The Six-Pointed Star: The S in the center of this star represents the spirit in man. The upper triangle represents the higher mind, positive mental forces, and their control over lust, hate, and delusion. It also represents a God-conscious person and the divine spark within man. The two lower triangles symbolize the physical body and its animal desires. The two pillars on either side stand for strength and endurance. This is another symbol that shows how a human should act.-Peace Like a River (book), p. 50
The six-pointed star is a symbol that has been used by several cultures throughout history. In Jewish tradition, it is called the Magen David and is alternatively known as the Shield of David or Mogen Dovid. It’s also known as the Star of David outside the U.S. and Canada (due to their use of a different translation of the Old Testament). In the Hindu faith, it represents Vishnu and the five elements: earth, water, air, fire and sky. The figure has been seen as an Asian symbol for harmony for thousands of years in many different cultures around the world, including native American tribes who call it the “Southern Star” or “Star of Infinite Love.”
It symbolizes God reaching down to man and man reaching up to God—the union of heaven and earth. It may also symbolize the tribes of Israel, their friendship and their affinity for the Jewish people.
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Spiritual Meaning Of 6 Pointed Star
The six-pointed star is a powerful symbol of faith, love and protection. In Judaism it represents the Star of David, and in Christianity it represents the six days of creation. The star is also associated with Native American spirituality and the occult.
The six pointed star is considered to be a sign of good luck and protection by many cultures around the world. It is believed that this shape represents balance and harmony. The hexagram can be found on Christian churches from Byzantium era and was used in Jewish synagogues as early as the fourth century CE.
The six pointed star is often associated with witchcraft, black magic and satanism. Many people believe that this symbol holds negative energy which could harm them if they come into contact with it or wear it as jewelry.
The six-pointed star is a symbol of Judaism and Christianity, used to represent the six days of creation. It’s also a symbol of the Star of David, which is often used to represent Judaism.
In Judaism, the star represents God’s promise to Abraham: “I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.”
In Christianity, it represents Jesus Christ as the perfect man and God’s son. In Christian art, this symbol can be found in paintings of Jesus’ crucifixion or resurrection.
The six-pointed star also has a more mystical meaning: according to legend, there are 12 tribes in heaven (representing the 12 months) and 7 heavens above those 12 tribes (representing 7 days per week). Because these numbers add up to 19 (1+2=3), some believe that this number represents divine perfection or completeness.
Here are four spiritual interpretations of this powerful symbol:
1. Balance and Harmony
The six-pointed star is often seen as a symbol of balance and harmony. With its evenly distributed points and lines, it represents a state of equilibrium and unity. In Judaism, the Star of David is believed to embody the idea of perfect harmony between God and man, as well as between heaven and earth.
2. Divine Protection
Many cultures view the six-pointed star as a symbol of protection and good luck. In Christianity, it is seen as a representation of the six days of creation, where God created the world and everything in it. The star is believed to act as a shield against negative energy and evil forces, offering the wearer divine protection.
3. Spiritual Enlightenment
The hexagram is also associated with spiritual enlightenment and higher consciousness. In Native American spirituality, the six-pointed star is used as a symbol of connection to the spirit world and as a tool for guidance and wisdom. It is believed to help individuals achieve a deeper understanding of the universe and their place within it.
4. Universal Connection
The six-pointed star is said to embody the concept of universal connection and unity. In both Judaism and Christianity, the symbol is used to represent the interconnectedness of all living beings and the divine order that governs the universe. It serves as a reminder of our inherent connection to each other and to the divine source of all creation.
Relevant Bible Verse
One Bible verse that resonates with the spiritual meaning of the six-pointed star is Genesis 1:27, which states, “So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” This verse highlights the idea of divine creation and the inherent connection between humanity and the divine.
In conclusion, the six-pointed star holds deep spiritual significance in various cultures and religions. From symbolizing balance and harmony to offering divine protection and spiritual enlightenment, this powerful symbol continues to inspire and guide individuals on their spiritual journeys. Its universal connection to the divine serves as a reminder of the interconnectedness of all living beings and the sacred order that governs the universe.
6 Point Star With Eye In The Middle
Have you ever seen the six-pointed star in a dream or around you? What is the spiritual meaning of this 6-pointed star in your dream?
You should stick to this article till the very end because you are about to discover exciting things about the six-pointed star. The six-pointed star is a magical symbol that carries weight in the spirit realm. Whenever you see the six-pointed star, it is not to be taken for granted.
Furthermore, several people have experienced a change in their lives by paying attention and revering the spirit of the six-pointed star. This tells you the significance of the six-pointed star.
In ancient tradition, the six-pointed star is always used to conjure spirits. Furthermore, it can be used as a talisman. This is a common perspective of people about the six-pointed star. However, there is more to the six-pointed star apart from conjuring spirits or a protective talisman. This is what you are going to discover in this article.
7 spiritual messages come with the six-pointed star. Let us look at these messages, and how they relate to our individual lives.
What does the six-point star mean?
Before we discuss the spiritual message of the six-point star, let us look into the meaning of the six-point star. The six-point star is called a sexagram or hexagram, and it is used by religious and cultural sects.
Christians use the six-pointed star in their temples and churches. However, the six-pointed star is mostly used by the Islamic religion.
The Islamic religion refers to it as the seal of Solomon. In the Quran, Solomon is a prophet with wisdom. This is why the six-pointed star is believed to be an icon of divine wisdom. The Islamic religion reveres the six-pointed star and uses it for worship.
The six-pointed star is also a symbol of reincarnation.
It can be used to summon ghosts. It can be used to summon spirits and it is also a symbol of protection. When conjuring spells, the six-point star can be drawn on the floor for energy, and boundaries against opposition forces.
In addition to this, you must also realize that the six-point star is not a star in the sky. Although it looks like a star, the six-point star is a symbol and not a real star.
Therefore, whenever you hear of the six-point star, you should stop imagining a star in the sky with six points. Having this imagination might make you lose the spiritual message that comes from the symbol.
Meaning of Six-Pointed Star Symbol
The six-pointed star symbol features the following spiritual meaning:
- The six-pointed star is a protective symbol. This symbol looks like a cage, and it is believed that you can trap evil spirits with this symbol.
- This symbol is used to conjure spirits. If you want to communicate with spirits from the afterlife, one of the symbols that can be used is the six-pointed star.
- The six-pointed star is a symbol of divine worship. Whenever you see this symbol, it is an indication that God is calling you into deeper worship and reverence for him. This symbol leads to spiritual awakening. Anyone who sees this symbol will become devoted to God.
- This symbol also means wisdom. In the Islamic religion, this is a symbol of wisdom because it is a seal of Solomon. The bible and Quran agree with the fact that Solomon was a wise man. Therefore, when you see the six-pointed star, it means wisdom. With the six-pointed star, you can ask the universe for wisdom, and be assured of getting it.
6-Pointed Star Spiritual Meaning: 7 Messages
What are the different spiritual messages of the six-pointed star?
Seeing the symbol of the six-pointed star in a dream, or reality carries 7 spiritual messages. Each of these messages carries deep spiritual meanings that are relevant to your life. Let us look into the different spiritual messages of the six-pointed star.
1) Balance
The six-pointed star is a sign of imbalance.
Whenever you see this symbol at work, the universe is telling you that there is an imbalance between your work and family life.
The six-pointed star is an indication that you should find the balance between your work life and family life. Failure to do this will lead to misunderstandings, which will put pressure on you emotionally and psychologically.
The six-pointed star is a sign of balance.
Therefore, create the balance. It is necessary and of great benefit.
The six-pointed star came into my life when I was failed to create a balance between my work life and family life. It helped me to get back on track, and I am better for it today. Therefore, you should pay attention to it.
2) Answered prayer
The six-pointed star is a sign of answered prayer. When you see this symbol during your prayer time, it is an indication that your prayer has been answered.
The universe is telling you to have faith and be of courage because you are going to enjoy the answer to your prayers and desires.
Another word for this is manifestation.
The six-pointed star is a sign of manifestation. It is an indication that you have entered the phase of manifesting your dreams and intentions.
If you have been making prayers to the universe for long, the six-pointed star has come to tell you that it is time to enjoy the rewards of your prayers.
3) Everything will be alright
The six-pointed star will show up in your life at a time of depression, or despair.
It will come into your life at a time when you have lost hope of becoming successful.
Whenever this happens, always remind yourself that the universe has your best interest at heart, and everything will be alright.
The six-pointed star has come into your life to tell you that with consistency, and faith, you are going to enter a new phase of joy and gladness. The six-pointed star is a sign that everything will be alright.
Therefore, don’t lose faith and hope. God is restoring all the lost years to you, and it will end to your advantage.
4) Stop worrying about the things you don’t have
If you have put yourself under undue pressure, the universe will bring correction into your life through the six-pointed star.
The six-pointed star is a sign that you should be contented.
Contentment brings peace and stability. Furthermore, it helps you to go through life’s processes without haste.
The six-pointed star is a sign of contentment.
This is why the Christian religion uses it as a lesson to faithful people.
5) Your guardian angel is around
The six-pointed star is a sign of the presence of your guardian angel.
Whenever you see the six-pointed star, it is an indication that your guardian angel has come to visit you.
Therefore, make your requests at that moment, and expect results to come forth into your life.
6) Spiritual wisdom
The six-pointed star is referred to as the seal of Solomon.
Therefore, it is a sign of wisdom. Whenever you see this symbol in the dream, the universe is calling your attention to the wealth of wisdom in you.
The universe is opening your eyes to see the spiritual ability you have, which is spiritual wisdom.
Therefore, it is time for you to become aware of your abilities, and use them for your spiritual destiny.
7) You have to become grounded
The six-pointed star is a sign that you need to become spiritually grounded.
In the Bible, it is called spiritual maturity. Whenever you see the six-pointed star, it is an indication that you are not growing spiritually.
Therefore, you have to pay attention to your spiritual life. You have to pray, meditate and focus on spiritual things more than ever before.
6 Point Star With Circle Around It

When you see the six-pointed star with a circle in the middle, it is a sign that the spirit of your lost one is around.
The spirit of our loved ones does not only use feathers and spirit animals to notify us of their presence. They use signs and symbols like the six-pointed star with a circle in the middle.
Another spiritual meaning of the six-pointed star with a circle in the middle is balance. Whenever you see this symbol, it is a sign that you have found your balance between the spiritual and physical world.
This is a good sign that you are not extreme in your material pursuits.
6-Pointed Star Meaning in the Bible

In the bible, the six-pointed star is known as the star of David, and it is believed to be a prophetic message of the coming of Jesus.
However, after the resurrection of Jesus, the six-pointed star is a reminder that we should live our lives by the commandments of Jesus Christ.
It is only when we do this that our relationship with God will be cordial.
Final Words
When you see the six-pointed star, serious attention is required because your life is going to change by the spiritual message that comes from this symbol. The universe can speak to you through the six-pointed star. Therefore, always be attentive to this symbol.