If you want to know what to ask God when you pray, all you have to do is check out this list of 300 things to pray for. I’m not a religious person but praying has helped me more than I can describe. If you’re serious about changing your life for the better, use these to guide your prayers. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain if you pray seriously.
God loves to answer our prayers, and even if you think you have nothing to ask for, this book will lead you through the Bible in your search for things to ask God for. This book is written with readers’ needs in mind, with questions that are easy to understand, suited to every age group, and as appropriate for church services as they are for everyday use. Inside, you will find over 300 fascinating and enjoyable topics brimming with worship possibilities.
300 Things To Ask God For
There are so many things we need in life. We want to be happy, healthy, and safe. We want to feel like we’re making a difference in the world around us. We want to know that our loved ones are taken care of when we can’t be there for them.
But what if I told you there was one thing that could give you all of those things–and more? What if there was one thing that could make every other wish come true? What if there was one thing that could give you everything you ever dreamed of?
List of 30 Things To Ask God For According to The Bible
1. Salvation
Ask God for the gift of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ (John 3:16).
2. Forgiveness
Ask God for forgiveness of your sins and the ability to forgive others (Matthew 6:14-15).
3. Wisdom
Ask God for wisdom to make wise decisions and discern his will for your life (James 1:5).
4. Strength
Ask God for strength to face challenges and overcome obstacles in life (Isaiah 40:29).
5. Guidance
Ask God to guide you in all your ways and lead you on the path of righteousness (Proverbs 3:5-6).
6. Protection
Ask God to protect you from harm and keep you safe from evil (Psalm 91:11).
7. Healing
Ask God for physical, emotional, and spiritual healing in times of sickness and distress (Jeremiah 30:17).
8. Provision
Ask God to provide for your needs and bless you with abundance (Philippians 4:19).
9. Comfort
Ask God to comfort you in times of sorrow and bring peace to your heart (2 Corinthians 1:3-4).
10. Love
Ask God to fill your heart with love for others and help you to love as he loves (1 John 4:7-8).
11. Patience
Ask God for patience in times of waiting and endurance in times of trial (Romans 5:3-5).
12. Humility
Ask God for humility to serve others and put their needs above your own (Philippians 2:3-4).
13. Courage
Ask God for courage to stand firm in your faith and boldly proclaim the gospel (Joshua 1:9).
14. Joy
Ask God for joy in all circumstances and a spirit of gratitude and praise (Philippians 4:4).
15. Unity
Ask God for unity among believers and a heart of reconciliation and peace (Ephesians 4:3).
16. Obedience
Ask God for a heart of obedience to his word and a willingness to follow his commands (John 14:15).
17. Gratitude
Ask God for a grateful heart and an attitude of thankfulness in all things (1 Thessalonians 5:18).
18. Perseverance
Ask God for perseverance in times of trial and the endurance to finish the race (Hebrews 12:1).
19. Kindness
Ask God for kindness towards others and a heart of compassion and mercy (Colossians 3:12).
20. Faith
Ask God for an increase in faith and the ability to trust in his promises (Hebrews 11:1).
21. Peace
Ask God for peace in your heart and in the world, and the ability to be a peacemaker (John 14:27).
22. Contentment
Ask God for contentment in all circumstances and a heart of satisfaction in him alone (Philippians 4:11-13).
23. Freedom
Ask God for freedom from sin and bondage, and the power to live a life of victory (Galatians 5:1).
24. Hope
Ask God for hope in times of despair and the assurance of his promises for the future (Romans 15:13).
25. Righteousness
Ask God for righteousness in your character and the desire to live a holy life (Matthew 5:6).
26. Generosity
Ask God for a spirit of generosity and the ability to give freely to those in need (2 Corinthians 9:7).
27. Discernment
Ask God for discernment in making decisions and the ability to see things from his perspective (Hebrews 5:14).
28. Rest
Ask God for rest for your soul and the ability to find peace and refreshment in him (Matthew 11:28).
29. Protection from Evil
Ask God to protect you from spiritual attacks and the schemes of the enemy (Ephesians 6:11).
30. Renewal
Ask God for spiritual renewal and the transforming power of his word in your life (Romans 12:2).
I want to live a life of significance.
The first thing is to ask God to help me live a life of significance. It is easy for us to get caught up in the busyness of life, but we must remember that we are on this earth for a purpose. We are meant to be significant people who have impact on others and make an impact on the world around us.
We should not settle for anything less than living a life that matters, because it does matter! There is so much good that can be done in this world if only we take the time out of our day-to-day lives and look around at those who are hurting or those who need us. We may never know how many lives we touch through simple acts like smiling at someone or simply saying hello when passing them by on the street. But if every person were willing to do their part in reaching out their hand and helping another person in need today, the possibilities would be endless!
This is why I am asking God for help with my desire: I want YOURSELF (or yourself) TO LIVE A LIFE THAT IS MEANINGFUL AND MAKES A POSITIVE IMPACT ON THE WORLD AROUND YOU!
I want to forgive and be forgiven.
When you ask God for forgiveness, it’s not just about asking that He forgive you. The other side is asking for forgiveness from others. You may have been hurt by someone, or angry with them for something they did to you. Forgiveness isn’t easy to give or receive because it involves releasing hurt and anger that has been building inside of us over time. It takes time and effort on both sides of the relationship!
Forgiving someone means that we’re letting go of our desire to hurt them back in return—it’s a choice we make when we realize it doesn’t serve us anymore (or ever did). When I understand this concept better, I can look at my life differently: instead of being stuck in my past experiences with people who have hurt me (or whom I’ve hurt), I choose instead to focus on what’s happening now; whether that means forgetting about the past altogether or finding new ways forward together depends on what feels right for everyone involved.
I want to make a difference in the world.
You can make a difference in the world. God has given you talents and abilities to use for His glory and to bring happiness to others. Don’t be selfish; serve others, give of yourself and your resources, and pray for those who are hurting or struggling. It will change your life as well!
I want to be successful regardless of what people say.
- I want to be successful regardless of what people say.
- Success is not defined by the opinions of others. It’s how you see yourself and your life—how happy you are with it—not what other people think or say about your status in life.
If you’ve ever asked God for anything like this, He will answer your prayer and help you achieve success no matter what obstacles stand in your way—because His Word says that “all things are possible” when we ask Him!
I want to use my time wisely.
It’s easy to get so wrapped up in the busyness of life that we forget how much time is passing by. To avoid this, one of the best things you can do is be aware of how you use your time.
There are many great tools available to help with this:
- A bullet journal, which allows you to see a visual representation of your week and plan accordingly,
- The Eisenhower Matrix, which categorizes tasks based on importance and urgency (or lack thereof),
I want to be a good steward of the gifts God’s given me.
We’re all given gifts by God. And when we use them well, we become good stewards of our gifts.
What does it mean to be a good steward of your money?
It means spending your money on things that are important and meaningful to you, and spending less on things that aren’t as important or meaningful. If all the money in the world were yours, would you spend it on what seems most important right now (or even this week), or would you take care of yourself financially for the long haul? It’s easy to buy stuff impulsively, but if something doesn’t make sense financially in the long term, chances are it won’t make sense spiritually either.
What does it mean to be a good steward of your possessions?
Being a good steward means being kind with what has been entrusted to us—not just our physical possessions but also our time, health and relationships with others as well—making sure they’re used wisely so that everyone involved benefits from their use rather than feeling burdened by them.
I want to do something that changes the world for the better.
When you think of a good reason to do something, ask yourself:
- What will it mean for the people around me? Will it help them in some way?
- What will this do for society as a whole? Does my action make the world a better place, even in small ways?
- And how will this affect God—the big picture God whose plan for the universe is bigger than any of us can imagine.
I want to live a life that honors God.
This is the ultimate goal of life. Whether you’re a Christian or not, this is what all of us want: to live a life that honors God and makes him proud.
Even if you’re not religious, it’s worth asking yourself these questions: “What do I want my legacy to be?” “How will people remember me?” “Do I want to leave behind something that changes the world for the better?” If so, then this could be one of your most important questions to ask God.
It doesn’t matter who you are or where you come from—we all have gifts and talents in different areas that we can use to honor God’s name. And if we don’t use them, they’ll go unused! Asking God how he wants us to use our gifts is the best way to start living out our purpose here on Earth.
How should we ask God for things
Do you ever wonder how to ask God for what you want? Is there a right way to pray to God?
There are times I feel like I need to pray just the right way. Maybe if I use the right words and have the correct attitude, I can convince God to do what I want. Do you ever fall into the same pattern of thinking?
Oh Dear One, let me encourage you. God doesn’t answer our prayers just because we checked all the boxes during our prayer. He isn’t looking for perfect words or attitudes. There isn’t a right way to pray. He wants to hear our needs and our hearts (Psalm 62:8).
Should we ask God for things? YES!
Maybe you can relate to this story.
My husband, Kevin, is putting our 4-year-old in his carseat. Little Man continues whining on repeat about the thing. Calmly, Kevin looks at him and says, “Son, I would love to give it to you, but you have to actually ask first.”
It couldn’t be easier right?
As if I was instructing my toddler to “Use your words.”, I felt the Holy Spirit nudge my heart, “Jessica, how often do you want something, so you grieve. You whine. You complain. You get angry. . . . Yet, you do not ask!”
My mind flooded with scripture verses.
“You do not have, because you do not ask.” (James 4:2c, ESV)
“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.” (Matthew 7:7, ESV)
“… let your requests be made known to God.” (Philippians 4:6b, ESV)
All throughout scripture God commands and encourages us to ask Him for what we want. God longs to hear your requests. Give Him the pleasure of hearing from you!
The first way you ask God for what you want is to simply start praying. Then, as you pray, consider what you believe about God and His character.
Pray according to God’s goodness.
I don’t know about you, but I would never say, “I don’t believe God is good!”
Saying so feels like heresy. Even allowing the direct thought in my head seems like it would summon my pastor and elders to the door to pray over my lost soul.
Yet, we live day-to-day not trusting His goodness.
We aren’t quite sure whether God has it out for us the moment we sin, or whether He really does have our personal best interests in mind. Does God care about me personally and what I’m going through? Or does He just care about His Kingdom and advancing His Gospel globally?
Jesus answers our hearts directly in Matthew 7:7-11:
“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened. Or which one of you, if his son asks him for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a serpent? If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him! (ESV)”
Just as my husband desires to give our son good things, so God longs to shower us with blessings! Yet, like any parent, He sometimes holds back something good, until we ask Him for it.
“That sounds so easy,” you may say, “just trust that God is a good Father, and He will give us good things. But if I’m honest, I still struggle to believe.”
I hear you.
The past disappointments of life, abuse, trauma, broken relationships, parental failures, poor church leadership, and so many other things can imprint on our hearts the lie that God is not good, not safe, not trustworthy.
For those of you who long to trust God, and feel unable to do so – I see you.
God sees you.
Ask Him for good despite your fears. Make your trust an action rather than feeling.
Even when your heart is questioning whether God is a good Father, you can obey His commands. Ask Him to meet your needs, choosing to trust His heart for you, even if He says, “No.” to your request.
Consider what you believe when God says “No.”

In many hearts, the idea persists that God won’t really give us what we ask for.
He may be good, but His idea of good is like the parent that gives their child spinach or salad. He’s good, but we won’t necessarily like His version of goodness.
Jesus’ own brother gives us a reason why God says “No” to our requests.
“You do not have, because you do not ask. You ask and do not receive, because you ask wrongly, to spend it on your passions. You adulterous people! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God. Or do you suppose it is to no purpose that the Scripture says, ‘He yearns jealously over the spirit that he has made to dwell in us’?” (James 4:2b-5, ESV)
There are two concrete action steps in this passage. Consider:
- Have you asked for what you want (v. 2b)!
- If you have asked, and still haven’t seen a favorable answer, do a heart check. Ask yourself: What do I believe will ultimately make me happy? (vv. 3-5)
God desires to give you a closeness to Himself, which is a greater blessing than anything in the world. He will at times say “No” to our requests, in order to draw our hearts to Himself.
The things He denies may be good things! Yet, they may also be things that He knows we desire more than we desire Him (cf. Matthew 6:19-21, 24).
Do I want to be married more, or Jesus more? Children, or Jesus? That new job…. or Jesus?
When I’m hiding in the bathroom, exhausted from my 4-year-old’s, “Why… why… why… why… why… why… why… why… why… why?” I have to face the question, “What do I want more right now, a moment of peace and quiet, or Jesus?”
God may not give me the peace and quiet I think I desperately need, because He wants me to find Him to be better and stronger.
When God says, “No,” to our requests, He offers us something greater in return: Himself.
How you ask God for what you want depends on what you believe your greatest good is. If you think getting a “Yes” to your request is the greatest good, then you will often be disappointed by God’s wisdom.
However, when you cling to Jesus as the ultimate good, and God says “No.” to another request – this is a chance for You to see and experience Jesus more richly. Rejoicing that His presence is enough, will transform how you ask God for what you want.
Start asking God for things with gratitude.
I do a lot of thinking about why my children whine for things rather than asking directly. I would love to get them a snack or a glass of water if they ask nicely. Why don’t they just use their polite words?
As I’ve pondered, I’ve realized how often I think certain things are my right. That glass of water should just be there, I shouldn’t have to ask!
Do you find a spirit of entitlement rather than thankfulness easily creeps into your life?
We expect things to go well for us. We assume everything will work out. And when something doesn’t go well or work out, we aren’t grateful for what we have.
We don’t assume we have a gracious Father who is willing to provide for all our needs (Matthew 6:25-33). We feel wronged or defrauded by our lack.
An entitled heart struggles to practice thanksgiving.
I work hard to train my children to use kind words with their requests. Rather than a demanding, “Water!” we rehearse, “May I have water, please.”
The Apostle Paul gives us some similar training.
“Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice. Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:4-7, ESV)
Rejoicing and thanksgiving must characterize our hearts. As you pray earnestly, first recognize that your joy comes from the presence of God, not the granting of your request (cf. Psalm 16:11).
Our attitudes of gratefulness will allow our hearts to overflow in prayers aligned with God’s will (Psalm 37:4) trusting His goodness for our every need.
Then, God truly will answer our prayers abundantly above all we ask think or desire, because we are asking boldly, looking for our joy and satisfaction in Him, not earthly treasure (Matthew 6).
Remember, you who are in Christ are beloved!
His favor toward you doesn’t rest on whether you pray well or pray poorly. His attitude towards us is already pre-decided for those of us who are in Christ. The love and affection God has for His Son is richly poured out on you in every way.
How we pray matters because our hearts need to be reminded of truth. We easily become consumed with our needs and lose sight of the greater truth around us.
Dear One, as you move through your day today, remember God loves you. So, present your request to Him boldly. Look to receive His presence as you walk by faith – no matter what answer God gives to your prayer.
Will God help me today

We live in a world that is full speed ahead all the time. It is so easy to get caught up in our daily lives doing what we do: going to work, shuttling kids, running errands, and all the other responsibilities that we have. We live in a society that promotes self-reliance and the idea that we should be “Wonder Woman” or “Superman” and not need anyone.
The constant pressures of life and society make it so easy to forget that we need God in our lives. We get caught up trying to juggle everything ourselves and don’t rely on Him. It’s no wonder we often feel exhausted and at our wits’ end when life keeps piling it on. We need God. Everyone needs Jesus every day. If you have been carrying life’s burdens on your own and haven’t been mindful of how much you need God lately, don’t despair. It happens sometimes, and thankfully we serve an awesome, loving God who gives us a fresh slate every day.
Here are some prayers to help you ask for God’s help:
A Prayer for God’s Help
Dear Lord,
I pray over my circumstances right now. I pray you will give me peace about what I can’t change and the wisdom to change the things I can. I’m asking you to reach into my life and do your will. Guide me and give me the discernment to hear your voice. Help me to overcome these adversities and have victory in you on the other side. I thank you for the plans you have for me and give you the praise and glory, even in this current storm. In your name, I pray. Amen.
A Prayer for Faith in God
Dear Lord,
I thank you for the gift of faith. Although things have been difficult, I’m trying to stay positive and keep the faith. Lord, I ask that you help encourage me. Bring a passage of scripture to my attention, send the perfect song my way, or place someone in my life to lift me up. Thank you for all you’re doing that I can’t see yet. In your name, I pray. Amen.
A Prayer for Dependence on God
Dear Lord,
I have been struggling with depending on you. I have been trying to carry this thing called “life” on my own. Thank you so much for being my rock and never deserting me. Even though I have been distracted, I always know that I can lean on you in all circumstances. Help me to keep my eyes on you and not depend on myself all the time. In your name, I pray. Amen.
A Prayer to Know God More
Dear Lord,
Sometimes I get so lost in my life and don’t know what to do. During these times, I wish I knew you more. Help me to grow closer to you and understand you. I want to hear your voice and let you guide me on this road called life. Please draw closer to me and surround me with people that will help me to know you personally. Ignite a spark in my heart to have a personal relationship with you. In your name, I pray. Amen.
How God Loves You
God loves you in so many ways. No matter what you are going through, he’s right there with you. God knows your circumstances and your struggles. He knows all the different emotions that you are going through and all the thoughts that run through your head. Still, he loves you, regardless of any doubts or fears that you have.
Some ways that God loves us include:
Providing for us in trying times.
Bringing a particular passage, scripture verse, or song to our attention to remind us we are not alone.
Working in the background of our lives (and others) even though we aren’t able to see it.
Bringing the right opportunities into our lives when we feel all is lost.
Filling us with his peace and love to comfort us.
Sending people into our lives to comfort us, encourage us, and teach us.
How to Have Faith in God
Having faith in God is crucial and goes hand-in-hand with needing him. There are many ways to have faith in God that are important for long-time believers, new believers, and those who are restoring their faith as well.
Have a personal relationship with Jesus. This is most important above anything else.
Ask for faith from God. John 14:13 says, “You can ask anything in my name, and I will do it, so that the Son can bring glory to the Father.”
When problems arise, seek God first and listen carefully with an open heart.
Open up to God about everything, for he already knows every thought that goes through your head.
Read the Bible and pray every day.
Surround yourself with other believers that you trust and can talk to.
Bible Verses about Our Need for God
“If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking.” (James 1:5)
“Teach those who are rich in this world not to be proud and not to trust in their money, which is so unreliable. Their trust should be in God, who richly gives us all we need for our enjoyment.” (1 Timothy 6:17)
God wants you to need him and depend on him. In return, he wants to know you and have an intimate, personal relationship with you.
“In those days you will pray, and I will listen. If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me.” (Jeremiah 29:12-13) When things are too overwhelming, stop and look up and say, “God, I need you.” He will show up beyond your wildest expectations.
what to say when you pray
Below are some easy and simple steps that you can follow to say your prayer.
1. Make the Right Environment
The best place to pray is a quiet place where no one is there to disturb you. What you can do is to lock yourself in your room and switch off all the noise from TV of your computer. Your posture does not really matter, but you can choose to sit or get down on your knees. And then simply put both your palms together, close your eyes and start praying.
2. Praise Your God
Start off by praising your God and then tell Him what you are grateful for. For instance, you can thank God for your good family, your health, your relationship, your pet, your home, your job, your business, and anything you want to be grateful for.
3. Ask For Forgiveness
The next thing you can do is to ask for forgiveness. As human beings, we all have wrongdoings and sins that we want to ask for God’s forgiveness. When you hold grudges, you will feel stress and this is why it is important to let go and seek forgiveness from God. Thus, ask humbly for God’s forgiveness for the sins you mentioned and all the wrongdoings that you have committed.
4. Pray For Blessings
The easiest way to do this is to start off with “I pray for…” For example, you can say, “I pray for my business venture to be successful”, “I pray for my family’s health and safety”, etc. You can be creative and pray for whatever you desire. And remember to pray passionately with sincerity.
Besides praying for what you want, you can also humbly ask for God’s help through hard times in your everyday life. You can say, “Dear God, please help me go through this financial crisis and let aid come to me”. Depend on the problems you face in your situation, you can ask God for help as He is the almighty God that can solve any problem.
5. Thank God and Chant “Amen”
Finally, you may want to thank God for the blessings that He has fulfilled and all the good that God has done to you. And of course, end your prayer by chanting, “Amen”.
When it comes to praying, there is no need to follow any formality. The above five steps are the suggestions of things that you can do. Of course, you must make sure you pray with sincerity and truly believe in God.
The key is to always be grateful, be thankful, and pray positively with passion. The most important is that after the prayer, you will feel relieve and become a better person in life.