Yemen In The Bible

Yemen is mentioned in the Bible several times. It’s first mentioned in Genesis 10:29, when it’s called “the land of Havilah,” which is said to be located in the east of the garden of Eden.

The topic⁤ of Yemen in ⁢the Bible is explored​ in this article, with a focus on ⁣the references and ‍connections found within biblical texts. Various sources including ⁣the New York Times and crossword clues have shed light on the presence of​ Yemen in the Bible. ⁢Through the use ​of Bible verses and characters, we will delve into the significance of Yemen in biblical narratives and its‌ relevance to the overall message conveyed in the scriptures.

There are several mentions of a city called Sana’a in the Old Testament, including in Judges 1:16, which says that “the people of Judah fought against Jerusalem and took it,” and 1 Kings 11:5: “So King Solomon raised up an army and went to Zidon [in modern Lebanon] as his mother’s father.” It is also mentioned as a town near Sidon in Isaiah 23:12-13 (he called it “‘Arqa”) and Jeremiah 25:20-22 (he called it “Makkah”).

The New Testament also mentions Yemen twice, with Matthew 15:21–28 saying that Jesus sent some disciples there and Mark 7:24–30 saying that some Greeks brought a man who had been demon-possessed from there to him for healing.

Yemen In The Bible

Yemen, also known as the land of ancient civilization, has a significant presence in the Bible. From being mentioned in various stories to being a symbol of prosperity and abundance, Yemen holds a special place in biblical history.

  1. Trade Routes Through Yemen: Genesis 37:25-28 mentions the Ishmaelites traveling through Yemen on their way to Egypt. This highlights Yemen’s significance as a key junction in the trade routes during biblical times.

  2. Queen of Sheba Visits Solomon: In 1 Kings 10:1-13, the Queen of Sheba visits King Solomon to test his wisdom. Sheba is believed to be located in modern-day Yemen, showcasing the region’s wealth and influence.

  3. Spices and Precious Stones: Ezekiel 27:19 talks about the trade of spices, precious stones, and gold from Yemen. This highlights the region’s prosperity and abundance in resources.

  4. God’s Judgment on Sheba: In Jeremiah 25:24, Yemen (Sheba) is mentioned among the nations that will face God’s judgment. This serves as a reminder of the consequences of turning away from God.

  5. People of Dedan in Yemen: Ezekiel 38:13 mentions the people of Dedan in Yemen questioning the invading forces. This shows the presence of Yemen in biblical prophecies and narratives.

Overall, Yemen plays a crucial role in the Bible, from being a thriving center of trade and wealth to facing God’s judgment. Its significance as a historical and spiritual location is evident through the various verses and stories that mention the land of Yemen.

Extra Explanation of Yemen In The Bible

1. The Queen of Sheba

One of the most famous references to Yemen in the Bible is the story of the Queen of Sheba. In the Book of Kings, it is mentioned that the Queen of Sheba traveled from her kingdom to visit King Solomon in Jerusalem. Sheba is believed to be located in present-day Yemen.

1 Kings 10:1 – “When the queen of Sheba heard of Solomon’s fame, which brought honor to the name of the Lord, she came to test him with hard questions.”

This story serves as a testament to the wisdom and wealth of King Solomon, and the influence that Yemen had in biblical times.

2. Incense and Spices

Yemen is also referenced in the Bible for its abundance of valuable goods such as incense and spices. In the Book of Psalms, it is mentioned that these goods were brought from Sheba, which is believed to be in Yemen.

Psalm 72:15 – “Long may he live! May gold from Sheba be given him. May people ever pray for him and bless him all day long.”

This shows that Yemen was known for its trade and prosperity during biblical times, and its products were highly valued.

3. The Prophecy of Ezekiel

In the Book of Ezekiel, there is a prophecy mentioning Yemen alongside other nations. This shows that Yemen was part of the geopolitical landscape that the prophets of the Bible were familiar with.

Ezekiel 27:22 – “The merchants of Sheba and Raamah traded with you; for your merchandise they exchanged the finest of all kinds of spices and precious stones, and gold.”

This verse demonstrates the importance of Yemen in ancient trade routes and its significance in biblical times.

Overall, Yemen plays a significant role in the Bible through its references to the Queen of Sheba, its valuable goods, and its presence in ancient prophecies. These references serve as a reminder of the historical and cultural importance of Yemen in biblical narratives.

The term is also traditionally used in Biblical Hebrew as the synonym of the direction south and was applied to being used as the Hebrew name of Yemen (whose Arabic name is “Yaman”) due to its location in the southern end of the Arabian Peninsula, thus making Yemenite Jews being called “Temanim” in Hebrew.

Teman (Edom)

Teman (Hebrew: תימן) was the name of an Edomite clan and of its eponym, according to the Bible,and an ancient biblical town in Arabia, Petraea. The term is also traditionally used in Biblical Hebrew as the synonym of the direction south and was applied to being used as the Hebrew name of Yemen (whose Arabic name is “Yaman”) due to its location in the southern end of the Arabian Peninsula, thus making Yemenite Jews being called “Temanim” in Hebrew.

In the Book of Genesis, Genesis 36:15, the name Teman refers to a son of Eliphaz, Esau’s eldest son. Job’s friend Eliphaz was a Temani (Job 2:11).


According to and author W. Ewing, Teman or te’-man (תימן) means “on the right,” i.e. “south” (Thaiman), and it is the name of a district and town in the land of Edom, named after Teman the grandson of Esau, the son of his firstborn, Eliphaz.[2] A duke Teman is named among the chiefs or clans of Edom.[3] He does not however appear first, in the place of the firstborn. Husham of the land of the Temanites was one of the ancient kings of Edom.[4] From Book of Obadiah Obad 1:9 we gather that Teman was in the land of Esau (Edom). In Book of Amos Amos 1:12 it is named along with Bozrah, the capital of Edom.

In the Book of Ezekiel Ezekiel 25:13 desolation is denounced upon Edom: “From Teman even unto Dedan shall they fall by the sword.” From this it has been argued that Dedan (modern Arabic Al-`Ula) being in the south, Teman must, therefore, be in the north. But this does not automatically follow. Dedan is in fact in northern Arabia, being related to the peoples of Asshur or Assyria and other northern tribes Gen 25:3. It is mentioned in proximity to Teman Jer 25:23; and when judgment is pronounced on Edom, the people of Dedan are warned to stay back; that is, to retreat into the desert Jer 49:8. This understanding of Dedan is consistent with a southern Teman.

Eusebius’ Onomasticon knows a district in the Gebalene region called Theman, and also a town with the same name, occupied by a Roman garrison, 15 miles from Petra. Unfortunately no indication of direction is given. No trace of the name has yet been found. It may have been on the road from Elath to Bozrah. The inhabitants of Teman seem to have been famous for their wisdom (Jeremiah Jeremiah 49:7, Book of Obadiah Obad 1:8). Eliphaz the Temanite was chief of the comforters of Job (Job 2:11, etc.). The manner in which the city is mentioned by the prophets, now by itself, and again as standing for Edom, shows how important it must have been in their time.

According to some biblical scholars and commentators Teman was a city in the Land of Uz. In “The Comprehensive Commentary on the Holy Bible” it is written: “Throughout almost the whole of Hebrew history Uz or Idumea was regarded by the Jews in the same light of elegance and accomplishment, as Greece by the Romans, and Teman, the native city of Eliphaz, as the Athens of Arabia Petrea“.

The Jewish Encyclopedia points out that the biblical genealogy and the references of the name “Teman”: “proves that Teman was one of the most important of the Edomite tribes, and this is confirmed by the fact that “Teman” is used as a synonym for Edom itself (Amos i. 12; Obad. 9; comp. Jer. xlix. 20, 22; Hab. iii. 3). The Temanites were famed for their wisdom (Jer. xlix. 7; Baruch iii. 22)”.

The exact location of Teman remains unknown, but there is a possibility that if the city of Teman ever existed as a more permanent location of shepherds during the time of Job, present-day Ma’an (Arabic: معان) in Jordan could be its successor. The possible location of Teman given by is in the vicinity of the Jordanian town of Ma’an.

There is other strong evidence that Teman could be identified at the site of the modern Ma’an. There is some information that says that the state that emerged in the south of the Arabian Peninsula in Yemen during the year 1200 BC extended its influence in the north and made the city of Ma’an a commercial and political center. The city acquired a gloss because of the abundance of its waters and this is true because we can assume it from the large number of springs and their ongoing. At that time, any residential community surrounded by a desert was built around water sources.

The glitter of the site could be interpreted by its position, as it became a stop of migratory convoys between the Arabian Peninsula and the Levant that were going there due to their need for the supply of water and food and to take a rest.

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