Prayer Points For Sunday Service

As we meet together one more time this week, we thank God for the many blessings He’s given us this week. We ask Him to give us the strength and courage to continue in His service. Help us once again this week, oh Lord, to open our hearts and minds to the guidance of His Spirit and be ready at all times to receive His wisdom. Check out Prayer Points For Sunday Service, opening prayer for Sunday service with bible verses and short opening prayer for worship service.

Lord, we come to you today with the humblest of hearts. We know that our lives are not perfect, but we ask for your grace and mercy nonetheless. We come before you to worship and praise your name, but also to ask for guidance, wisdom, strength and courage as we walk through this life. May our prayers bring us closer to you in all that we do and say.

We pray for those who have passed on and who may be in need of comfort or healing from their time spent here on earth. We pray for those who have lost loved ones or friends who are no longer with us in body but remain with us in spirit. And we pray for those who do not believe in a higher power or deity at all—may they find peace in their own way!

We pray for ourselves as well: forgiveness when we fail to meet your expectations; patience when things get difficult; faith so that we can trust you even when it seems like there is nothing left to hold onto; love so that others may see how much you care about them through our actions; courage so that we can face our fears head-on instead of running away from them; wisdom so that our lives reflect goodness.

Prayer Points for Church Service with Scriptures

  • Pray for the preaching of the Word, that it will ⁢be ⁢clear, anointed, and ​impactful.⁤ (2 Timothy 3:16-17)
  • Pray for the hearts of the ‌congregation to be open and receptive to the message, that it ‍may bear​ fruit in their lives. (James 1:22)
  • Pray for those who are sick or in ⁤need⁤ of ⁤healing, that God’s healing power will manifest in their lives. (James 5:14-15)
  • Pray for the⁢ pastors and leaders, that they​ will be equipped and empowered by ⁣the Holy Spirit to ‌carry out their ministry⁢ effectively. (Ephesians 4:11-12)
  • Pray for the growth and expansion of the ‍church, that⁣ more people will be reached with the Gospel. ‍(Matthew 28:19-20)

MFM Prayer Points for Sunday Service

  • Pray for deliverance from any spiritual bondage or oppression that may be ⁣hindering the progress of the church and its members.​ (Psalm 34:17)
  • Pray for the breaking of generational‍ curses and the release of ⁣God’s blessings in the lives of the‌ congregation. (Galatians 3:13-14)
  • Pray ​for ⁣the anointing of ⁢the Holy Spirit‍ to manifest in ⁣the service, bringing forth signs, wonders, and miracles. (Acts 1:8)
  • Pray for‍ the manifestation of spiritual ⁣gifts among the members, that they may edify and build up the ​body of Christ. (1 Corinthians 12:7)
  • Pray for the restoration of backsliders and the reconciliation of broken relationships within ⁢the church. (Luke 15:20)

These are‌ just a few examples of the prayer points‍ that can be included in the intercessory prayers for Sunday service.‍ It ⁤is important to seek God’s ⁤guidance ⁣and direction as you⁤ pray and to pray in⁢ line with His Word and promises. As you engage in⁢ these​ prayer points, remember the words of Jesus⁤ in Matthew 21:22, “And whatever things you ask⁤ in prayer, believing, ⁣you will receive.”

Prayer Points‍ for Sunday‌ Service​ with Scriptures

  • Pray for a spirit of revival​ to sweep​ through the church, igniting hearts with ‌passion for God and His kingdom. (Psalm 85:6)
  • Pray for the presence of the⁤ Holy Spirit to be evident in‍ the service, convicting ⁣hearts and drawing people to God. (John ‍16:8)
  • Pray for the release of God’s blessings and favor upon the congregation, that they may experience spiritual and physical breakthroughs. (Malachi 3:10)
  • Pray for the spiritual growth ​and maturity of the members,⁣ that they may be rooted in the Word and⁤ bear fruit. (Colossians 1:10)
  • Pray for the church to be a beacon of light in the community, impacting lives and transforming the culture. (Matthew 5:14)

Opening Prayer Points for Sunday Service

  • Pray for God’s ‌presence to fill the sanctuary, that hearts may be prepared to worship and receive from Him. (Psalm 100:4)
  • Pray for the worship team and musicians, that they may ‍be anointed to lead the congregation into a time of heartfelt worship. (Ephesians 5:19)
  • Pray for the Word to be preached with clarity and power, that it may penetrate hearts and bring forth‍ transformation. ⁤(Hebrews 4:12)
  • Pray for the leading and guidance ⁣of the Holy ​Spirit throughout the service, that ‍all activities ⁣may be done ⁤in accordance with⁣ His ⁢will. (John 16:13)
  • Pray for the congregation to be open and receptive to the Word, ⁣that they may be stirred ⁤up to action and obedience. (James 1:22)

These ‍opening prayer⁢ points set the tone for the Sunday service and create an atmosphere of expectation and ‍reverence. It ​is‍ important to approach God with humility and faith, believing that He will hear and answer our prayers according to His perfect will. As we gather together in His⁢ name, let us lift up our⁢ hearts in ⁣prayer, seeking His presence, guidance, and blessing.

Opening Prayer Points for Church Service with⁤ Bible Verses

  • Pray for a spirit of reverence ‌and awe to fill the⁣ sanctuary, as we gather to worship the Lord. (Psalm⁤ 95:6)
  • Pray for the Holy Spirit to guide and direct every aspect of the service, from the worship to the preaching of the Word.​ (John 16:13)
  • Pray for the hearts of the congregation to be receptive and open‍ to the‌ Word, that it⁣ may produce‍ transformation. (James 1:21)
  • Pray for God’s anointing upon the pastor as he delivers the message, that⁢ it may impact lives and bring forth fruit. (2 Corinthians 2:17)
  • Pray for the manifestation of spiritual gifts and the operation of the power⁣ of God among the members. (1⁣ Corinthians 12:7)

These opening prayer ‍points serve as a foundation for the ⁣church service, setting the atmosphere for worship, ‍preaching, and the manifestation of God’s ​power. As we come ⁢before the Lord in humility‍ and ‌dependence, ‍we invite His presence and ‍power⁣ to work in and through us, accomplishing His ⁢purposes and bringing glory to His name.

Short Opening Prayer for Sunday Service

Dear Heavenly Father, We gather before You today with grateful hearts ⁢as ‍we come together for⁣ this Sunday service. We‍ thank You for the privilege of worshiping You and hearing Your Word. We ask for Your presence to fill this place and our ⁣hearts with Your​ love ⁤and grace. As we begin this service, we surrender all to You⁤ and invite Your⁢ Holy Spirit to guide and lead us. May Your Word penetrate our hearts, bringing transformation and renewal. We pray ​for unity among us and for Your blessings to ​flow abundantly. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Intercessory prayers for Sunday service

The following are potent intercessory prayer principles based on the Bible that you may offer during your Sunday service:

  1. Declare the ground and worship center sanctified by the blood of Jesus and the Spirit of Holiness through prayer and proclamation.

“Once Moses completed assembling the tabernacle, he consecrated and anointed it, along with all of its furnishings.” In addition, he consecrated and anointed the altar and its implements. (NIV: Numbers 7:1)

  1. Adorn the atmosphere with prayer and authority, proclaiming that Jesus is Lord and that at the command of the grandeur of God, every devil submits and departs.

“That every knee may bow in the name of Jesus, above and below, in regard to things in heaven and earth; and that every tongue may confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of the Father of God.” (2 Corinthians 2:10–11)

  1. Invoke the Lord in prayer and request that each worshipper, the chairs, and the ground be revitalized.

Pray that the congregation, the chairs they occupy, the ground in the center, and all tangible objects that the congregants come into direct contact with be anointed with the Holy Spirit.

  1. 4. A Prayer For Congregational Unity And Love
    Have the congregation be filled with affection and unity, fostering an environment of encouragement, support, and acceptance.

A Prayer For The Congregation’s Unity And Love

We, the adoring Father, present the congregation before You, beseeching Your grace to cultivate harmony and affection among us.

Eliminate from our fellowship any spirit of discord, conflict, or division that could impede the proper expression of Your love.

May Your love, compassion, and understanding overflow into our souls, empowering us to welcome each other with an open heart and to extend forgiveness and grace when necessary.

Facilitate the recognition and appreciation of each other’s distinct abilities and viewpoints, so that we may mutually assist and encourage one another out of love.

May our Sunday service manifest Your love in a tangible way, and may we serve as a model of compassion and unity for the greater world.

We pray in the name of Jesus.


Prayer Points For Sunday Service

Dear God, we come to you today in prayer. We pray that you will help us to open our hearts and minds to the things that matter most. Help us to be mindful of others and to make their needs a priority in our daily lives. We pray that we will be able to see with your eyes so that we can truly understand what it means to love one another as you did. We ask for your guidance and protection in all aspects of our lives, especially when things seem difficult or overwhelming. Thank you for always being there for us. In Jesus’ name, Amen

Opening Prayer Points for Church Service

1. We Adore You, Lord

Our father in heaven, king of glory, faithful father, we adore your name and glorify you forever. It is by your will that we are alive and healthy, and you have given us the grace to converge. You promised us that whenever we call upon your name, you will answer us in your presence. Come into our midst, our father; fellowship with us; visit us with your overwhelming presence; and make your blessings abundant in our meeting today. As we start this meeting, from the beginning to the end, glorify yourself and make us satisfied in you.

2. Accept Our Offering of Praise, Lord

Righteous Father, the maker of heaven and earth, the God of all flesh, you made all things according to the word of your power, and you made us the head of all creations. We are here today to worship you. Make our praise and worship accepted in your sight. You made us understand that you inhabit the praise of your people; come down, Lord, and ride on the wings of our praise. In our gathering today, let us feel you, refresh us in you, renew us and make us grow in you. As we start today, guide us through according to your will.

3. Show Your Power, Lord

Holy Lord, mighty God of heaven, the God that answers prayers, where two or three are gathered in your name, you said you are present there. We welcome your presence, oh Lord, and we pray you manifest your power and glory today. We want you to shine your lights in us and through us so that we may illuminate others for you. As we tarry in your presence today to worship, reveal to us the knowledge of the divine mysteries of your word that will transform our lives forever.

4. We Begin with You, Dear Lord

Alpha and Omega, Jesus Christ, the author and finisher of our faith We invite you to start today with us; we cannot do anything except your presence. Come, oh Lord, with your spirit and fill this place with your glory. Accept our worship and praise. Let everything we do today be divinely orchestrated from heaven. Let the manifestations of power be released upon us. Open the windows of heaven, bless us abundantly and let your joy overflow us all through the day of our lives.

5. We Need You, Dear Lord

Blessed Lord, you are great; the heavens speak of your glory. You do wonders in heaven, and we see the signs on earth. We, the work of your hands, worship you today. Accept our worship in Jesus name. We have not forsaken the gathering of the brethren; we have come to fellowship with each other in your presence. Come down, Lord, and let us feel your presence. As we continue in today’s service, we want to see your great power move toward us. Let every one of us encounter you in a different way. Bless us in all the ramifications of our lives, and give us everlasting joy in you.

Opening Prayer For Sunday Service With Bible Verses

Best collection of opening prayer points for Sunday service. These opening prayers will open the gates of heaven.

6. You Made Us Alive

Heavenly Father, we thank you for all you’ve done in our lives. We thank you because you counted us worthy to be among the living souls and to know you as the only true God. Accept our thanks in Jesus name. Today is the day you, the Lord, have made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. Righteous Father, as we continue in the service, fill us with joy unlimited and make us refreshed. Bind us with your chord of unity, and let everyone see your glory in us. Thank you for being our God forever.

7. Make Us Filled in Your Presence

We bless you for giving us grace through the night. That we are alive and healthy is by your power. You even provided for all of our needs, so we are not lacking any good things. We worship your holy name for this. Accept our worship in Jesus name. We pray that as we continue in today’s service, you will visit us mightily and let us feel your presence amidst us. We pray for those here and those coming; don’t make us go back the same. At the end of everything, let us glorify your name for a successful time in your presence.

8. Oh Lord, You Are Our Power

Everlasting Lord, we thank you for the grace to come before you again. Accept our praises in Jesus name. We magnify your name, oh God. We thank you for your promises. You make us understand that whatever we bind on earth is bind in heaven; we bind every power of the enemy against this gathering; we cast out every evil spirit against our coming together in Jesus name. We pray that today you will meet us at our point of need, and we will all go home happy from your presence.

9. Shine Your Light Father

Holy Lord, you are worthy of our praise. You reign in majesty; you are God forever. We appreciate you giving us the grace to be in your presence today. We honor your name. Accept our adoration in Jesus name. We are here again, mighty God. You are the father of light. As we come into your presence, we nullify every evil presence. We pray your light shines brightly in us, making us shine lights for you. Let people see your glory in us, and let them come to worship you, the living God.

10. We Destroy Evil Plans

Hallow be your name, oh God, the father of heaven and earth. We are here today to appreciate you because you have been faithful; you have kept us all through the week, and we are here to gather in your presence. Come and glorify yourself in our midst today. As we go into today’s service, we come against every plan of the devil, and we pray that only your will be done. We ask that you bless us in abundance and make us a blessing to future generations. Thank you, Jesus, for answering my prayers.

Short Opening Prayer For Sunday Service

Praying at the beginning of a meeting is a great way of reminding ourselves that God is with us, that He is at the center of everything we do, and that the reason we are alive is to love and worship Him. Gathered together on this page are a number of prayers that can be used for opening meetings and Christian events such as church services, weddings and Bible studies. There’s also a “how-to” on writing your own prayer, along with a sample opening prayer.

We recite the Lord’s Prayer in unison after the opening prayer, which the people of God have done since Jesus first taught us how to pray. Then, we all stand up and sing a hymn of praise together before moving on to another song.

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