Spiritual Meaning Of Bracelet Breaking

In this article I will explain to you the spiritual meaning of a bracelet breaking, spiritual meaning of jewelry falling off and spiritual meaning of gold jewelry breaking. [singular] Bracelet, the most commonly used word for small size for the wrist-watch. Bracelet is the only decoration of people, in ancient times, people believe that wearing bracelet showing his identity. Like today, it is commonly used to replace the watch, wearing a bracelet, like wearing a bracelet on his wrist like wearing a necklace around his neck or ears with earrings pierced into the skin have become one of the identity of men and women.

Breaking a bracelet or bangles is believed to be bad omen. In the Indian subcontinent, breaking a bracelet is thought to represent a break in friendship between two people. However, this superstition does not apply to all bracelet styles. Bangles made of thread are considered as a symbol of unity for married couples, and breaking a couple of bangles has significance of breaking their bond, which means divorce from each other (an act that signifies the end of relationship). The spiritual meaning of a bracelet breaking is that you are trying to hold on to something that is not meant for you. It may be a relationship, job, or place that no longer fits your life. The bracelet represents the strength you have to hold onto what is not serving you and it breaks because it is time to let go.

You may find it hard to access the right information on the internet, so we are here to help you in the following article, providing the best and updated information on Spiritual meaning of bracelet breaking. Read on to learn more. We at churchgists have all the information that you need about Spiritual meaning of bracelet breaking.

Spiritual Meaning Of Bracelet Breaking

In most cases, when such a bracelet breaks, it can indicate that you’re under spiritual attacks and you’ve let yourself vulnerable for a bit and your bracelet has had to compensate for your guard being down.

Evil Eye Bracelet

An evil eye bracelet is an amulet of protection from evil. This bracelet looks very beautiful and charming when you look at it, but there is a lot of deep spiritual meaning surrounding this amulet.

You must have seen people wear this amulet from time to time. This amulet is known for how much it protects its wearer from evil. The energy that comes from the evil eye bracelet is protective and defensive. Therefore, you should get one for yourself.

Some may think that the evil eye bracelet is impenetrable. However, that is not true. An evil eye bracelet can break apart. Well, this is good news. Therefore, whenever your evil eye bracelet breaks, you should heave a sigh of relief. However, this can also mean danger. I will reveal this to you in more detail as you read on.

Let us do a brief history of this amulet.

However, if you do not know what an evil eye bracelet mean, then look at the picture below:

The evil eye bracelet is an ancient mystical object, which is believed to be filled with magical powers to deflect an evil eye from looking at you. It is believed to be a powerful protective object or charm. Whenever you wear the evil eye bracelet, protection is guaranteed.

Although, there are many fake evil eye bracelets in the market today. However, with the real bracelet, you are going to enjoy a lot of protection. You can use the bracelet for yourself or objects in your house.

spiritual meaning of jewelry falling off

The reason why this happens is because we have been holding on too tightly. We have been clinging to something that is not good for us in hopes of making it better. We hope that if we hang on long enough, our situation will change and everything will go back to being ok again. But the truth is, when we try to control things around us instead of letting go and trusting that the universe has our back, things often fall apart even more quickly than they would have if we had just let go in the first place.

When this happens, it can feel like someone has ripped out your heart and stomped on it over and over again until there’s nothing left but dust and ashes left behind as evidence of what once was there before this person came along and ruined everything for everyone involved… except themselves!

Bracelets are a symbol of power and protection. They represent the strength, wisdom, and magic that comes with being human. When a bracelet breaks, it’s usually because the owner has grown too weak to carry its weight. When this happens, it’s a sign that you need to make some changes in your life: you’ve become complacent, or maybe even too comfortable. It’s time for a shake-up!

Evil Eye Bracelet broke: is it possible?

An evil eye bracelet can break.

From the natural aspect, the evil eye bracelet is very fragile in make-up. Therefore, it can break apart once too much pressure is exerted on its body frame. However, this happens rarely.

On the other hand, an evil eye bracelet can break when it has absorbed too much energy than it can take. As much as an evil eye bracelet is a magical substance, it has a limit to what it can take.

When your evil eye bracelet has absorbed too much energy, it can break. I have stated earlier that this can be good or bad news.

Good news

The good news is that whenever your evil eye bracelet breaks, it means all the negative energy around you has been absorbed.

It shows a presence of a heavy negative spiritual cloud around you. The evil eye bracelet is known for absorbing negative energies. Whenever it breaks, then the energy it has absorbed is too much for its capacity. This means you are safe from evil. 

Bad news

The evil eye bracelet can break without fully absorbing the negative energy around you at the moment.

The reason for this is that there has been an accumulation of negative energy in your evil eye bracelet over time.

Therefore, this accumulation has stretched your evil eye bracelet to its limit. When this happens, your evil eye bracelet can break without fully absorbing the negative energy around you currently. 

When this happens, you will become exposed to the dangers around you. The evil eye bracelet is a defensive magical object that protects you from evil. Therefore, when it breaks, it has become ineffective and you will have no protection anymore. 

Therefore, if you are in the midst of a negative and evil environment, you will become vulnerable and exposed to the negative energy around you. 

What does it mean when your Evil Eye Bracelet breaks?

Your evil eye bracelet can break whenever it has fully absorbed evil energy around you.

Let us see this in more detail.

Negative energies

You cannot escape a negative environment for as long as you relate with people daily, and go to some places.

As a matter of fact, at your job, school, a business marketplace, and so on, you cannot escape the negative energies flying around. Sometimes, this energy affects us. It attracts bad luck to us and makes things go south when we least expect it. This is the reason why you need an evil eye bracelet.

Without any protective spell or charm around you, you will be exposed to the negative energy flying around you – if you are in the wrong environment. You need to protect yourself from such.

Although, the universe can send spirit animals and other mediums to you.

However, what happens if you do not pay attention or if your mind was not receptive enough to pick the signal? – You will become exposed. 

This is why the evil eye bracelet is a good alternative. As long as you have it on your hand, you don’t have to be sensitive to any message or signs around.

The evil eye bracelet will do a perfect job of protecting you from negative energy.

You do not have to bother about being hurt by negativity. Every negative energy or charge coming at you will be absorbed by the evil eye bracelet. The evil eye bracelet serves as a substitute. Therefore, you will not be affected by the negativity around you.

The bracelet limits

There is a limit to what the evil eye bracelet can absorb. As much as this object is magical, it is fragile and can break.

Most times, when the evil eye bracelet breaks, it might be due to one of the following reasons:

  • It has completed its assignment by fully absorbing all the negativity around you. It has fully shielded you from negative energies. Therefore, you are free. Most times, when this happens, the evil eye bracelet will break. Therefore, whenever your evil eye bracelet breaks, it is a sign that it has completed its assignment by shielding you from negativity.
  • If your evil eye bracelet has taken in too much energy than its capacity can bear, it will break. As I have stated earlier, the evil eye bracelet has a limit to what it can take in. whenever it gets to this limit, it will break and become ineffective. There might still be negative energies in the air, but the evil eye bracelet will not be able to absorb that energy because it has reached its limit. Therefore, whenever your evil eye bracelet breaks apart, then it is a sign that too much energy has been absorbed by your evil eye bracelet.

When this happens, do not be worried. There is a solution to this and I am going to reveal this to you as you read on.

Envy (a lot)

I have come to realize that everybody cannot like me. Most especially, when I am making progress.

This is the reason why I try to protect myself from envious people with my evil eye bracelet. Whenever people are envious of you, it will become obvious because of how heavy and exposed you will begin to feel.

From my experience, when I met a friend who envied my progress, I felt a heaviness in my chest. In addition to this, I felt very vulnerable. This got me scared. I had to consult a spiritualist, who told me to get an evil eye bracelet.

The next time I showed up at this friend’s house, I did not feel any heaviness. My observation turned towards my evil eye bracelet and it was a little bit heavier.

This heaviness will not be felt by your arm unless you pay attention to it with an open mind. The next time I went to this friend’s place, I realized a crack in my evil eye bracelet. 

This experience inspired me to research more on this, and I discovered a major truth. When there are too many envious people around you, your evil eye bracelet will break.

The energy that comes from envy is strong enough to break your evil eye bracelet after a few encounters.

Therefore, whenever your evil eye bracelet breaks, it has absorbed too much envious energy and feelings towards you. This is telling you to be on your guard. People around you are too envious of your progress and they might want to hurt you.

Spiritual attacks

The evil eye bracelet shields you from spiritual attacks. It will break apart when it has absorbed too much then it can take. If an attack is staged against you consistently, your evil eye bracelet will break. 

However, from my experience, your evil eye bracelet will break when it has fully protected you from the attack that was meant for your harm.

If the attack is from a lesser source of power, your evil eye bracelet will not break.

However, if this attack is from a higher source of power, then it will break. It will successfully absorb the attack, and shield you from the effects, but it will break in the process.

Presence of enemies

The evil eye bracelet is meant to protect you from the “evil eye or evil stare”. Therefore, whenever you are in the presence of enemies, the evil eye is meant to protect you from their evil plans and spiritual attacks.

However, whenever your evil eye bracelet breaks in the presence of enemies, then you are exposed to them.

If your evil eye bracelet breaks in the presence of enemies, it means that the capacity of your bracelet to absorb the negative energies around has been exceeded. Most times, you might eventually become penetrable.

You were in a spiritually contaminated place

If you find yourself in a place where several sacrileges are made, your evil eye bracelet is meant to protect you from the impurity of such a place.

Therefore, it will continue to absorb all the impurities and bad auras in this place. When it gets to its limit, your evil eye bracelet will break. 


The evil eye bracelet is meant to protect you.

Therefore, whenever the evil eye bracelet breaks, it is an indication that every harm, which was targeted towards you has been diverted from you. Most times, when the evil eye bracelet breaks on your hand, it is a sign that you are fully protected.

Can I throw away the Evil Eye bracelet?

When your evil eye bracelet has served its purpose, the best option is to get a replacement. 

The evil eye makes the bracelet a powerful amulet. Therefore, when it breaks, then the job is done. You can throw away the evil eye bracelet, and get a new one.

When your evil eye bracelet breaks, it has fully accomplished its mission and its energy has been spent. Therefore, simply throw it away.

spiritual meaning of gold jewelry breaking

When your evil eye bracelet breaks, simply get a new one. 

You have to ensure that your evil eye bracelet is original and not a fluke. Buying a new evil eye bracelet will further protect you from negative energy and malicious people around you.

I will always suggest having more than one so that whenever the first bracelet breaks, you will start using the next one immediately,

How to wear the Evil Eye Bracelet correctly

You can wear the evil eye bracelet on your left and right arm.

However, there are a few things to consider.

The left arm is good for protection against emotional attacks. The reason for this is because the left side of your body has a deep connection to your emotional side. Therefore, if you wear the evil eye bracelet on your left arm, your emotional life will be protected.

The right arm is connected to your brain, which is the analytical part of your body. Therefore, it is generally believed that the evil eye bracelet will offer protection in your career, financial, and family life.

For style and fashion, wearing your evil eye bracelet on your left arm will complement your wristwatch.

Final words

If you don’t want people to notice this protective amulet, it is good to wear your evil eye bracelet with other sets of bracelets on your arm. By doing this, your bracelet will not become too obvious. Wearing an evil eye bracelet with other bracelets does not reduce its potency.

Finally, with the evil eye bracelet, you can be assured of protection from harm and every spiritual attack.

If your evil eye breaks, it is not a bad omen. It simply means that your bracelet has fulfilled its purpose. Therefore, when this happens, get a new one to enjoy continued protection from this powerful amulet.

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