Spiritual Meaning Of Kangaroo In Dreams

Have you had a kangaroo dream and not known what the meaning was? Wondering if the symbol of kangaroo in your dreams has some deeper spiritual significance? Learn more about the spiritual meaning of kangaroo in dreams, kangaroo symbolism meaning, biblical dream meaning of kangaroo, why kangaroos appear in your dreams, how it affects your life, and what it means.

Kangaroos have created quite a sensation in the human world, appearing in television documentaries, advertisements, and movies from time to time. One of the most fascinating things about these marsupials is the fact that babies emerge from their mother’s pouches—a unique characteristic found in just a few species of animals. It is therefore unsurprising that people often have questions about the spiritual meaning of kangaroo dreams.

The kangaroo is a symbol of strength and endurance. In your dream, the kangaroo may have represented your ability to persevere through difficult times or a problem you faced.

Spiritual Meaning Of Kangaroo In Dreams

If you are in the dream and the kangaroo attacks you, this may mean that you are feeling overwhelmed by some situation or circumstance in your life.

If you see a baby kangaroo, this could represent someone in your life who is still very young—perhaps even yourself. It could also indicate that you need to grow up and take more responsibility for yourself.

Spiritual Meaning of Kangaroo In Dreams Christianity

The kangaroo is a symbol of freedom, which can be interpreted as a spiritual yearning for freedom. The dreamer may feel that his or her spirit is being held back from fulfilling its purpose in life.

The kangaroo is also a symbol of balance and harmony, so the dreamer may be seeking to find balance in their life. This could be related to finding balance between work and play, or perhaps between different aspects of your personality.

The kangaroo is a symbol of strength, endurance and stability. It represents the power of a mother’s love and the endless patience that comes with it. This animal is also associated with luck and good fortune.

In dreams, a kangaroo may represent your ability to take risks in life without fear of failure or disapproval from others. You are capable of overcoming obstacles that appear insurmountable at first glance.

It could also mean that you want to change something in your life but find yourself unable to do so because of fear or uncertainty about what might happen if you make those changes.

One of the best qualities that you can learn from a kangaroo is their strong warrior energy.  This is applicable not only to men but to women as well. 

The warrior energy that is representative of the kangaroo inspires headship, resoluteness, and power. It can also teach you about self-empowerment.  Kangaroos are considered to be one of the largest marsupials in the world. If this marsupial comes to you as a spirit guide, then one needs to be quick in acting. It normally denotes that internal work will be required to beat possible depression. It’s long, strong legs carry most of its mobilization. 

With the help of its tail, it is able to turn and go in any direction, having about 80% of its body made up of muscles.  Kangaroos are herbivores and they feed on the shrubs that can be found in the desert lands of Australia. 

They tend to live in groups called “mobs” and are considered to be sociable animals that have ascendancy within their group.  The various types of kangaroos have specific environments in which they tend to thrive more healthfully: greys prefer being near the sea, and reds prefer the drier parts of Australia, although one can easily find these animals in different parts of the country.

Kangaroos have a particular ability to delay the growth of their young through a process known as embryonic diapause.  This is a very adaptive way in which they are able to slow the growth process of their young ones when there is not enough food in the area where they are located.  Kangaroos communicate through various bodily movements, such as touching, stomping their feet, grumbling, and snapping. 

You can also witness kangaroos that seem to be boxing each other when they are fighting for a female.  Kangaroo meat is usually eaten by locals and their coat is also a highly prized product.  The government therefore issued restrictions in order to prevent their abuse and extinction.

Lessons and Challenges

The lesson of life, if one calls it the kangaroo animal totem, is that one will learn that there are choices in life. The challenge will be how to meet life’s challenges.  During days when there seems to be no hope and no friend or family is at hand to help, the kangaroos will be there to support you. You learn what it takes to get strong and stand along.

Family ties and ascendancy are also related to the kangaroo animal totem; it can teach us that it is time to grow up.  We need to learn that we have a significant duty to our family and hierarchy and that there are people whom we need to respect due to their ascendancy.  If you have strong family issues and cannot get along with your family, it can be through the kangaroo that you will learn how to resolve those issues.  If you belong to a family that has much conflict, you should learn how to act according to your place and accept that you play an important role in your own family, no matter if it is good or bad.

Responsibility is also another peculiar trait of the kangaroo.  This animal proves to be a very excellent example of commitment.  It teaches us that there are certain tasks that we ought to complete. In order to live well, we have to fulfill our roles. One needs to accept shortcomings and personal deficiencies in particular aspects.

The kangaroo demonstrates both wisdom in navigating obstacles and instinctive movements.  Being passive and letting things just happen is not the way to deal with life’s problems.  When you meet the kangaroo in meditation, you will notice that one has to be watchful in certain circumstances and that one will need to react instantly to survive.  Once you become aware of a difficulty, you have to act swiftly through wise decision-making, take a real grasp of the situation, and think wisely. Meditating deeply about things may not be the right way to deal with major problems right now; you sometimes have to also trust what you call “gut feeling.”

A kangaroo is also known to be a multi-tasking mother; being fertile at almost any time of the year, they can have as many children as they want.  They are a good source of wisdom for women who have to be working and taking care of the home at the same time.  Kangaroos can provide you with the inspiration to fulfill all your motherly tasks as well as provide for everyday necessities.

Fertility is also another common trait of the kangaroo.  It is not only through the production of progeny but also by giving birth to other directions in our lives.  Watching a kangaroo, you will learn that there are plenty of resources in our surroundings, from friends to material needs to employment.  You may be lacking in some aspects, but there are always others to rely on.  Life is not as bad as we think it is; there is always another way out of a problem.

When a kangaroo enters your life, it may be that you have to postpone your wishes for having children at the moment, of starting new projects, and other forms of growth and “giving birth.”  These things may not have the fertile ground with which you will be able to nourish them as they grow.

Setting our lives into focus is also an important lesson to learn from a kangaroo animal totem.  You need to have all of your energies bound up in a single important aim and this may especially be at this particular era of your life.  You may need to stop all other things from interfering with your life so you can make a wise and informed decision.

Red kangaroos impart desert wisdom into our lives.  This means that you may have to view your life from a perspective where you don’t have as many resources as you want.  Controlling the use of these resources may be the most important thing at the moment.   Remember the saying, “less is more?”

You will notice that there are kangaroos that live even in very urban surroundings.  This can teach us that we can make use of our urban connection to seek native wisdom in the daily activities of our lives.  Grey kangaroos are a good example of an urban warrior, having the strength and wisdom to thrive in the urban jungle, which is very different from their natural habitat. They seem to remind us that even though we live in a concrete home, the natural instinct and wisdom to survive abide with us.

For people who are into the art of learning herbalism, kangaroos can be an important source of energy.  These animals are known for their strong knowledge of herbs and trees that have significant medicinal properties.  People will be able to establish a connection with this undertaking if they have the kangaroo as a source of wisdom.  You will also learn to incorporate vegetables and herbs in your diet aside from delving deep into the knowledge of these things.

The kangaroo can help in situations in one’s career, family, and spiritual life.  Pastures, meadows, plains, and plateaus are also a distinctive characteristic of the kangaroo life. You may also be attracted to landscapes such as these in real life.  Try to see the positive side of things when you are at a “low” point in your life or experiencing a “plateau.”  Try to enjoy the different landscapes in your local area.  See the different meadows and greens that surround you as well as those where there are plenty of trees.

The Shadow Aspects

Kangaroos hold shadow energy, which can manifest itself in people who cannot take the time to slow the pace of their lifestyle out of fear that it may show things that they do not want to see.  Those who have busy schedules often do not have the time to sit and think about what is really important in their lives.  They often use social gathering and taking overtime as a way of blunting their need to think deeply.  A kangaroo can help you with this type of situation, and you will be able to form strong ties among those who decide to do so.

As we have touched on before, a kangaroo can also help people who have difficulty trying to accept their responsibilities in life.  You, yourself, may not be taking “full” responsibility for the things that you have done in your life.  Kangaroos will teach you that you may have a tendency to place the blame on others. Therefore, this animal totem helps us to accept the consequences of what we have done in the past.


As with other animals that help us, a kangaroo will also appear at the right place and moment.  You cannot force them to come and speak with you against your will.  They are powerful guides and may be difficult to reach, but if you approach them with deference and respect, they will do so accordingly.  Since they teach endurance—finding our way out of problems—the kangaroo will assuredly be with you for as long as you need them.

Biblical Dream Meaning of Kangaroo

The Biblical meaning of Kangaroo is “Jumping Power”.

The Bible is a collection of books written by man and passed down through generations. The Bible has been written in many different languages and dialects over the millennia, but it all comes down to one thing: God’s love for us.

If you were reading the bible and saw the word “kangaroo”, you would probably think nothing of it. But if you were reading this article, you might be surprised by what it means.

In the Bible, Kangaroos are animals that can jump very high and far. They also have very strong legs that allow them to jump long distances without getting tired! This is symbolic of how God helps us to overcome obstacles in life so we can reach our goals and dreams. When we face challenges or trials, God will always keep us strong enough to get through them!

How can I attract the kangaroo as a spirit guide?

Things like water, desert sand, herbs, and plateau images can help enhance your connections with the kangaroo.  The most effective scents to use are the eucalyptus, the sandalwood and other types of incence will help call this animal totem. Especially, in wide open places.  Kangaroos often choose to go with simple methods of rituals as long as you can do them aptly and rightly.  It will often be better to perform a short and efficient one, than to do a very lengthy ritual.  Simplistic styles of chanting, posture, and drum beats can be the most effective way to communicate with the warrior energy of the kangaroo.

Kangaroo shows up as a spirit guide when

  • You need energy.
  • Responsibility is placed upon you that you didn’t ask for and you need assistance or education.
  • You have a wave of emotion.
  • You need family and none is around to help.
  • You are trying to have children.
  • You are a stay-at-home mother.
  • Resisting social structures.

Call on a Kangaroo as a spirit guide when

  • You need wisdom to overcome obstacles.
  • You need help with responsibility.
  • You need leadership and empowerment.
  • You become overwhelmed and there is a mother spirit to help you along the way.
  • You need to slow down and enjoy your life but you seem to be unable to.

Dreaming of A Kangaroo In Your House

Dream about Attacked by Kangaroo is a harbinger for decisive action. You will experience some complications in your professional life. You are that compassionate person. This dream is about concerns over your public image. You need to be careful with those around you. Attacked By Kangaroo suggests innocence, warmth and new beginnings. Perhaps you have made a deep connection with someone. You tend to be drawn to drama and like to be the center of attention. This dream is a sign of an emotional rebirth.

You are compromising your beliefs. Dreaming of Attack and Kangaroo Attack in your dream is a message for aspects of yourself that you are hiding. Others are looking to you in a crisis. You are facing some deep issues or dealing with some repressed thoughts. The dream suggests that you are looking at things on a superficial level. You are looking for an outlet to express your personal thoughts and experiences. An attack in this dream stands for a stinging remark or situation. Perhaps you are holding back on how you want to express yourself. You are feeling hopeless and out of control.

The dream denotes your desire to sanitize a situation. You are attempting to overcome a difficult goal or task. A kangaroo in a dream is a message for a projection of your own feelings onto someone else. Perhaps you are experiencing some self-doubt or that you are not good enough. You may be trying to seek out new meanings to life. Your dream suggests your objectivity in a situation. You may be feeling guilty. The kangaroo dream states a negative force. You feel that you are being judged and criticized for the path you want to take. You need to organize certain aspects of your life. Your dream denotes authority, direction and judgment. You like to go against what everybody else says or does. Dream about both “Attack” and “Kangaroo” points to some pent up anger that is on the verge of erupting.

You are trying to hide your true feelings and only reveal half-truths. You are feeling inferior or inadequate. The dream unfortunately draws attention to infidelity, either by you or someone else. You are too busy trying to keep up with your fast-paced life. Dream about being attacked by kangaroo states the subconscious and your repressed thoughts and emotions. You are longing for some aspect of your past. You are under tremendous pressure. This dream points to some personal or spiritual journey. You are regretting what you said.

Baby Kangaroo Symbolism

Kangaroos are spiritual animals in Australia that have existed for thousands of years. When we think of such animals, the relationship between mother and child is rather beautiful.

Connections to kangaroos are surreal and we often wonder the true meaning behind such an experience. Did you recently see one in the world or at the zoo? It’s time to uncover their spiritual essence.

Kangaroo Spirit Meanings

So you’re curious to know exactly what it means to encounter or embody the spiritual energy of a kangaroo.

Kangaroos in their spiritual form represent the sudden escape from bad situations and into safe lands. If you find yourself stuck mentally, emotionally or spiritually, you’ll often have a kangaroo come into your world to represent the need to make an escape if you desire to find a safer environment.

Kangaroo Spirit Meanings image

For the mothers in our world, they also represent the need to safeguard our young and vulnerable.

7 Things You Didn’t Know About Kangaroo Symbolism

There are different types of kangaroos (red, eastern brown, boxing etc) and thus, there are also different types of kangaroo symbolism and meanings. This might come as a shock to some, but as an Australian company, Yocean Yogi is very much used to this.

In this guide, we’re going to uncover some things you didn’t know about how these animals and you can better interact spiritually.

1. You can call upon Kangaroo Spirits at anytime

There is no need to wait until the perfect time or that holiday over to Australia. If you ever need to connect with a kangaroo, simply close your eyes. These beautiful beings who have such a deep and profound connection with the spiritually-connected Aboriginals of Australia are always ready when you are.

2. You’ll be reminded to always take a few hops forward

There are times when challenges can come in our direction. When the hurdles become too high, we can simply take a few hops forward and become more optimistic about the future, rather than the past.

3. Intense focus and motivation can become your gift

Kangaroos are focused animals who are always looking at one target specifically. As there aren’t really any predators, they don’t need to scurry around looking for dangers. Unfortunately, their intense focus can get them in trouble and thousands of kangaroos die each year in road accidents.

4. You should become more family-orientated like kangaroos

Kangaroos typically stay in family groups and units, otherwise known as a mob in Australia. With groups of 10 or more, there are typically a few small juvenille kangaroos hiding in pouches of females. This family pack often stays together for years and this is a good reminder to rekindle old relationships.

5. It’s time to become more agile in your daily movements

Instead of remaining solid, the kangaroo spirit animal reminds us to be agile. Bad things could happen in the blink of an eye and we need to be ready. This is why these animals have legs that can make them have huge leaps forward.

6. You must become adaptable like a Kangaroo

Kangaroos often roam into new environments over their lifetime, from the vastness of the desert to the scrub and rainforests of Australia. The spiritual meaning of their adaptiveness reminds us that we must become adaptaive to new concepts, ideas and environments, just like we must be agile.

7. We must learn to rest often

Have you seen kangaroos in the wild or at the nature sanctuary? They love to rest often! Kangaroos have learned to eat, rest and then eat again given how much hopping around they do. If you need, take a nap during the day as it helps bring us back to heart-centre.

Positive Characteristics of Kangaroo Animal Totems

Posessing the spiritual power of a kangaroo means you are the type that lives to socialise. You’re the life of the party and everyone wants to know you. In fact, you’re probably the party host!

Positive Traits of Kangaroo Spirit Animals

People are drawn to your positive light and energy. You’re the type who is successful in life and has characteristics that comedians and business leaders might share. You might be compared to popular YouTuber JP Sears!You’re also probably the creative type and the one who wants to think of new concepts and ideas. Perhaps you take to tarot cards for their spiritual messages while also being a manifesting machine!

Negative Characteristics of Kangaroo Animal Totems

You’re the over-worker who does 50+ hours per week when others would’ve otherwise gone home. You’re also the type who hates being told what to do (given you’re the one in control, right?).

Negative Traits of Kangaroo Spirit Animals

Being obsessive about future success is a typical negative trait of kangaroo spirit animals, as you can’t find harmony and balance. You’ll outwork everyone else even if it comes at the expense of your relationships.

Becoming moody is a common issue with people and they too may become stressed with your antics. This then returns and makes you even more frustrated, and so the negative spiral continues.

Common Questions About Kangaroo Animal Meanings

When should I call upon my kangaroo animal?

You can call upon the kangaroo spirit whenever you are feeling a lack of adventure and optimism. It doesn’t matter how old you are, just as long as you are ready for a ‘kick’ forward.

What does it mean to dream about a kangaroo?

People from around the world often see kangaroos in their dreams and this means that you are ready for higher power and energy. By seeing this kangaroo, you’re in a place where you may have longed for adventure and to find meaning in your physical or spiritual life. If you have seen a kangaroo attack you, then this is a message from above to build a stronger emotional foundation or may have found yourself in the ancestral Dreamtime of the native Aboriginals which is a very rare moment to cherish.

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