Prayer To Become Rich And Successful

Be a successful entrepreneur, win a lottery and travel around the world. Wish to become rich and famous is true. With this prayer card, you can be assured of your dreams just like that person who has already succeeded in life.

Dear God, please transform my mindset in such a way so that I am always focused and think positively about what’s happening in the present moment. Following this change, give me faith to believe that you can help me achieve financial security and prosperity for my family and myself. I don’t want to be a burden on my loved ones anymore. So guide me with your wisdom, mercy and power through my situation so that I can become wealthy while being a good steward of your resources. I ask this in Jesus name. Amen

You may find it hard to access the right information on the internet, so we are here to help you in the following article, providing the best and updated information oncan prayer make you rich, the most powerful prayer for wealth. Read on to learn more. We at churchgists have all the information that you need aboutprayer to god to become rich and successful. Read on to learn more.

prayer to god to become rich and successful

A love for money can blind you from the true treasures in life, but praying to God for financial security is a sign that you are putting your faith in Him to take care of your needs. Here are 10 strong prayers for abundance and prosperity, including images you can print to use and share.

Prayer for Abundance and Prosperity
All-Powerful Father, You are the font of all goodness and righteousness. Through You, even the lilies of the field are adorned and prosper. You have created me in Your image, let Your gifts abundantly fill my cup until it overflows. Bless me with the riches of righteousness and the prosperity of faith, so that my treasure will be stored up in heaven. Amen.


Prayer for Wealth
Almighty and Everlasting God, so many ask for wealth for its own sake. Their reward is in the money itself. Mammon is their only God. I ask You for wealth, not for my gain, but that I may use it to bless others. Therefore, I petition You to increase my means of earning. Help me to bring in more, so that through You this money may be used to help others in Your name. Amen.


Prayer to Manage Wealth Well
O Lord, Mighty in Power, if managing money were simple, everyone would be rich. With much money often comes much folly. Greed takes people hostage and clouds their minds. Thus, keep me free from the greedy temptation of more money. Help me to be a good and faithful steward, helping to use it for the sake of Your kingdom which has no end. Amen.


Prayer for Blessings
O Jehovah, my God, You say to ask, and we will surely receive. I want to believe in Your word, so I ask that You work within me to trust You. You delight in taking care of Your people. You created us not for any end of Your own, but that we may be blessed through experiencing Your perfect love. Bless me, good Lord, and do not turn Your face away. Shower me with abundance and let Your servant prosper. Amen.


Prayer to Find Favor Financially
O Exalted One, I am petitioning You now with an urgent request. Please hear me. I am struggling financially. I feel as though I am being punished through my monetary situation. I cannot understand why Your people suffer while the wicked do well. Therefore, let me find favor in Your eyes. Do not pay attention to the wicked who cheat and lie, but financially bless me, Your dear child, through Christ, my redeemer. Amen.


Prayer to Find Success in All Things
God of Victory, sometimes I feel like every endeavor ends up in failure. No matter how much effort I put in, I seem to always wind back up in the same place. I am broke and without the means to provide for myself or my family. I desperately need to see a change in my life. Help me to find success. Illuminate my mind so that I can see where I am messing up. Help me to continue to live virtuously with integrity. Above all, restore my faith so that I do not give up. Amen.


Prayer for Unexpected Income
Jesus, my Savior and Miracle-Worker, You work in such unexpected and mysterious ways. For who can plumb Your depths or rise to Your great heights? Who can search out Your ways and behold Your glory? I am in a dire situation, and I need Your help. I ask that You provide income in unexpected ways. Do it, Jesus. Work a miracle in my life and deliver on this request through Christ, my Lord. Amen.


Prayer for Financial Breakthrough
Lord, my Refuge, I have been searching for ways to become a better steward of Your gifts. I am constantly looking for ways to invest and create a return on my money, yet I have not been as successful as I would like. I ask that You help me to arrive at a financial breakthrough. Help me to discover the ways of being a good steward. Let me make sound and wise decisions based not on emotion, but solid principles in keeping with Your commands. Amen.

can prayer make you rich

As a child of God, money and thus, financial release is one of your entitlements. The others (entitlements) being good health and unshakeable faith. Now, having prosperity in all these areas is a position/status in life that can be grabbed with these deep prayers.

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Prayer for Financial Breakthrough
Dear Lord,

I thank you for everything you have done for me. I know that I a truly blessed. Lord I ask that you heal my finances so that I can save money and pay my bills. I ask that you turn both of businesses into very profitable and successful businesses. I ask that you send people to my website that will purchase products from my website this year. I pray that they will become repeat customers. I also ask that you send me clients that will pay me to do marketing for them this year.


“You shall walk in all the way which the LORD your God has commanded you, that you may live and that it may be well with you, and that you may prolong your days in the land which you will possess.” – Deuteronomy 5:33

Prosperity prayer for money
Father above, I pray to You in total subservience today about my life. Lord, I need Your divine help in granting me financial independence. I pray that you remove me from the clutches of incapability and that—You provide me with all the earnings that I’ll use to take care of both myself, my loved ones, and all of Your Beloved for the rest of my life. Father, I need You to fix my life so that I’ll not be caught wanting. Instead, I’ll fulfill my roles in all needed areas of my life. I thank You God for the opportunity to have this prayer and for the forthcoming blessings, I exalt Your name and In Jesus Name, Amen.

Prayer for prosperity and protection
Oh Lord in Heaven, I come before You today for the sake of prosperity and protection. You’re the protector of Daniel and the benefactor of the Israelites. Father, bless me so that I may prosper in all the things I do in my life. I shall prosper financially, spiritually, and health-wise by Your will. Oh God, I pray You also protect me so that I will live a long and fruitful life In Jesus Name. All the blessings You shower upon me, no manner of enemy will collect it because I have Your divine protection. I thank You for Your presence today, and In Jesus Name I’ve Prayed.

Prayers for prosperity and financial release
Father, I’m here before You today because I want You to perform a miracle in my life. At this point, I cannot do it alone and even if I could, it cannot be compared to Your deeds. I walk in Your sight and I can personally testify to the other miracles in my life. God, I pray for financial release in the form of employment/my business. I pray that You lift my head so that I may stand proud as one of Your children. I want You to make me a living testimony and shame the enemies who doubted Your great works in my life. I thank You Oh God My Father, and In Jesus Name, Amen.

Prayer for blessings and favor
Heavenly Father, Your name leaves my lips daily in reverence of Your strength and unconditional love. Your undivided attention has been on me since I was in my mother’s womb and because You favoured me so, I was delivered into this world safe and sound. Lord, I ask that as You have been caring for me, You continue to do so. I want You to take the wheel of my life because nothing but Your blessings, favour, and love can suffice again. Lord, I ask for the double of Elisha’s blessing and I want to be Your favourite amongst millions. Be with me Oh Lord and let Your gaze waver not from me/my household. I glorify You El-Shaddai and In Jesus Name I’ve prayed, Amen.

Prosperity prayer in the bible
“For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” – Jeremiah 29:11

God has great plans for you! So, no matter what you’re going through right now, keep in mind that the Great Shepard never abandons any of His sheep.

“In the morning, LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning, I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly.” – Psalm 5:3

Kneel before the Lord, pray to Him because He is your Father. Also, you shouldn’t be afraid to go past these powerful prayers above. So, have a deep talk with Him and wait for His sign. Surely, He will answer You because His Love is unconditional.

“But he said to me, my grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. Therefore, I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.” – 2 Corinthians 12:9-11

When God is on your side, you’re never ever weak. In fact, all of your so-called weaknesses are always turned into positives when you walk and work with God.

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