In this blog post, we’ll be talking about the categories of books in the bible, classification of books in the old and new testament and the why was the bible divided into different categories guide.
The Bible is a collection of 66 books, written by many different authors over thousands of years. They were written in three different languages: Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. The books are divided into two sections: The Old Testament and the New Testament.
Wisdom literature: Job, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes. Psalms: Psalms, Song of Solomon, Lamentations. Prophecy: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi. Apocalyptic literature: Daniel, Revelation.
There are 39 books in the Old Testament and 27 books in the New Testament. Some books are not considered to be part of either section because they were written after Jesus died (like Acts) or before Jesus was born (like Job). These are called “intertestamental” writings or “intertestamental period” writings.
What Are the 4 Categories of Books in The bible?
The 4 Categories of Books in the Bible
The Bible is divided into four main categories of books, each serving a specific purpose and containing unique content. These categories are the Old Testament, the New Testament, the Historical Books, and the Poetic Books.
Old Testament
The Old Testament is composed of 39 books that cover the history of the Jewish people, their laws, customs, and beliefs before the coming of Jesus Christ. These books are further categorized into sections such as the Pentateuch (Torah), historical books, wisdom literature, and the prophets.
1. Pentateuch (Torah)
– Genesis
– Exodus
– Leviticus
– Numbers
– Deuteronomy
2. Historical Books
– Joshua
– Judges
– Ruth
– 1 Samuel
– 2 Samuel
– 1 Kings
– 2 Kings
– 1 Chronicles
– 2 Chronicles
– Ezra
– Nehemiah
– Esther
3. Wisdom Literature
– Job
– Psalms
– Proverbs
– Ecclesiastes
– Song of Solomon
4. Major Prophets
– Isaiah
– Jeremiah
– Lamentations
– Ezekiel
– Daniel
5. Minor Prophets
– Hosea
– Joel
– Amos
– Obadiah
– Jonah
– Micah
– Nahum
– Habakkuk
– Zephaniah
– Haggai
– Zechariah
– Malachi
New Testament
The New Testament consists of 27 books that focus on the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, as well as the early Christian church and its teachings.
1. The Gospels
– Matthew
– Mark
– Luke
– John
2. Acts
– Acts
3. Pauline Epistles
– Romans
– 1 Corinthians
– 2 Corinthians
– Galatians
– Ephesians
– Philippians
– Colossians
– 1 Thessalonians
– 2 Thessalonians
– 1 Timothy
– 2 Timothy
– Titus
– Philemon
4. General Epistles
– Hebrews
– James
– 1 Peter
– 2 Peter
– 1 John
– 2 John
– 3 John
– Jude
5. Revelation
– Revelation
Historical Books
Historical books in the Bible include both Old and New Testament books that provide a chronological account of events, kings, and nations in biblical times.
1. 1 Chronicles
2. 2 Chronicles
3. Ezra
4. Nehemiah
5. Acts
Poetic Books
Poetic books in the Bible are those that contain poetry, songs, and wisdom literature.
1. Psalms
2. Proverbs
3. Job
4. Song of Solomon
5. Ecclesiastes
In conclusion, the Bible is a complex and diverse collection of books that cover a wide range of topics and genres. By understanding the four main categories of books in the Bible, readers can better navigate and appreciate the richness of its content.
What Are the 7 Divisions of The Bible?
The 7 Divisions of the Bible
1. The Old Testament
– Genesis
– Exodus
– Leviticus
– Numbers
– Deuteronomy
– Joshua
– Judges
– Ruth
– 1 Samuel
– 2 Samuel
– 1 Kings
– 2 Kings
– 1 Chronicles
– 2 Chronicles
– Ezra
– Nehemiah
– Esther
– Job
– Psalms
– Proverbs
– Ecclesiastes
– Song of Solomon
– Isaiah
– Jeremiah
– Lamentations
– Ezekiel
– Daniel
– Hosea
– Joel
– Amos
– Obadiah
– Jonah
– Micah
– Nahum
– Habakkuk
– Zephaniah
– Haggai
– Zechariah
– Malachi
2. The New Testament
– Matthew
– Mark
– Luke
– John
– Acts
– Romans
– 1 Corinthians
– 2 Corinthians
– Galatians
– Ephesians
– Philippians
– Colossians
– 1 Thessalonians
– 2 Thessalonians
– 1 Timothy
– 2 Timothy
– Titus
– Philemon
– Hebrews
– James
– 1 Peter
– 2 Peter
– 1 John
– 2 John
– 3 John
– Jude
– Revelation
3. The Pentateuch
– Genesis
– Exodus
– Leviticus
– Numbers
– Deuteronomy
4. The Historical Books
– Joshua
– Judges
– Ruth
– 1 Samuel
– 2 Samuel
– 1 Kings
– 2 Kings
– 1 Chronicles
– 2 Chronicles
– Ezra
– Nehemiah
– Esther
5. The Poetic Books
– Job
– Psalms
– Proverbs
– Ecclesiastes
– Song of Solomon
6. The Major Prophets
– Isaiah
– Jeremiah
– Lamentations
– Ezekiel
– Daniel
7. The Minor Prophets
– Hosea
– Joel
– Amos
– Obadiah
– Jonah
– Micah
– Nahum
– Habakkuk
– Zephaniah
– Haggai
– Zechariah
– Malachi
Classification Of Books In The Old And New Testament

There are many types of books in the Bible.
The Bible is divided into two parts: the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Old Testament contains 39 books, while the New Testament has 27 books.
The Old Testament was written before Jesus Christ was born, so it does not mention him by name. However, it does mention God’s promise to send a Savior for all people.
The New Testament tells about Jesus’ birth and life on earth, as well as his death and resurrection.
Right here on Churchgist, you are privy to a litany of relevant information on classification of books in the old and new testament, 4 types of books in the old testament categories of the bible, and so much more. Take out time to visit our catalog for more information on similar topics.

Categories of books in the bible
The Bible is a compilation of 66 books and letters written by more than 40 authors during a period of approximately 1,500 years. It was originally written in three languages—Hebrew, Aramaic, and Koine Greek. The Bible consists of many different literary styles including history, poetry, parables, genealogies and biographies. The books are divided into two sections: the Old Testament containing 39 books and the New Testament with 27 books. There are seven basic categories of literature in the Bible: law, history, wisdom literature (poetry), psalms (worship songs) prophecy (sermons/teaching) gospels (biographies that present Jesus as the Messiah), and epistles (letters).
Books of the Law
The Law is a collection of books in the Bible. The Law was written by Moses and consists of the first five books of the Old Testament: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. It is also called Torah or Pentateuch.
The Law is considered to be the foundation of Judaism because it contains God’s instructions for how to live according to His will on earth. These laws include how people should worship God; how they should treat each other; what one must do if they sin against someone else; how justice should be carried out; what kind of sacrifices are required when someone sins against God or another person; etcetera…
Historical Books
In the Old Testament or Hebrew Bible, there are 39 books. The New Testament or Greek Bible contains 27 books. These two parts of the Bible are divided into two sections:
- The Law:
o Genesis
o Exodus
o Leviticus
o Numbers
o Deuteronomy
- The Prophets:
o Joshua (Judges) – Kings 1 & 2 (1 Samuel 8-2 Samuel 7) – Isaiah 1 to Malachi 4 – Jeremiah and Ezekiel 4 to 24
Poetical Books
Poetry is a form of literature that uses language in a way that is different from ordinary speech. Poets use figurative language to create figures of speech and imagery to convey meaning.
Poetic books include the following: Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, Lamentations and Daniel (the last two are historical books).
Major Prophets
- Major Prophets
- The books of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel are called “major prophets.” This designation is also used to refer to the books as a group or category. They are also known as “the major historical prophets” and “the major predictive prophets.”
Minor Prophets
The minor prophets are twelve books of the old testament. They were called “minor” because they were shorter in length than the major prophets, and also because they were not prophets of the same stature as Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel.
The word prophet means “one who speaks for God” or “one who perceives in a special way what God wants for humanity.” The Hebrew term for prophet (nabi) is related to nabuwa’ (to call), meaning one who calls people to do what is right and good according to God’s will. Prophets have the gift of prophecy—foreseeing events before they happen through dreams or visions from God—which enables them to speak authoritatively about future occurrences that will affect us all.
Gospels, Acts and Epistles
Gospels, Acts and Epistles are the books of the New Testament.
In the book of Gospels, you will find four accounts on how Jesus lived his life and died for our sins. In Acts, you will read about how the early church started off after Jesus’ resurrection. Finally, there are some letters written to churches like 1 Corinthians and Romans which give advice on how to live as a Christian in society today.
Book of Revelation
Revelation is the last book in the Bible, and as such it has been a source of controversy for over 1,500 years. It’s also one of only two books in the Bible that are not addressed to any specific church or people (the other being Hebrews). Although Revelation was written very late in history—most likely around 95 AD—and despite its short length (less than 20 pages), it remains one of the most popular books ever written and has spawned an entire collection of traditions surrounding its interpretation and application.
Whether you are familiar with Revelation or not, I want to introduce you to some interesting facts about this mysterious book:
The bible is classified into 7 main categories.
The bible is classified into 7 main categories. The 7 major categories of the bible are books of law, historical books, poetical books, major prophets, minor prophets and gospels.
The books of law include ten books: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy and Joshua; Judges; Ruth; 1 Samuel 2 Samuel and 1 Kings 2 Kings 1 Chronicles Ezra Nehemiah Esther Job Psalms Proverbs Ecclesiastes Song of Solomon Isaiah Jeremiah Lamentations Ezekiel Daniel Hosea Joel Amos Obadiah Jonah Micah Nahum Habakkuk Zephaniah Haggai Zechariah Malachi
why was the bible divided into different categories
The Bible is divided into two parts: the Old Testament and the New Testament.
The first part is called the Old Testament because it was written before Christ. It contains 39 Books, but there are 42 Books which are divided into three sections: The Law, The Prophets and The Writings.
The second part is called the New Testament because it was written after Christ. It contains 27 Books and these are further divided into four sections: The Gospels, Acts, Epistles and Revelation.
The Bible is a big book. It has 66 books in total, and they’re divided into two main categories: the Old Testament and the New Testament.
The Old Testament contains 39 books that were written before Jesus was born. They tell stories about God’s people, their faith, and how God worked in their lives.
The New Testament tells the story of Jesus’ life on earth and how his followers lived after he died and rose again.
Now that you’ve read this article, you should have a better understanding of the 7 main categories of books in the bible. By learning about these different types of books, it will give you more insight into the bible as a whole.