Prayer To Bless The Work Of My Hands

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There are some people, if you put N100m in their hands, before long it will all vanish, no matter how hard they try, whereas there are some others if given only N100, 000 with time will turn it into N100m. The difference is in their hands!

Prayer Points for God to Bless the Work of our Hands

As Christians, we believe that the work of our hands can be blessed by God if we entrust it to him. Prayer is an integral part of our lives and praying for the blessings of God on the work of our hands is no exception. Below are some suggested prayer points to guide you in prayer.

1. First and foremost, ask for God’s protection. Pray that He will keep you and your family safe from any and all harm, and give you the wisdom to make wise decisions in your work.

2. Pray for God to give you the strength and motivation to put in your best effort. Ask Him to give you courage and determination so that you can perform the best work possible.

3. Ask for God’s guidance and discernment in your work. Pray that He would show you when to take a certain action and what steps to take to ensure success.

4. Ask that God will open up doors of opportunity and favor in your workplace and that He would provide the right people to help you in your work.

5. Pray for God’s provision in your work, that He will provide you with the resources you need to be effective and successful.

6. Express your desire to be a good steward of the resources God has given you, and ask Him to help you in managing them to the best of your abilities.

7. Finally, thank God for the grace He has bestowed upon you and your work, and ask Him to continue to bless it for His glory.

Through prayer, we can trust in the Lord for the work of our hands, knowing that with Him on our side, no task is too difficult. May these suggested prayer points bring you a new level of assurance and peace.

short prayer for work success

When God wants to bless someone, He blesses the works of their hands and when He wants to curse a person, He curses the works of their hands as well. In Deut 33:7 amongst the prayers therein is the phrase, “Let his hands be sufficient for him.” This is a scripture to claim this year, so that your hands will do great things. They will build houses for you. I pray that every weakness in your hands will disappear, and that God will empower your hands for good things. God has destined that your hands will be empowered to accomplish great things and will be sufficient for you.

In Exodus 17:11, God instructed Moses to sit somewhere and just raise his hands and that was all that was needed to ensure victory for Israel. What Moses did physically had spiritual implications, because as long as Moses’ hands were raised, Israel prevailed, but when his hands dropped Amalek prevailed. It was natural for Moses’ hands to grow weak, so Aaron and Hur held up his hands and strengthened him to ensure victory for God’s people.

There are helpers of your hands that will help and strengthen you to achieve success this year, and they will locate you in Jesus name.There is something about raised (lifted) hands! When we lift our hands in worship, blessings are released from heaven because your hand is your key to increase and prosperity. We also learn from the Scriptures that wisdom; strength and success can be transferred by the laying on of hands. Moses laid hands on Joshua and transferred not only authority, but also strength and wisdom on him. In 1 Tim 4:14 and 2 Tim 1:6, gifts were released into the life of Timothy by the laying on of hands by Paul. That is why it is not everyone hand that is laid on people that transfers blessings and promotion.

In Psalms 144:1, the Bible says that a man’s hands can be instruments of warfare with which to fight the wars of life. The enemy knows the importance of a man’s hands can wage war against it. War can also be staged against a man’s hands in the realm of the spirit. One way this is done is by bewitchment. If you see your hands handcuffed in the dream, then your hands are under attack. We are told in Deut 28:20 that the hands can experience vexation, cursing and rebuke aimed at bringing the person down.

Now, how do we know a man whose hands are under attack?
• Sudden loss of job.
• When income drops drastically and mysteriously.
• When one loses money mysteriously.
• Anything you touch does not turn out well.
• Difficulty in gathering money. Anything you try to gather disappears.
• When one is very intelligent but no job or iota of success.
• Working hard but nothing to show for it.

How can bewitchment of the hands arise?
• Shedding innocent blood.
• Taking bribes.
• Incisions on the hands.
• When one’s finger nails are used for ritual.
• Employing the wrong person to work for you or working for the wrong person.
• Partnering with the wrong person.

No matter what else you have what you need is prayers. Nobody can pray your prayers for you, so stop chasing after prayer contractors. Every born again child of God is expected to have strong hands that can transfer blessings, but to achieve this involves praying without ceasing. I pray that every power sitting on your hands will be unseated today in Jesus name.

Prayer points:
• Every evil hand upon my hand, jump out by fire.
• O God my father, promote the works of my hands.
• O God my father, bless my hands to be strong for great achievements this year.
• O God release your blessing on my hands, so that whatever I lay my hands on will prosper.
• By the power of the God of Elijah, I cut off every evil hand in my destiny.
• I declare that I am moving on, God is on my side and no man or woman can stop me in Jesus name.

bible verse bless work my hands

Father, thank You for the promises in Your Word which say You delight in blessing and establishing the work of my hands. Promises You long to see me receive by faith.

1 John 5:14-15 says, “Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him,” (1 John 5:14-15). My beautiful Lord, I pray according to Your will for the work of my hands, and by faith, I have what I ask of You because You say so.

Mighty God, Your Word says I must believe in order to receive. So, by faith, fully persuaded by Your YES and AMEN promises, I…
commit myself and work to You and my plans will be established, (Proverbs 16:3).
thank You that You are, “able to keep what I have committed to You,” (2 Timothy 1:12).
continually magnify You “Who has pleasure in my prosperity,” (Psalm 35:27).
believe I “will be rewarded with prosperity,” (Proverbs 13:21) as I am the “righteousness of God in Christ” (2 Corinthians 5:21).
“pray, send now prosperity,” (Psalm 118:25).
Abba Father, an earthly father would want his children to succeed in all they do. How much more Your Word shows me You desire so! The One who loves me most of all.

Your Word says “the borrower is the slave to the lender,” and to “owe no one anything except love,” (Proverbs 22:7; Romans 13:8).
So, according to Your Word and will, I ask You to bless the work of my hands so abundantly that I am debt free. I praise You for sending Your Son, Jesus, to deliver me from all forms of captivity. He proclaimed liberty to the captives and released the prisoners (Isaiah 61:1) when He went to the cross for me. Including liberty from the captivity of debt. The finished work of Jesus Christ made me the head and not the tail, above and not beneath, blessed to be a blessing, a lender and not a borrower, no longer a slave,” (Deuteronomy 28). I possess these promises by faith for me and the work of my hands.

With praise and thanksgiving, I:
thank You for inviting me to “cast my burdens on You, so You will sustain me and never permit me to be moved,” (Psalm 55:22).
thank You that no matter what’s going on in the world, because I trust in Your Word, I “will not be ashamed in the time of evil, and in the days of famine I will have abundance,” (Psalm 37:19).
thank You that I will “never be forsaken nor will my children and descendants ever beg for bread,” (Psalm 37:25).
bless and “remember You Lord God, for it is You who gives me power to get wealth,” (Deuteronomy 8:18).
thank You for commanding the “blessing on all to which I set my hand,” (Deuteronomy 28:8)
Lord, my God, close the wrong doors and open the right ones for me and the work of my hands. Bring divine connections and hedge out little foxes, leaven, and wolves in sheep’s clothing. Protect me at every turn from the plots and traps of the enemy and those with impure hearts and motives who seek my destruction. Go before me and make my way smooth. Surround me with favor as a shield in all I do. And because I reject the paths of the wicked and delight in Your ways, I am like a “tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in its season, and its leaves do not wither. In all that I do, I prosper,” (Psalm 1:3).

Thank You again, Lord, for all Your YES and AMEN promises to me. I need only believe them, walk and live by faith and not by sight, knowing I will see them fulfilled by Your righteous right hand. “You, the Lord my God, will hold my right hand, saying to me, ‘Fear not, You will help me,” (Isaiah 41:13). Hallelujah! I glorify You and praise Your Holy name.

In Jesus’ name, amen.

Prayer To Bless The Work Of My Hands

Lord, please bless the work of my hands.

Bless the way I do things, and may they be done in your name.

When I’m working hard, let me be focused and productive.

And when I’m slacking off, let me find a way to make up for it later.

Let me be a good example to others when I work diligently and productively.

And let me not be an example when I slack off or don’t work as hard as I should.

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