Tithing: The World’s Best Explanation, by Dr Myles Munroe

Dr. Myles Munroe is a very popular pastor who has spoken all over the world, and he has written many books on the topics of faith and religion. In this video, he explains tithing in a way that anyone can understand.

He starts by explaining that when we go to church, we give our tithes (10%) back to God. Then he says that if we want to know God, we should give him everything we have—not just 10%. He says that if you give everything you have away and then die, you’ll still have more than everyone else. He says it’s not about how much money or possessions you have; it’s about giving all of yourself away, which matters most.

Dr. Myles Munroe provides the world’s best explanation for tithing.

Tithing is the act of giving ten percent of your income to a religious institution. It’s a practice that has been around for thousands of years, and it’s still practiced today.

The Bible records many examples of tithing, like Abraham paying tithes to Melchizedek in Genesis 14:20–24 or Jacob giving tithes to the priests in Genesis 28:23. In fact, tithing was one of the first things God commanded people to do when he gave them instructions on how they should live their lives in Deuteronomy 14:22–29.

In more recent times, God has continued to use His Word as an example for us when it comes to tithing. He tells us in Malachi 3:8–10 that if we don’t tithe, He will curse us with a curse that can only be reversed by returning what we’ve taken from Him (i.e., our money).

The word tithe means “a tenth part.” Tithing is a donation, or offering, of one-tenth of your income for the service of God. Since ancient times, God has commanded His people to give one-tenth of all they earn back to Him. This commandment is still in effect today.

Tithing is not about giving money; it is a management training program. Everything in this world belongs to God; tithing reminds us of our stewardship responsibility. Tithing encompasses resources beyond money, such as time and talent. Discipline, accountability, and honesty are integral to tithing.


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