I kneel before you to pray for the blessing of God’s favor to rest upon my sister in her 50th year of life. That this day be a milestone and not a stumbling block. That she may continue the gift of healing and compassionate care to those whom she touches, along with her gift of leadership that allows others to experience abundant life in Jesus Christ. Let him who seeks find what he is searching for and let us exalt the One who is exalted and lift up His name, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
A 50th birthday is an important milestone in any person’s life. So, of course, you want to plan the best 50th-birthday celebration for your loved one! Whether you’re hosting a party or just trying to find the perfect birthday card for your friend, this prayer guide is here to help. Dear God, Creator of the Universe, thank you for making my husband _ 50 years old. I pray that you continue to bless him with good health and prosperity. Help me to create a fun party that celebrates the man he is today and all you have blessed him with. Thank you for your grace and mercy, Amen. Dear Lord, We ask that you bless [name] with a happy, healthy and prosperous 50th birthday. We pray for good friends to surround her, good health to surround her, and good fortune to surround her. And most of all, we pray that she will be surrounded by those who love her.
Prayer For A 50th Birthday

God, we thank you for this day. We pray for our friend [name], who is celebrating their 50th birthday today. We pray that you would bless [him/her] with peace, joy and happiness in their life. We pray that you would bless [him/her] with the wisdom and strength to continue to be a force of good in this world. We pray for their family and friends as they gather to celebrate this milestone birthday. Lord, we ask that you would guide them through this special day with your love and grace. We ask that you would help them make wise choices as they go through life. We ask that you continue to give them strength and courage as they continue on their journey through life. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen
50th Birthday Thanksgiving Prayer
May God pour His amazing grace and blessings on you throughout your earthly journey. Wishing you a fabulous 50th birthday. God has sent you into our life as a blessing. Congratulations on your 50th birthday.
I would like to take the opportunity of celebrating your 50th birthday to remind you that it is not the years in your life but the life in your years that counts.
At fifty, time has given you a crown of experience and wisdom. As you continue on your journey may it bring love, peace and happiness.
Enjoy this wonderful occasion as yours is a life filled with blessings and warm memories! Happy Birthday!
Forever and ever, with every passing year
Lord, we pray for , that you might grant her
the grace and wisdom to keep on going.
As she looks back at the past 50 years of her life,
may she find joy in those moments spent with family and friends.
We pray for ‘s health so that she may live long enough to experience many more birthdays. We also ask that you protect her from any illness or disease that could threaten her well-being during these coming years. We give thanks for all the things you have done in our lives and ask that you continue to bless us each day as we go through this world together, doing your will.We pray especially for:::* Your guiding hand upon .* That would be happy today and every day.::* The Lord’s guidance as they make decisions in their life.::* For blessings on this person’s journey through life.>
Breath of life
God, you created us in your image and you gave us life. You breathe life into our bodies every day, and we thank you for that. May we live out our days with purpose.
Your gifts to us
Pray for the recipient’s life:
- Pray that the recipient will grow in holiness.
- Pray that they will be a good example to their family, friends, and others around them.
- Pray that they may have joy and peace in this life, and eternal happiness with God in heaven.
Pray for the recipient’s family:
- Pray that each member of their family will grow in holiness through frequent sacramental participation (especially Confession), prayer life and regular attendance at Mass on Sundays!
Pray for friends:
- Ask God to bless your friendship with this person as you continue to grow closer together throughout your lives!
A life of love
May you be blessed with many more years of love and joy.
Love is a gift from God, and we are all called to share it. The gift of love is something we can offer to others freely, without expectation or demand. Love is also present in all things—the air we breathe, the food we eat, even the time spent with our family and friends. We have been given so much by God; may we always remember that His love is unconditional and available for us at any time during our lives!
Future and hope
Your future and your hope for the future are in God’s hands. He alone knows the future and will take care of you. The Bible says, “It is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose” (Philippians 2:13).
The Bible tells us that our lives are not just a series of random events or a chaotic string of circumstances over which we have no control. Rather, they are part of an intricate plan that only God fully understands. Although we may not always understand what is happening around us or what is going on inside our own minds, we can be confident that all things work together for good when they are under His sovereign control (Romans 8:28).
When we face challenges in life, they can often seem overwhelming at first glance; but when looked at from God’s perspective, He sees each one as an opportunity—not only for us to grow closer to Him but also for Him to reveal Himself through those circumstances! As we trust His wisdom and guidance during these experiences with faithfulness instead of fearfulness (Proverbs 3), our eyes will be opened more fully than ever before so that we might see Him working everything out perfectly—even though this may look very different from how we thought things would turn out!
Having faith in God through all of your years.
- Prayers for the care and love of God, who is our Father.
- Prayers for good health, that you may have strength to keep going and courage to face whatever comes your way.
- Prayers for a long life and a peaceful old age, so that you may see many more birthdays with those you love.
- Prayers for hope and faith in God’s plans for your future, even if they are different than what you had hoped or expected.
Thank you for the blessings of life. Thank you, too, for the difficulties that we face because they help us to grow and mature. As we begin a new year, help us to be wise enough to learn from our mistakes and move forward with your guidance. May we always remember to trust you as our source of strength!
Happy 50th Birthday Prayers for Myself

1. Fifty blessings are nothing compared to what I pray for today. I’m so excited that I can’t even talk much. I’m thankful to God for preserving me. Happy fiftieth birthday to me.
2. Happy fiftieth birthday to me. As I keep growing older, may I keep enjoying more of joy and grace! Thanks in advance for all the gifts they are on the way.
3. May I score all my fifty years goals and even more. May my fifty years also be so amazing that many will make it their fifty years goal! Happy birthday to me.
4. A richer, more intelligent and stronger me is what I want to be this year. I bless myself with them all and I wish you can do the same for me. Happy fifty years to me.
5. Happy birthday to an amazing woman I know, me! Gold is for riches, and so I pray that far more riches than I can handle comes to me in this age. Amen.
6. May fifty years give me more than I wish for, and may I be able to bless more people from now on. That’s my prayer for myself. Now, say yours for me. Happy fiftieth birthday to me.
7. It’s fifty amazing years on earth and I’m here to thank God for all the beautiful things he did for me and those he’s going to do in future. Happy birthday to me.
50th Birthday Prayers and Blessings for Husband
There are many creative ways to send your blessings and prayers across to your husband on his 50th birthday — through cards, text messages, social media posts and more. Find the best content for them on this list.
8. You’re the best husband and father. Celebrating you is something I do happily. On this special day, may your strength begin to increase faster, and not just your strength, but your wisdom too, and more. Happy golden anniversary.
9. Happy birthday to you, babe. Even at fifty, you’re still being the baby boy I know. I pray you remain young at heart even as you age. I love you very much, baby.
10. I count myself very blessed to have found you in my lifetime. Life’s too short to find the perfect person, but I did. I wish you long days, for me to enjoy more of you, and prosperity and success. Happy fiftieth birthday to you, darling.
11. My lover is fifty and I’m wishing that he enjoys more now that he’s older. May he get more than he works for. And from today, may he begin to enjoy all he wishes for. Amen. Happy birthday to you, my lover.
12. A day that I’ve been waiting for for a very long time is here, a special birthday celebration of the love of my life. Just like I saw this special day, may you see those special needs of yours. Happy birthday to you, my husband.
13. At fifty, you’re so much that many of your age wish to be. May you keep up with this. May you keep outdoing yourself. Happy golden birthday to you, my lover for life.
14. May you continue to be a disappointment to all who expect to see you fail. Your wife loves you and that’s one of the things she blessed you with on this special day of yours. Happy birthday to a strong man at fifty.
50th Birthday Prayers Wishes for Wife
Every wife will love to receive, among other things, special birthday prayers and wishes on her 50th birthday, and will look out for the one from her husband. Dear husband, do not disappoint. And if you’re having a hard time crafting a birthday prayer or wish, take one of these (and maybe edit them) and use them for your prayer/wish.
15. Happy fiftieth birthday to you, my darling. I’m counting your blessing for you and praying that you get more. I love the satisfaction when you get what you want and that’s my wish for you today.
16. My biggest wish is that you enjoy happiness forever. Fifty years will be so great that you’ll testify that it was better than the previous years. I love you and this is to wish you a happy fiftieth birthday.
17. Even if I tell you fifty sweet things about you right now, there’ll still be more in my head to hit you with. You’re just so sweet. Happy fiftieth birthday to the sweetest wife in the world.