Spiritual Meaning Of Bladder Infection

The bladder is an organ of the urinary system that collects and stores urine produced by the kidneys. In general, a bladder infection is caused by bacteria and when you have a bladder infection there are some symptoms that you need to be aware of. In some cases, you might find it hard to urinate, runny or bloody urine, pain during urination and feel a frequent urge to go to the toilet.

Right here on Churchgists, you are privy to a litany of relevant information on spiritual meaning of bladder issues, kidney infection metaphysical meaning, urinary tract infection emotional causes, and so much more. Take out time to visit our Website for more information on similar topics.

Spiritual Meaning Of Bladder Infection

Bladder infection – Symptoms and causes, home remedies, prevention, diagnosis. The bladder is a hollow muscular organ in which urine collects. The primary purpose of bladder infection is the storage and the release of urine, which is a fluid excreted by the kidneys. This infection is caused due to bacterial infections or urinary catheters. Bladder educates you about the meaning and signs and symptoms of bladder infection.

Bladder Infections are random, intermittent and inconvenient. It is always hard to deal with bladder infection especially if one is prone to recurring infections. Bladder infections can be caused by pathogens (harmful bacteria),

Bladder infections can be painful, but they’re also a good reminder that our bodies are connected to our spiritual selves. When we feel pain in the bladder, it’s often because we’ve been holding on to something—an emotion or a belief—for too long.

Bladder infections can also be a sign that you need to take better care of yourself. It’s easy to let the stresses of life pile up and distract us from taking time for ourselves, but when you don’t take care of yourself physically, your spiritual self suffers as well.

It’s important to remember that bladder infections aren’t just physical problems; they’re also spiritual ones. If you’re dealing with one, try to identify what it is that’s causing your discomfort and work through it before it turns into something more serious.

Bladder infections are a common and painful result of a urinary tract infection. The bladder is the organ that stores urine, which is released when you go to the bathroom. The infection can be caused by bacteria, which then infects the bladder and causes pain, discomfort, and an urgent need to urinate frequently.

Bladder infections are common in young children as well as women who have recently given birth, but they can also occur at any age or stage of life. A bladder infection can be treated with antibiotics, but it’s important to note that these medications do not treat the underlying cause of the issue—they only treat symptoms until they go away on their own.

Spiritual Healing For My Bladder

If you experience symptoms like frequent urination (especially at night), pain while urinating or while you’re having sex, abdominal pain around your lower back area, fever and chills (if there’s no other reason for these symptoms besides a bladder infection), then it may be time to visit your doctor for further evaluation and treatment options before things get worse than they already are!

A urinary tract infection (UTI) is a bacterial infection of any part of the urinary tract, that includes the bladder, ureters (tubes that connect the kidneys to the bladder), kidneys, and the urethra (the tube which allows the bladder to be emptied).

A bladder infection is called cystitis.

If the bacterial infection spreads to the ureters and kidneys, the condition is called pyelonephritis.

Pyelonephritis is an upper urinary tract infection and is much more serious.

Cystitis is thought to be a lower urinary tract infection.


Women get urinary tract infections much more often than men (men can also get this type of infection, but it is less common with the odds rising to 1 in 20 during their lifetime).

This may be because women have a substantially shorter urethra, which may make it easier for the pathogenic bacteria to reach the bladder.

A woman’s lifetime risk of having at least one urinary tract infection ranges from 40 to 50 percent, according to the Estimates from the American Urological Association and the NIH.

In the United States, UTIs account for over 8.1 million visits to the doctor every year.

In the United Kingdom, consulting rates in general practice for UTIs are around 315 per 10,000 persons.


UTIs normally occur when E.coli bacteria get into the urine and start to grow.

The infection typically starts at the opening of the urethra where the urine leaves the human body and moves upward into the urinary tract to the bladder.

Note – if the infection is not treated at this point, it will continue on and rapidly infect the kidneys.

Other causes include:

  • waiting too long to urinate;
  • a history of UTI’s, particularly if the infections were less than 6 months apart;
  • use of contraceptives like – spermicides and diaphragms;
  • use of products like harsh skin cleansers;
  • pregnancy increases the risk of developing the infection;
  • a history of sickle-cell anemia, type 2 diabetes mellitus, kidney stones, stroke (occurs when the blood supply to part of the brain is interrupted or reduced, depriving brain tissue of oxygen and nutrients) or any problem which causes the bladder not to empty entirely;
  • more frequent intercourse – actually, an estimated 80% of premenopausal women with this infection have had sex within the previous 24 hours.


Common symptoms may include:

  • a burning feeling during urination;
  • pain when urinating;
  • cloudy or blood-tinged urine;
  • an urgent need to urinate, typically with only a few drops of urine to pass;
  • frequent urination;
  • strong odor to the urine;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • fever and chills;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • pain in the lower back.

urinary tract infection emotional causes

A urinary tract infection (UTI) can cause mood swings like irritability in young children. In older adults a UTI can bring on restlessness and other mood changes.

And why are they more common during the summertime? Blame swimming pools, wet bathing suits, sweaty clothing and dehydration.

Here are three more things you may not know about UTIs.

UTIs can cause mood and behavioral swings

Children and adults are all susceptible to UTIs at any age. What can be different among these groups though, are UTI symptoms. For example, in very young children, symptoms may include fever and irritability. Older children and teens, as well as adults, likely will show the more well-known signs of a UTI, like urgent, painful or frequent urination.

Older adults also may experience behavioral changes from a UTI in addition to the more common symptoms. Behavioral changes may include restlessness, hallucination, agitation and confusion.

These are just some symptoms of UTI, which can vary from person to person, regardless of factors like age.

Certain conditions such as pregnancy, menopause and diabetes can put you at higher risk for a UTI.

Spiritual Meaning Of Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)

Anxiety and worry which last a long time lead to bladder disease.

Apparently, you put a psychological pressure on the bladder, and soon you will feel the effects.

You must realize that relieving pressure always brings relief. Learn to relieve yourself of psychological pressure and the bladder will take care of itself.

Spiritual Meaning Of Bladder Infection (Cystitis)

Kidney-secreted substances are led to the bladder where they are waiting to be unloaded and left to wait until the necessary pressure is formed. In the case of cystitis, the process of pressure formation, relaxation, and unloading occur with pain.

Despite the high pressure, urine is eliminated with difficulty because cystitis is an inflammatory process.

Maybe you were under pressure and now you’re projecting it on others.

It would be better to let go of old psychological patterns.

If you do this and you “unload” unnecessary opinions, you will no longer have to experience cystitis.

Spiritual Meaning Of Kidney Problems

Every organ in the human body is responsible for certain feelings, and when we experience those feelings, the organ can suffer.

The kidneys respond to fear, anxiety, and suppression of feelings in general.

Thus, if we look for the spiritual causes of kidney disease, we will find that these problems are an alarm signal for those who avoid expressing their feelings or those who are suppressing them.

Moreover, these people have accumulated fear, anger, and frustration, all of which are unexpressed emotions that are seemingly kept under control.

However, suppressed and hidden, these feelings accumulate and affect the energy of the kidneys, and the people in question will soon suffer from various conditions of this organ.


The following general steps can help prevent a urinary tract infection from developing:

  • shower rather than use a bath;
  • pass urine when needed – do not delay;
  • see a healthcare professional as soon as possible if symptoms of the infection are experienced;
  • drink plenty of fluids each day;
  • do not use powders, sprays, or douches in the genital area;
  • empty your bladder before and after having sex;
  • wash the genital area every day as well as before and after having sex;
  • after toileting always wipe the bottom from front to back;
  • reduce your stress levels by practicing mindfulness meditation, Tai Chi, and yoga, plus, spend time in nature, especially during the day to boost your vitamin D levels;
  • have a nutrition high in dietary fiber because fiber is the food of your gut bacteria. A healthy and diversified gut bacteria is strongly associated with an effective immune system.

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