When I got married, we both decided to make prayer a priority. We knew we were coming into the marriage with baggage but prayer helped us overcome.
30 Day Prayer for a Husband
Prayer is the most powerful and effective weapon in your spiritual arsenal. It has the ability to transform your life, your marriage, and the world around you. Prayer is also one of the most neglected areas of Christian growth and discipleship. In this guide, you will learn how to pray for your husband every day for 30 days straight. This is a great resource for any wife who wants to pray for her husband more effectively or get started with praying for him at all!
Right here on Churchgists, you are privy to a litany of relevant information on daily prayers for husband and wife, best morning prayer for my husband, best prayer for a husband, and so much more. Take out time to visit our Website for more information on similar topics.

30 days of prayer for my husband
Day 1: Pray for your husband’s safety
Day 1: Pray for your husband’s safety
In the first day of our 30-day prayer guide, let us pray that God would protect him from all accidents. Let us also pray that He would guard his heart, mind and body.
We know that God is omnipotent (all powerful), omniscient (all knowing) and omnipresent (present everywhere). With these attributes, we are confident that He will be able to protect our husbands from all dangers.
Day 2: Pray for your husband’s health
Pray for your husband’s health.
Praying for one another’s health is a great way to demonstrate love and care, and it can also help bring healing. We often take our bodies for granted until they begin to fail us (or worse). When you pray specifically that your husband will be healed, you’re giving him the gift of taking his physical body seriously—and you’re acknowledging that he matters more than his physical body. You might also add in a prayer that God would grant him strength or help during this time of illness or injury so he doesn’t have to go through it alone!
Day 3: Pray for your husband’s wisdom
Pray for your husband’s wisdom.
Ask God to give him the wisdom to make decisions, and the discernment to know what is right and wrong. Pray that he would be reminded of the truth, because we often need a fresh perspective on our lives and circumstances. Ask God to guide him into making wise choices, so his heart will be inclined towards what is best for you and your family.
Remember: it’s not just about getting through life without mistakes—it’s also about learning from them! Pray that as your husband makes decisions in his daily life he will have Godly wisdom that leads him towards success instead of failure or pain – then thank God when He answers your prayers by giving you peace in knowing He has helped provide guidance for those around us who need it most too!
Day 4: Pray for your husband’s compassion
- Pray that God will give your husband the ability to show mercy, compassion and tenderheartedness.
- Pray that he would be forgiving of others, just as God is forgiving of us (see Ephesians 4:32).
Day 5: Pray for your husband’s patience
- The virtue of patience is a fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22).
- Patience is a learned behavior.
- Patience is highly prized in the Bible, as seen in several verses, including James 1:4-8 and Romans 12:12.
Day 6: Pray for your husband to be an example
Pray that he would be a good example to all.
- Pray that he would be a good example to his family.
- Pray that he would be a good example to his friends.
- Pray that he would be a good example to his co-workers.
Day 7: Pray that your husband will forgive others, and be forgiven by them
Pray that your husband will forgive others, and be forgiven by them.
If you or I were to commit a sin against someone else, we would want them to forgive us. We would not want the other person to hold on to their anger or resentment towards us. The same is true for our husbands.
We need God’s help in forgiving those who have wronged us. Pray for God’s forgiveness over your husband so that he can follow His example of forgiving others. Then pray that he will have compassion and mercy on those who have hurt him in the past, because he knows how painful it can be when someone has hurt us through words or actions (Matthew 18:21-22).
Day 8: Pray that God would show your husband what he should do with his time, his talents, and his money.
Prayer for a husband is not just about asking God to change your husband. It’s also about asking God to show your husband what he should do with his time, his talents, and his money.
The Bible teaches that when you have a clear purpose in life (a calling or destiny), everything else will fall into place: “Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil” (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14).
In order for you and your spouse to live happily ever after together as husband and wife in the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth—you must first understand what God wants from you both individually; then together as one flesh family unit – so that we can build wealth securely during our time here on earth instead of living paycheck-to-paycheck like most Americans do today!
Day 9: Pray that your husband’s mind would be enlightened.
“The tongue is a small thing that makes grand talk.”
- Proverbs 15:4
Day 10: Pray that God would open the church door to him.
- Pray that God would open the church door to him.
If your husband is a Christian, it’s important for him to be involved in the local church. Ask God to give him opportunities to serve and grow in his faith, and encourage him when he does.

Day 11 : Pray for the Holy Spirit to fill your husband with power and love.
As you pray for the Holy Spirit to fill your husband, it’s important to remember that the Holy Spirit is already working in him and through him. The verse below says that we are “born again” (John 3:3), which means that God gives us His spirit when we believe in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.
The Bible teaches us that the Holy Spirit gives believers power and love through the gospel message of Jesus Christ (Romans 1:16). As women of God, it’s our responsibility to pray that this power and love will be manifested in our husbands’ lives so they can reach out to others with God’s good news!
Day 12 :Pray that our husbands would have dreams from the Lord.
In the Bible, God uses dreams to reveal things to His people. Dreams can be about the future and have symbols that need interpreting. They may even come from our own hearts or from God.
God wants us to dream, because He wants us to have hope for what’s ahead. When we’re discouraged or afraid of something happening in our future, it’s good for us to ask Him what His plans are so that we can rest in them and not worry so much about how things will turn out in the end.
Day 13 :Let us pray that our husbands grow in holiness each day.
- Pray that your husband would be a man of prayer.
- Ask God to show you the ways in which you can pray for him and with him, so that he will grow deeper in his relationship with God.
- Pray that God will give him the grace to allow others into his life who can help him grow in holiness and virtue.
Day 14 :Let us pray that our husbands may be kept from every evil habit.
Today we pray that our husbands would be kept from every evil habit. As they live in this world and are exposed to various temptations, we pray that they would not be overcome with temptation. We pray that they will remain strong and faithful in their walk with Christ, rather than giving in to their sin nature. We know that if our husbands can hold on for just one more day, it will all be worth it when we see them face to face with Jesus Christ.
Day 15 :Pray that God will help him live a life of integrity.
- Pray that God will help him live a life of integrity.
- Ask God to give your husband the strength to do what is right, even when it is not the easy thing to do.
- Ask God to help your husband make wise decisions, especially when it comes to his finances.
Day 16 :Pray that God would reveal himself to him through Scripture and people.
Pray that he would recognize the Father’s love and provision through the Bible, prayer, other people and experiences. That he would value the Word of God as a guide for his life and learn to trust in it more than anything else.
He needs to know what God says about marriage and relationships; that they are meant to reflect Christ’s love for His church (Eph 5:25). It will help him see that there is something wrong with a relationship where both parties feel like they have no power or control over their lives because both are so focused on pleasing each other instead of pleasing God (1 Cor 7:3-5)
Day 17 :Pray for the court system and judges to serve with integrity and righteousness.
Prayer for the court system and judges to serve with integrity and righteousness:
- Pray for the Lord to be glorified in the courts.
- Pray for the judges to be men and women of integrity.
- Pray for the judges to reject bribes, kickbacks, or other perks from those who are seeking to influence them through one-time gifts or long-term relationships.

daily prayers for husband and wife
Daily Prayer for a Marriage (a short prayer for married couples to say together everyday) Dear Father, Come encircle our love with the strength of your grace, Enfold our love with the promise of the eternal, And entwine our love with the truth of your Gospel, That we might become a strong three stranded cord With you always in the centre of our marriage. Amen.
Nurturing Love: A 30-Day Prayer Journey for Your Husband
In the beginning:
Marriage is a precious tie, and what better way to build it than through prayer that is both thoughtful and heartfelt? Participating in a prayer journey for your husband that lasts for thirty days is an activity that is both beautiful and transforming. In this article, we will discuss the value of prayer in the context of marriage, and we will also present a daily plan that will assist you in developing a more profound relationship with your husband via the power of prayer.
“Days 1 through 3: Expressing Gratitude to Your Husband”
The first step on your path is to show your partner how much you appreciate him. Thank God for the characteristics that set him apart from others and for the love that you both have. Please pray for a heart that is filled with gratitude and comprehension.
Day 4 through Day 6: Remaining Patient and Understanding
If you are married, you should give some thought to the significance of patience and understanding. Prayers should be said for the capacity to listen with empathy and to communicate effectively. When it comes to cultivating a relationship that is harmonious, pray to God for guidance.
Seventh through tenth day: fortitude and bravery
Please pray for your husband’s bravery and strength as he faces the hurdles that life throws at him. Make a prayer to God, asking him to be his source of strength and confidence in both the happy and difficult times of his life.
Emotional and spiritual well-being are the focus of days 11-13.***
Take some time to consider the mental and spiritual well-being of your husband. Please pray for him to experience inner peace and joy, as well as a deeper connection with God. Seek the guidance of the divine for his path through emotionally and spiritually.
Wisdom in Decision-Making is the topic for Weeks 14-17.
Think about the choices that your husband must make on a daily basis. Please pray for him to make decisions with wisdom and judgment. In his career, relationships, and obligations, he should pray to God to direct him effectively.
The 18th through the 20th day of your marriage: unity
Consider the consistency and cohesion that exists inside your marriage. I pray that you will have a strong connection that can survive the test of time. Put your trust in God to serve as the cornerstone of your relationship.
22nd to 23rd of the month: Physical Health
Take into consideration the physical health of your partner. His health and energy are in your prayers. Pray that God would protect his body and give him the strength to deal with the challenges that life throws at him.
Day 24 through Day 26: Dreams and Aspirations That Are Shared
Take a moment to think about the hopes and ambitions that you and your husband both have. Pray that God will direct you in the accomplishment of these objectives and that you will have a common vision for your future together.
Gratitude and closure are the topics of Day 27-30.
It is important to show thanks for the spiritual growth that you have experienced and the insights that you have obtained as you reach the conclusion of your prayer journey. You should make a commitment to continue praying for your husband and to treasure the unique connection that you have with him.
Concluding remarks:
One of the most effective ways to nourish and develop your marriage is to commence a prayer journey for your husband that lasts for thirty days. I pray that you are able to experience the transformative power of love and faith in your relationship as you make a conscious effort to pray for him each day. It is my hope that this journey will strengthen your relationship, help you better understand one another, and infuse your marriage with a feeling of divine grace. As you make a commitment to this practice, may your marriage be blessed with enduring love and a profound spiritual connection. Prayer has the power to transform hearts and relationships, and as you do so, may you be blessed with spiritual connection.