A Prayer To Put On The Armor Of God

A Prayer to put on the Armor of God Lord of heaven and earth, the Maker of all things, of sun, moon and stars; Lord God, our Savior Jesus Christ, we pray for your protection: Cover us with your armor and surround us with your love. You who are mighty and strong, enable us to live in peace so that no harm will befall us or any of our possessions. Keep the evil one from stirring up enmity or plotting trouble against our lives. For you are almighty and can do all things; lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. Amen.

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A Prayer To Put On The Armor Of God

Thank you, Lord Jesus, for equipping me with everything I need to win my battles this day! I praise you that I am protected today by the armor of God. I now claim your promise that no weapon formed against me shall prosper (Isaiah 54:17). In Jesus’ mighty name, amen!

Dear Lord,

I come before you today to pray for the armor of God. I know that I need it in this world, and I would like it to be a part of me. So please give me the strength and courage to put on the armor of God so that I can fight for what is right. In Jesus’ name, Amen

Dear Lord,

Please help me to put on the armor of God today. I ask that you protect me from Satan’s temptations and evil plans. Please help me to stand firm against the enemy and his attacks, and give me courage to do what is right. Help me to be a good witness for you, even when it is hard.

Thank you for all that you have done for me, and for loving me so much. In Jesus’ name, amen

Dear Lord,

I come to you today to ask that you give me the strength and courage to put on the armor of God. Help me to remember that, even though I am weak and fragile as a human being, with your help I can overcome any challenge that comes my way.

Thank you for your love and guidance at all times.

Dear God,

I put on my armor today to serve you. Please guide me in my decisions and actions, so that I can be a good reflection of your love and grace to those around me.

Help me to stand strong when I am afraid, and help me to be bold when others are afraid. Help me to be brave in the face of my enemies, and help me to use my weapons for good.

Help me to remember always that no matter what comes against me, you are with me. You have given me the strength of your armor so that I may protect myself from any harm.

And most importantly, please help us all remember that we have each other here on earth; let us not forget this in our focus on coming battle.

Dear Lord,

I come before you today to ask for your guidance and protection. I am not strong enough to fight the battles of this world alone, but with you beside me, I know that I can accomplish anything. Please help me to remember that I have a choice in every situation: to be happy or sad, angry or kind, and to speak words of life or death. Fill me with your peace so that I may walk through this life without fear. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen!

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