The Bible is clear; if you are in or are desperate for a relationship, one of God’s promises to you is that He will open the windows of heaven and pour out blessings upon you. Prayers like these 40 prayers to open the heavens over his head bring forth a continual flow of blessings from heaven.
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40 prayers to open the heavens over his head

- O Lord, I pray that you would open the heavens over his head and send a message from heaven to him.
- O Lord, I pray that you would open the heavens over his head and send a message from heaven to him.
- O Lord, I pray that you would open the heavens over his head and send a message from heaven to him.
- O Lord, I pray that you would open the heavens over his head and send a message from heaven to him.
- O Lord, I pray that you would open the heavens over his head and send a message from heaven to him.
- O Lord, I pray that you would open the heavens over his head and send a message from heaven to him.
- O Lord, I pray that you would open the heavens over his head and send a message from heaven to him.
- O Lord, I pray that you would open the heavens over his head and send a message from heaven to him.
- O Lord, the Lord of all things, I beseech Thee with my whole heart to open the heavens over his head and to send down to him the grace of Thy Holy Spirit.
- O God, who hast created all things for Thy glory, and dost not forget any of them; look down upon him with mercy and compassion, and pour forth upon him a blessing from on high.
- O Lord God Almighty, who hast made us in Thine image and likeness, who hast given us dominion over all creatures; we beseech Thee to forgive him his sins, that he may be freed from hell and brought into heaven by the intercession of our Lady and ever-virgin Mary, Mother of God.
- O Creator of all things visible and invisible! Thou Who art incomprehensible by reason of Thy majesty; Thou Who art exalted above all things by reason of Thy power; Thou Who art divinely incomprehensible because Thou art infinite in wisdom; accept this prayer which we offer up in behalf of this servant of Thine who has sinned against Thee; forgive him his sins which he has committed against Thee; enlighten his mind
- O Lord! Open the heavens over his head and pour out Your mercies upon him, so that he may be filled with delight by Your bounty and gladness by Your favor.
- O Lord God! May Your name be blessed forever and ever, and may all the nations of the earth glorify You for the deeds of Your hands.
- O Lord God! Let not our hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid; for You are our refuge and our strength, a help that is always present when we need it most.
- O Lord God! Glory be to You for evermore; may Your name be exalted above all things that are named, praised, and glorified; may all things exist to serve You; may every tongue confess that there is no god but You alone, the All-Merciful, Whose grace has no limit and Whose mercy has no end.
- O Lord, God of Elijah, open the heavens and send rain upon your servant!
- O Lord, God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, open the heavens and send rain upon your servant!
- O Lord, God of Moses and Aaron, open the heavens and send rain upon your servant!
- O Lord, God of David and Solomon, open the heavens and send rain upon your servant!
- O Lord, God of Elijah and Elisha, open the heavens and send rain upon your servant!
- O Lord God of Peter and Paul, open the heavens and send rain upon your servant!
- O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of David; open the heavens over his head this night that he might find grace in thy sight!
- Let a thousand blessings fall on him
- Let his enemies be scattered and destroyed
- Let him be exalted in the sight of God and man
- Let his soul be filled with joy and peace
- Let him have dominion over all things both in heaven and earth
- Let him reign for evermore in peace, righteousness, and truth
- Send down upon him thy holy grace, that he may know thee as his God and Saviour; may love thee as his father; may honour thee as his king; may obey thy commandments; may hear thy word; and may keep it with all his heart, mind, soul, strength and power till death do us part