine and Covenants 58:27).” Those three fruits of covenants he pinpointed are empowering blessings, an endowment of faith and a bestowal of divine power.

    Elder Christofferson cited the Word of Wisdom as a commandment which, when observed, empowers Latter-day Saints to properly care for their bodies. He noted that not only does the Word of Wisdom engender healthy bodies, but it also strengthens spirits by preventing the onset of potentially destructive physical addictions. “Obedience,” he said, “gives us greater control over our lives, greater capacity to come and go, to work and create.”

    An increase in faith harvested from covenants kept will directly lead to a more abundant supply of spiritual strength. “Our covenants,” he said, “produce faith necessary to persevere and to do all things that are expedient in the Lord.”

    Near the end of his address, Elder Christofferson taught that the Holy Ghost is a means God utilizes to bless His children with power, His power that flows into their lives when they keep covenants. And when that power is acquired by keeping covenants, the results will be miraculous.

    “In times of distress, let your covenants be paramount and let your obedience be exact,” he counseled. “Then you can ask in faith, nothing wavering, according to your need, and God will answer. He will sustain you as you work and watch. In His own time and way He will stretch forth His hand to you saying ‘Here am I.’ “

    What Is a Covenant?

    In its broadest sense, a covenant is a promise, agreement, or contract between two parties. As part of the covenant, the two parties agree that certain activities will or will not be carried out.

    Covenants in finance most often relate to terms in a financial contract, such as a loan document or bond issue stating the limits at which the borrower can further lend. Covenants in religion often convey the binding relationship between a deity and humanity.



    • Covenants are agreements between multiple parties that create a legally binding agreement on how each party is to perform.
    • Covenants can either promote activity to occur (positive covenant) or disallow an event or condition (negative covenant).
    • Debt covenants are most common, as they place financial covenants on the borrower and lender as part of the loan agreement.
    • Covenants are legally binding clauses, and if breached will trigger compensatory or other legal action.
    • Many sectors including finance, real estate, law, and religion have covenants, though it is used in many different contexts across each group.

    Understanding Covenants

    Regarding business, covenants are most often represented in terms of financial ratios that must be maintained such as a maximum debt-to-asset ratio or other such ratios. Covenants can cover everything from minimum dividend payments to levels that must be maintained in working capital to key employees remaining with the firm.

    Once a covenant is broken, the lender typically has the right to call back the obligation from the borrower or take measures to reduce the lender’s risk. Generally, there are two types of primary covenants included in agreements: affirmative covenants and negative covenants. In addition, a third type of covenant—financial covenants—is sometimes separated into its own category.

    Affirmative Covenants

    An affirmative or positive covenant is a clause in a loan contract that requires a borrower to perform specific actions. Examples of affirmative covenants include requirements to maintain adequate levels of insurance, requirements to furnish audited financial statements to the lender, compliance with applicable laws, and maintenance of proper accounting books and credit rating, if applicable.

    A violation of an affirmative covenant ordinarily results in outright default. Certain loan contracts may contain clauses that provide a borrower with a grace period to remedy the violation. If not corrected, creditors are entitled to announce default and demand immediate repayment of principal and any accrued interest.

    Negative Covenants

    Negative covenants are put in place to make borrowers refrain from certain actions that could result in the deterioration of their credit standing and ability to repay existing debt. The most common forms of negative covenants restrict or forbid something from happening. Common examples include restricting a company from issuing dividends to its shareholders, restricting management fees from being paid to related parties, or restricting the amount of debt a business can carry.

    A negative covenant can be circumnavigated with specific overriding approval of the covenant issuer. For example, imagine a company that wants to embark on a merger but is not allowed to due to a negative covenant. Should the opposite party in the covenant agree to release the restriction, the company can proceed. This may also be the case during the acquisition of real estate, capital investments, or disposition of assets.

    Numerical or Financial Covenants

    Last, a covenant can be tied to a specific numerical metric. This metric is often financial and may be a single number or calculation to derive a certain ratio for value. A financial covenant is often monitored closely over time as it is the most likely covenant to suddenly change.

    The argument could be made that a financial covenant is actually a positive or negative covenant. For example, imagine a company being required to maintain a certain financial ratio above a certain calculated amount. Since this is imposing a requirement, it could technically be classified as a positive covenant. However, some view positive or negative covenants as a single outcome (i.e. a company must maintain GAAP records). Meanwhile, financial covenants evaluate operating performance to ensure the overall health of the entity.

    In business, financial covenants are often separated into maintenance covenants or incurrence covenants. Maintenance covenants often stipulate operating performance that can not be breached. An example is the interest coverage ratio to ensure a company has sufficient earnings to cover interest assessments. Incurrence covenants occur when a company takes action that impacts financial performance. For example, a company must maintain its debt-to-equity ratio above 0.40; should it wish to raise more debt, it must ensure it satisfies the incurrence covenant.

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