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List Of 66 Books Of The Bible

    Sometimes you may have a hard time knowing the title of the book of the Bible that you are looking for. That’s why it’s important to know which books belong consider “classic” and which are not. You may say, “Let me just open up my Bible and read it!” but that would be easier said than done because there is so much information out there these days. This list will help you figure out what books are in the bible so that you can start reading them right away—or at least better understand what all these people are talking about!

    Given the wide range of topics, locations, and scenery in scripture it’s only fitting that the Bible would be presented in a number of different literary forms. Most notably the Bible is comprised of poetry, prose, prophecy, letters, and Apocalyptic literature. Below is a list of these literary genres that make up the 66 books of the Bible listed in order starting with Genesis. Talking about; 66 books of the bible and their authors, 66 books of the bible and their meaning.

    66 Books of The Bible and Their Meaning

    1. Genesis

    – Meaning: “Beginning”
    – Content: Creation of the world, Adam and Eve, Noah’s Ark, Tower of Babel

    2. Exodus

    – Meaning: “Going out”
    – Content: Israelites leaving Egypt, Moses receiving the Ten Commandments

    3. Leviticus

    – Meaning: “Relating to the Levites”
    – Content: Laws and rituals for priests and the Israelites

    4. Numbers

    – Meaning: The census of the Israelites
    – Content: Israelites wandering in the wilderness for 40 years

    5. Deuteronomy

    – Meaning: “Second Law”
    – Content: Moses’ final words to the Israelites before they enter the Promised Land

    6. Joshua

    – Meaning: “God saves”
    – Content: Conquest of Canaan under Joshua’s leadership

    7. Judges

    – Meaning: Leaders raised up to deliver Israel
    – Content: Stories of judges like Samson and Deborah

    8. Ruth

    – Meaning: “Companion” or “Friend”
    – Content: Story of Ruth’s loyalty and faithfulness to Naomi

    9. 1 Samuel

    – Meaning: The prophet Samuel
    – Content: Samuel anoints Saul as king, David’s rise to power

    10. 2 Samuel

    – Meaning: Reign of King David
    – Content: David’s victories, sins, and troubles

    11. 1 Kings

    – Meaning: Reign of King Solomon
    – Content: Solomon’s wisdom, building of the temple

    12. 2 Kings

    – Meaning: Decline and fall of Israel and Judah
    – Content: Israel and Judah’s kings and their disobedience to God

    13. 1 Chronicles

    – Meaning: Genealogies and history
    – Content: David’s lineage, temple preparations

    14. 2 Chronicles

    – Meaning: History of Israel
    – Content: Solomon’s temple, kings of Israel and Judah

    15. Ezra

    – Meaning: “Helper”
    – Content: Return of exiles from Babylon, rebuilding of the temple

    16. Nehemiah

    – Meaning: “Comforted by the Lord”
    – Content: Nehemiah rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem

    17. Esther

    – Meaning: “Star”
    – Content: Story of Queen Esther saving her people from genocide

    18. Job

    – Meaning: Patience and faith in suffering
    – Content: Job’s trials and restoration

    19. Psalms

    – Meaning: “Song”
    – Content: Collection of songs and prayers

    20. Proverbs

    – Meaning: Wisdom
    – Content: Sayings of Solomon and other wise men

    21. Ecclesiastes

    – Meaning: “Preacher” or “Teacher”
    – Content: Reflections on the meaning of life

    22. Song of Solomon

    – Meaning: Love poetry
    – Content: Poems about love and marriage

    23. Isaiah

    – Meaning: “Salvation of the Lord”
    – Content: Prophecies about the Messiah and Israel’s future

    24. Jeremiah

    – Meaning: “The Lord throws”
    – Content: Prophecies of judgment and restoration

    25. Lamentations

    – Meaning: Mourning
    – Content: Poetic laments for Jerusalem’s destruction

    26. Ezekiel

    – Meaning: “God’s strength”
    – Content: Visions of God’s glory, prophecies of judgment and restoration

    27. Daniel

    – Meaning: “God is my judge”
    – Content: Stories of Daniel and his friends in Babylon, visions of the end times

    28. Hosea

    – Meaning: “Salvation”
    – Content: Prophecies of God’s faithfulness and Israel’s unfaithfulness

    29. Joel

    – Meaning: “The Lord is God”
    – Content: Prophecies of judgment and restoration

    30. Amos

    – Meaning: “Burden”
    – Content: Warnings of judgment for Israel’s sins

    31. Obadiah

    – Meaning: “Servant of the Lord”
    – Content: Prophecy against Edom

    32. Jonah

    – Meaning: “Dove”
    – Content: Jonah’s mission to Nineveh, God’s mercy

    33. Micah

    – Meaning: “Who is like the Lord”
    – Content: Prophecies of judgment and restoration

    34. Nahum

    – Meaning: “Comfort”
    – Content: Prophecy against Nineveh

    35. Habakkuk

    – Meaning: “Embrace”
    – Content: Questions to God about justice and suffering

    36. Zephaniah

    – Meaning: “The Lord has hidden”
    – Content: Prophecies of judgment and restoration

    37. Haggai

    – Meaning: “Festive”
    – Content: Prophecy to rebuild the temple

    38. Zechariah

    – Meaning: “The Lord remembers”
    – Content: Visions of restoration and the coming Messiah

    39. Malachi

    – Meaning: “Messenger”
    – Content: Prophecies of judgment and restoration

    40. Matthew

    – Meaning: “Gift of the Lord”
    – Content: Genealogy of Jesus, Sermon on the Mount, parables

    41. Mark

    – Meaning: “Warlike”
    – Content: Miracles of Jesus, teachings, crucifixion, resurrection

    42. Luke

    – Meaning: “Light-giving”
    – Content: Birth of Jesus, parables, crucifixion, resurrection

    43. John

    – Meaning: “Graced by God”
    – Content: Signs performed by Jesus, “I am” statements, crucifixion, resurrection

    44. Acts

    – Meaning: “Actions”
    – Content: Early church history, spread of Christianity, conversion of Paul

    45. Romans

    – Meaning: Letter to the Romans
    – Content: Justification by faith, law versus grace, living in the Spirit

    46. 1 Corinthians

    – Meaning: Letter to the Corinthians
    – Content: Church problems, spiritual gifts, love

    47. 2 Corinthians

    – Meaning: Second Letter to the Corinthians
    – Content: Paul defends his ministry, teachings on giving, suffering

    48. Galatians

    – Meaning: Letter to the Galatians
    – Content: Justification by faith, freedom in Christ, walking in the Spirit

    49. Ephesians

    – Meaning: Letter to the Ephesians
    – Content: Spiritual blessings, unity in Christ, armor of God

    50. Philippians

    – Meaning: Letter to the Philippians
    – Content: Joy in all circumstances, humility, contentment

    51. Colossians

    – Meaning: Letter to the Colossians
    – Content: Preeminence of Christ, instructions for holy living

    52. 1 Thessalonians

    – Meaning: First Letter to the Thessalonians
    – Content: End times, living a godly life, encouragement

    53. 2 Thessalonians

    – Meaning: Second Letter to the Thessalonians
    – Content: Paul addresses false teachings, second coming of Christ

    54. 1 Timothy

    – Meaning: First Letter to Timothy
    – Content: Instructions for church leaders, warnings against false teachings

    55. 2 Timothy

    – Meaning: Second Letter to Timothy
    – Content: Paul’s final charge to Timothy, enduring in ministry

    56. Titus

    – Meaning: Letter to Titus
    – Content: Qualifications for church leaders, sound doctrine

    57. Philemon

    – Meaning: Letter to Philemon
    – Content: Paul’s plea for Onesimus, forgiveness and reconciliation

    58. Hebrews

    – Meaning: Letter to the Hebrews
    – Content: Superiority of Christ, faith in action, living by faith

    59. James

    – Meaning: Letter of James
    – Content: Faith and deeds, wisdom from above, taming the tongue

    60. 1 Peter

    – Meaning: First Letter of Peter
    – Content: Living as aliens, submission to authorities, suffering for Christ

    61. 2 Peter

    – Meaning: Second Letter of Peter
    – Content: False teachers, the day of the Lord, growing in grace and knowledge

    62. 1 John

    – Meaning: First Letter of John
    – Content: God is love, living in the light, tests of true faith

    63. 2 John

    – Meaning: Second Letter of John
    – Content: Walking in truth, beware of deceivers

    64. 3 John

    – Meaning: Third Letter of John
    – Content: Support for missionaries, hospitality, truth and love

    65. Jude

    – Meaning: Letter of Jude
    – Content: False teachers, defend the faith, keep in God’s love

    66. Revelation

    66 Books of The Bible and Their Authors

    Old Testament

    1. Genesis – Moses
    2. Exodus – Moses
    3. Leviticus – Moses
    4. Numbers – Moses
    5. Deuteronomy – Moses
    6. Joshua – Joshua
    7. Judges – Samuel, Nathan, Gad
    8. Ruth – Samuel
    9. 1 Samuel – Samuel
    10. 2 Samuel – Samuel
    11. 1 Kings – Jeremiah
    12. 2 Kings – Jeremiah
    13. 1 Chronicles – Ezra
    14. 2 Chronicles – Ezra
    15. Ezra – Ezra
    16. Nehemiah – Nehemiah
    17. Esther – Mordecai
    18. Job – Moses
    19. Psalms – David
    20. Proverbs – Solomon
    21. Ecclesiastes – Solomon
    22. Song of Solomon – Solomon
    23. Isaiah – Isaiah
    24. Jeremiah – Jeremiah
    25. Lamentations – Jeremiah
    26. Ezekiel – Ezekiel
    27. Daniel – Daniel
    28. Hosea – Hosea
    29. Joel – Joel
    30. Amos – Amos
    31. Obadiah – Obadiah
    32. Jonah – Jonah
    33. Micah – Micah
    34. Nahum – Nahum
    35. Habakkuk – Habakkuk
    36. Zephaniah – Zephaniah
    37. Haggai – Haggai
    38. Zechariah – Zechariah
    39. Malachi – Malachi

    New Testament

    40. Matthew – Matthew
    41. Mark – Mark
    42. Luke – Luke
    43. John – John
    44. Acts – Luke
    45. Romans – Paul
    46. 1 Corinthians – Paul
    47. 2 Corinthians – Paul
    48. Galatians – Paul
    49. Ephesians – Paul
    50. Philippians – Paul
    51. Colossians – Paul
    52. 1 Thessalonians – Paul
    53. 2 Thessalonians – Paul
    54. 1 Timothy – Paul
    55. 2 Timothy – Paul
    56. Titus – Paul
    57. Philemon – Paul
    58. Hebrews – Unknown
    59. James – James
    60. 1 Peter – Peter
    61. 2 Peter – Peter
    62. 1 John – John
    63. 2 John – John
    64. 3 John – John
    65. Jude – Jude
    66. Revelation – John

    Each of these books holds significance in Christian theology and tells a unique story or imparts specific teachings. The authors range from prophets, kings, and apostles to unknown individuals, yet the message they convey continues to impact believers around the world.

    Detailed List Of 66 Books Of The Bible

    We can all agree that the Bible is a source of deep spiritual guidance and wisdom. But there are actually many more books than you might expect! The exact list varies by denomination, but generally includes the following:


    Genesis is the first book of the Bible. It is also the beginning of God’s story. The name Genesis comes from a Greek word that means “birth”. This book tells us how God created everything, including humans and angels, on Earth.

    The Torah is divided into five books: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. These books tell about how people were formed as well as what happened to them after they were formed. They also tell you about Moses’ life before he became a prophet for God! The Torah contains laws given by God which are still followed today by Jews all over the world!


    The book of Exodus tells the story of the Israelites’ escape from slavery in Egypt, as well as their journey to Mount Sinai and the revelation of Yahweh (the Lord God) to Moses.

    The Pentateuch is one continuous book, but it was divided into five parts for easier reading and study. The first five books are Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. The first two books are called “Torah” by Jews and “Pentateuch” by Christians because they were written on five scrolls rather than four (as were most other scrolls).


    Leviticus should be read first, then Numbers and Deuteronomy. Leviticus is the third book of the Torah. It is also one of the longest books in either Testament, with 774 verses.

    According to Bible scholars Mark Driscoll and Gerry Breshears, they say that Leviticus:

    • is the third book of the Pentateuch (Genesis-Deuteronomy)
    • is also known as “The Book of Priests” or “The Law” because it lays down laws for priests who served God on earth at that time


    The Book of Numbers is the fourth book of the Pentateuch and the second book of the Torah. The Book of Numbers tells about how Moses led his people out of Egypt, through wandering in the wilderness for forty years, and into Canaan (modern-day Israel). It’s one of two books that contain lists throughout their text — this list is just a few examples from this book.


    The fifth book of the Torah, Deuteronomy is a series of speeches by Moses on the plains of Moab, east of the Jordan River. It contains the words of Moses and covers such topics as:

    • The inheritance of Canaan (Deuteronomy 1-3)
    • The laws and regulations that must be followed by Israelites in their new home (Deuteronomy 4-26)


    Joshua is the successor of Moses and was chosen by God to be the first leader of Israel. Joshua led them into the Promised Land, but not without significant struggle, as they had to defeat many enemies along the way. The book of Joshua is often referred to as “the Book of the Law,” because it contains much material from Deuteronomy (a book in which Moses exhorts all Israelites to obey his words).

    The name “Joshua” means “Yahweh saves” or “Jehovah is salvation.” It’s also been suggested that this name comes from a root meaning “healed” or “made whole.” It’s possible that this meaning refers both to Joshua’s healing by God and also his restoration of Israel after their time in captivity following Moses’ death.

    The Book Of Joshua Is Also Known As: The Book Of:

    • The Law
    • The Sun
    • The Moon
    • The Stars


    Judges is the book that describes the time of the Judges in ancient Israel after the death of Joshua. The events within it did not necessarily occur in any chronological order.

    The narrative of Judges begins with an account of a conquest by one tribe, and then moves on to describe events involving other tribes who were also under some form of oppression.

    Finally, there are descriptions and accounts of various battles against enemies such as Philistines and Canaanites, as well as many other events which occurred during those times.[5]


    Ruth is the fourth book of the Hebrew Bible.

    Ruth is a historical novel set during the time of Judges in the land of Israel, at a time when God was punishing them for their worship of other gods. It tells the story of an Israelite woman who accompanies her mother-in-law Naomi back to her homeland in Israel after being widowed and expelled by famine from Moab, only to find herself caught up in further hardships. Ruth ends up marrying Boaz but even so, she remains faithful to Naomi when she becomes widowed again.

    1 Samuel

    1 Samuel is a book of the Bible. It is the first book in both the Old Testament and the Major Prophets section. The story of this book centers on a young boy named Samuel, who was born to Hannah (his mother) after she prayed for children. She had prayed for years, but God answered her prayer by allowing her to give birth to Samuel and then taking him away from her again as soon as he was weaned from his mother’s breast milk. In that time, God appointed Eli as priest over Israel’s religious offerings at Shiloh Temple where he lived with his wife Hannah; however, Eli’s sons were corrupt and greedy men who did not obey their father or serve God properly despite having been given great opportunities by Him.

    2 Samuel

    The second book of Samuel is divided into two parts, each containing three chapters. The first part covers the ministry of David. It begins with his rise to power, when he was still a boy and Saul’s armor bearer. Later on, after David killed Goliath and became established as a hero in Israel, Saul tried to kill him several times but failed because God protected him (see 1 Sam 18:11-12).

    David then went off on his own and started a bandit gang that robbed people passing through their territory (see 1 Sam 22:2-4). Some scholars believe that this is an example of how David’s character changed once he became king—that he had been influenced by these negative ideas before becoming king but later rejected them once he had access to positive influences from God-fearing people in Jerusalem.

    1 Kings

    1 Kings is the first book of the Kings in the Hebrew Bible. Christians now call it 1 and 2 Kings, as they are called in most English versions. It is also known as First Kings or First Book of Samuel, depending on which numbering scheme you use.

    It’s numbers are 1 and 2 Samuel and 1 and 2 Kings in Roman Catholic Bibles, because they include an extra section (Latin: Deuteronomium) when listing books by number.

    2 Kings

    The book of 2 Kings is the second book of the Kings in the Old Testament. Its main focus and theme centers on the reigns of Judah’s kings, from Jeroboam I to Zedekiah. It describes how these kings led their people into sin, how God punished them for their sins, and finally how they were restored when Josiah came to power.

    The book begins with Israel being taken over by Assyria after Omri’s death, who then reigned for twenty years (1:1-6). Then his son Ahab becomes king and rules for twenty-two years before dying at Ramoth Gilead (1:18). After this happens his son Ahaziah succeeds him as king but only lasts one year before falling off a horse while riding it (2:12). Then Jehoshaphat succeeds him as king but only rules for 25 years before passing away from illness (3:17). Next comes his son Jehoram who reigns 16 years until he dies from an arrow wound received during battle against Moabites led by Elisha’s nephew named Mesha (4:31-33). After this we have another son named Ahaziah rule for 2 months before being killed by Jehu along with his mother Athaliah whom he had just married after murdering her father King Joram during battle against Israelite forces led by Hazael  who was fighting alongside Syria’s King Hazael . The next monarch was Joash/Jehoash who reigned 25 years until Amaziah took over then reigned 25 more years until Uzziah became king at age 40. He ruled 52 more years until his death at age 68 which brought him up to 141 total if you include those extra 12 years between both reigns together making him one of longest reigning monarchies yet seen—and all things considered pretty great too!

    1 Chronicles

    This book is a history of the life and reign of David. It’s also the first book in the third section of the Hebrew Bible, called the Writings (Ketuvim).

    2 Chronicles

    The books of 2 Chronicles were written by Ezra and Nehemiah. They told the history of Israel after its return from captivity in Babylon, up until about 400 years later when the Jews returned to Jerusalem from Persia. The books of 1 and 2 Chronicles were not only written after Ezra and Nehemiah, but also by other people who lived at that time as well.


    Ezra was a priest and scribe who led a group of Jews from Babylon to Jerusalem in the 5th century BCE. He also led them in rebuilding the temple in Jerusalem and creating the first Torah scroll.


    The book of Nehemiah is a historical narrative, taking place between the time of the return from Babylonian exile and the birth of Christ. The book focuses on one man who led a spiritual revival and rebuilt the walls around Jerusalem.

    Nehemiah was cupbearer to King Artaxerxes I (c. 538-424 BC), which means he was in charge of serving wine at court functions. But he decided to quit his job and go back to Jerusalem after hearing about its destruction.


    Esther is the only book in the Bible that does not mention God. This book tells the story of Esther, who is a Jewish queen who saves her people from destruction. Esther is one of four women mentioned by name in the Bible (along with Mary, Ruth and Abigail). She is also one of three queens described as being “good.”


    Job is one of the most famous books in the Bible. It’s a story about a good man who suffers greatly and is confused about why he doesn’t get to enjoy life like so many other people do. His friends try to convince him that he must have sinned to deserve his suffering, but Job refuses to admit that he is in the wrong and continues to trust God no matter what happens.


    Psalms is one of the five books of poetry in the Hebrew Bible. It is also the longest book in this section, and one of the longest books in all of scripture. This book consists entirely of lyrics written by David, Solomon and other Israelite kings. The Psalms were first used as hymns or songs sung during religious ceremonies, but they later became part of Jewish prayer services and Christian worship services alike.

    The book opens with a series of prayers for help from God during times when people had nothing else to rely on except Him (Psalms 1-41). Then there are several psalms that give thanks for having been saved from trouble (Psalms 42-72). Next come several more songs about how good it feels to serve God faithfully every day (Psalms 73-89), followed by more individualized cries for help (90-106). Finally comes another group devoted mainly to praising God’s greatness instead of seeking His intervention in our daily lives (107-150).


    Proverbs is a book of the Hebrew Bible. It is one of the five scrolls (Megilloth) that are read on Jewish holidays. Proverbs is the second book of the third section (called Writings or Ketuvim) in most English Bibles. The Wisdom literature of ancient Israelites was considered so important that it was collected with Psalms and Job (all collected within what we call The Book Of Psalms). Proverbs has been described as a collection of wise sayings or an anthology. It contains many sayings similar to those found in the Book of Job and it also has some similarities with Egyptian wisdom literature.[1]

    The only major theme is coexistence, although conflicts between individuals that appear throughout chapters 2-9 form an important secondary theme.[2][3]

    The Hebrew Bible contains 24 books, divided into three sections: The Law (Torah), The Prophets (Neviim) and The Writings (Ketuvim). This division is known as the canon of the Tanakh. In Judaism the term Tanakh refers to all Jewish scriptures, including these books. It also includes apocryphal writings such as Jubilees and Enochic literature that were not included in the Masoretic Text of Judaism but are still considered canonical by Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church tradition.

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