Generally, people experience dreams every night before they wake up. It is a normal condition that occurs in almost everyone’s life and there is nothing to feel worried about. However, if you are inclined to dreaming about your own children getting hurt, there may be something causing you some anxiety from within. Perhaps you may have concerns about the health of your child or simply the thought of him being traumatized is the reason for it. If so, this article will help you to get over these abnormal dreams quickly without causing any harm to your child or making yourself worry unnecessarily.
Right here on Churchgists, you are privy to a litany of relevant information on dream about someone you love getting hurt, what does it mean when you have a bad dream about your child, what does it mean when you dream your child is in danger, and so much more. Take out time to visit our Website for more information on similar topics.
why do i dream about my child getting hurt
Have you ever had a dream that your child was kidnapped or hurt in some way? Me too. I used to dream almost on a daily basis that my child was being kidnapped. It was really scary. I would wake up in the middle of the night crying and shaking from the nightmare. It was awful. I talked to my doctor about it, and he said it can often be a manifestation of guilt when we worry about our children.
It is common for parents to dream about their children getting hurt. This can be a result of the stress and anxiety that comes with having children.
When you feel stressed about your child’s safety, it is normal for you to dream about them getting hurt.
You may also dream about your children being in danger because you are worried about them, and this can be a way for your mind to express those feelings.
I don’t know why you dream about your child getting hurt, but I can tell you that it’s not uncommon to have dreams like that.
I think the first thing to consider is the context of the dream. What is happening in your life at the time? How do you feel about your job? Your relationship? Your health? If there are things going on in your life that are making you feel stressed or overwhelmed, that may be reflected in your dreams.
Dreams can also reflect things that happened recently, such as a stressful event at work or an argument with a friend or family member. In this case, it might help to talk through what happened and try to understand how it’s making you feel so that you can get some closure.
Finally, dreams can also be a way for us to process things we aren’t able to fully handle during waking hours. Sometimes when something happens in real life and we don’t have time or energy to deal with it fully, our brains will just take care of it for us overnight! Just remember: dreams aren’t real—they’re just our brains doing their job.
Examples of dreams about an injured child
Here are some examples of common dreams involving an injured child and what they might mean. Most examples have two entries: one for a child you do not know, and another for a child that is your own.
Child with an injured right hand dream meaning
A dream in which you see a child with an injured right-hand means your life feels stagnant because of your lack of action. You cannot see any growth because you overthink things. The right-hand stands for action, strength, determination, etc.
That you saw a child with an injured right hand in a dream implies these traits are currently missing in your life. That is the reason certain things might seem to be failing to grow in your life. You need to cut down on over-analyzing things as this often leaves you unable to act, filled with all sorts of worries.
Your child with an injured right hand dream meaning
If you dream about your own child having an injured right hand, it means there could be certain influences in their life that might make them timid. This is due to a lack of confidence that is planted and allowed to grow from an early age.
You want your child to be confident, bold, and decisive. You can build this by reaffirming your child’s intelligence, determination, boldness, and mental strength from a young age. Praise them when they do well and gently correct them when they are wrong. Never make them feel stupid, inferior to others, and undeserving.
Child with an injured left hand or arm dream meaning
A dream in which you see a child with an injured left hand means you are at risk of bulldozing your way forward without thinking things through. Unlike the right hand which stands for bold action, the left hand stands for analytical thinking before leaping.
If this skill is ‘injured’, your desire for quick growth might land you in problems up to your neck. It will be synonymous with the cliche of running a hundred miles per hour in the wrong direction.
Your child with an injured left hand dream meaning
If you see your own child with an injured left hand in the dream, it means your parenting style could fill them with so much confidence that they will be prone to acting boldly with evaluating what exactly they are doing.
It is necessary to raise your child to have confidence in themselves, feel special and intelligent. However, you have to make sure this does not make them conceited or overly confident in their abilities.
The right hand might stand for boldness but the left hand symbolizes analysis and basically thinking things through. Neither hand should be injured for balance.
Child with an injured left foot or leg dream meaning
A dream about a child with an injured left foot symbolizes failures in your life that may have been caused by attempting to move forward and grow in life without much understanding. The left foot stands for cautious advancement and growth. The right foot, on the other hand, stands for bold and confident advancement.
The symbolism of the child has to do with the fact that this is hampering your growth. This stagnation could be in one or more areas of your life such as relationships, education, business, or career.
Child with an injured right foot or leg dream meaning
Seeing a child with an injured right foot means the reason you might be having difficulties moving forward along the path to your goals is lack of action. You spend time wishing and worrying and thinking things through but never take any step forward.
The right foot stands for bold steps taken amid doubt and fear. If it’s injured, you might never see growth in certain parts of your life.
Child with a facial injury dream meaning
A dream about a child you do not know with a facial injury means you might ruin your reputation with your desire for hasty growth in life. Your strong need to advance in life might put you at risk of making decisions that will damage your public image.
We all want our lives to grow and move forward. However, if you attempt to do this by any means including the dubious, people will lose trust in, and respect for you.
Your child having a facial injury dream meaning
If you see your child with a facial injury in the dream, it means there could be something that is chipping away at their self-image. This could be coming from their friends, relatives, or even you without knowing.
You need to monitor what’s going on around your child. This includes watching the words you use especially when addressing their wrongs. Too much careless, insulting speech will ruin their sense of self.
Child with a broken leg dream meaning
A dream in which you see a child with a broken leg means you had certain dreams and desires from your childhood that you abandoned.
Your desire to walk a certain path but life pushed you in a different direction. The broken leg symbolizes the broken journey towards your ‘natural’, ‘inbuilt’ childhood aspirations.
Dream about your child having a broken leg
A dream in which you see your own child with a broken leg means there is a risk that they will be pushed into things they do not want. You will see your child flourish if you let them choose their own path, and simply offer a guiding hand.
Some parents want to live their dreams through their children. Do not be that parent. Let your kids walk their own walk. Do not let anything or anyone force them onto paths they do not want.
Child with a broken arm dream meaning
A dream in which you see a child with a broken arm symbolizes the skills and talents you may have had in the past that you never quite worked on. These gifts never grew for one reason or another and they died along the way.
If you look back, you might realize that these are things you were quite passionate about. However, your hands were tied or broken by the demands of life and you never cultivated your talents. It could be anything from singing writing playing an instrument, public speaking, to sports.
Dream about your own child with a broken arm
Seeing your own child with a broken arm means there is a possibility that their natural talents are at risk of dying unless you identify and cultivate them in your child.
Help them find what they are passionate about and nurture them. Do not let discourage them just because you cannot see any value in it. Do not break their arm. Let them work on it as they please. You never know where it might take them.
Child suffering burns dream meaning
A dream about a child suffering burns symbolizes your fears and anxieties that may have arisen from certain traumatic incidents in the past. This fear has caused your to shrink and not grow in one or more areas of your life.
For example, you may have been burned in a past relationship. Instead of moving forward, building a new one and growing, you have shrunk from it all.
Dream about your child suffering burns
A dream in which you see your own child suffering burns means they could be at risk of life-long fear and anxiety resulting from certain traumatizing incidents around them. There are many things that traumatize children without the knowledge of parents.
This trauma often leave fear and anxiety towards certain things for life. If you dream about your child suffering burns, you might want to pay closer attention to them to undo the effects of any trauma they might have gone through with or without your knowledge
Child with a swollen face dream meaning
A dream about a child with a swollen face means you are experiencing a lack of growth in certain parts of your life because you sometimes tend to have an over-blown self-image. Many people are stuck because they feel certain jobs are beneath them, or that asking for help would not look good for them. In the end, such people never advance or grow in their lives.

what does it mean when you dream your child is in danger
#1 – Dream of a Child in Danger
This dream predicts a misfortune in your social and professional circles. Either you or someone you love will lose a lot in the coming days.
Either way, this affects you and you must take positive action to mitigate it.
This dream calls on you to be careful as you get into a new business or social arrangements. Be sure about the person you are dealing with.
#2 – Dream of a Child Walking into Danger
Dreaming of a child walking into a danger zone means you are in the wrong company. Your newfound friends and acquaintances are not as good as they want you to believe.
Before long, they will compromise your values and force you to turn against your beliefs. This dream asks you to make a conscious effort when it comes to the choice of good friends.
#3 – Dream of Helping a Child to Avoid Danger
Finally, you have realized that you have been pursuing the wrong goals. Likely, you were misguided into fighting for the wrong causes.
You have done many bad things that you regret. This dream indicates a period of healing and recovery.
This dream encourages you to be sensitive and considerate in handling people.
#4 – Dream of a Child Running Away from Danger
This dream calls on you to face the problems in your life head-on. It makes things worse when you keep sweeping challenges under the rug.
To improve your life, you actually have to look deeper into the issues you’ve been taking for granted. Never leave issues unresolved as this only adds to your burden.
#5 – Dream of a Child be Lured into Danger
In this dream, someone is tempting a child to do or say something that will clearly harm them. This dream draws attention to your ability to protect your loved ones.
You are being called upon to be there for your children. Protect them from the vices that have become commonplace in this modern world.
#6 – Dream of a Child Expecting Danger
In this dream, you see a child seated on the road or rail tracks waiting to be knocked over. Or, it could be that this child is in a situation where they expect something negative to happen to them.
This dream means that the good work you have been doing has attracted attention.
Your superiors are proud of what you have been doing for the organization, and they will reward you accordingly.
The authorities will respect you for the good example you are setting. Indeed, it’s likely you will win another grant for more projects.
#7 – Dream of Warning a Child of Impending Danger
This dream shows that you are getting too involved in someone’s life. They feel that you are becoming a bother, and they are looking for a way to express this to you.
This dream is a heads-up that you need to go slow on your intrusion into other people’s lives. Otherwise, you’ll end up embarrassing yourself – or being deserted by a friend, altogether.
#8 – Dream of a Child Falling into a Trap
In this dream, someone (most likely a pedophile) has laid a trap to ensnare a child in illegal activity. The person in your dream keeps sending the child suggestive messages through online platforms.
This dream calls on you to watch what you consume. Not everything out there is good for your consumption.
You need to consume clean content to generate great ideas.
In the same way, be keen on the choice of your company. As is oft said: show me your friends, and I’ll tell you your character.
Bad company ruins good morals.
#9 – Dream of Someone You Know Putting Your Child in Danger
You are worried that someone close to you is changing negatively. You can’t see to find the cause of their unwelcome transformation.
You need to pay closer attention to what they are doing in their routine lives. Could it be that they have gotten mixed with the wrong crowd?
Is it that they no longer believe in a bright future as they used to? This dream tells you that your intervention is highly sort-after.
#10 – Dream of Putting Your Child in Danger
Finally, you are ready to heed the advice of your mentors and elders.
You are ready to admit that your habits have been destructive, and that your choice of lifestyle has not been the best.
Once you get rid of the vices, the next logical step is to take better care of your health and relationships.
This dream alerts you of the need to reach out to all who you have wronged. It’s time to make amends.
#11 – Dream of Saving Your Child from Danger
This is a sign of fatigue. It means that you’ve taken up more responsibilities than you can handle. Although you keep pushing yourself, you are unlikely to finish your tasks.
This dream reminds you of the importance of delegation. Allow some of your colleagues to offload the less pressing of your assignments.
But remember, delegating does not mean you abandon your responsibility.
#12 – Dream of Someone Saving Your Child from Danger
Dreaming of someone saving your child from danger means you are surrounded by people who mean well.
Likely, you are highly suspicious because of past experiences.
This dream encourages you to form meaningful relationships with your neighbors, colleagues, and new acquaintances.
You can achieve a lot with their support.
#13 – Dream of Your Child Putting You in Danger
This is a sign that people are likely to take advantage of you because of your gullibility. You believe almost everything you are told without seeing the need of verifying it.
This dream reminds you that not everyone you encounter in this life wishes you well. Actually, a good number of those you encounter in this journey are actively working for your downfall.
Learn from the many times you’ve been let down before.
#14 – Dream of Children in Danger of Drowning
This signals a stressful period ahead for you and your loved ones. You’ll go through a lot because of the inability to take care of your needs.
This dream could also be a sign that someone close to you will get sick.
This is likely to affect their productivity, and you’ll be called upon to help them meet some of their needs.
#15 – Dream of Children in Danger of Being Burnt Alive
This dream indicates that your spendthrift nature is messing up your finances. In turn, this will negatively affect every aspect of your life.
If this goes on unchecked, you’ll soon find yourself out in the streets, begging.
This dream inspires you to take positive action to change your life. Avoid shopping for unnecessary items.
#16 – Dream of Child Putting Family in Danger
You have been relying too much on old knowledge to solve emerging problems. This dream challenges you to equip yourself with information on current trends.
Also, dreaming of a child putting your family in danger tells you to stop your childish ways. It’s time you started applying mature solutions to your problems.
Listen to your mentors and elders for guidance on this.
#17 – Dream of Children in Danger of Being Buried Alive
This dream draws attention to the qualities you need to positively transform your community. For example, you are kind, compassionate, and generous.
You are very much concerned by other people’s pain and suffering. Your empathetic nature guides you to reach out to the less fortunate.
You can make much headway by dedicating some of your time and effort to charity. By helping others, you get inner peace and satisfaction.
#18 – Dream of a Stranger Saving a Child from Danger
Things are not as bad as they seem; you need to relax. You are clearly fueled by the fear of failure. Unfortunately, you have allowed this fear to permeate every aspect of your existence.
You can’t seem to find time to enjoy anything in peace. You constantly worry about what would happen if you don’t make it.
#19 – Dream of Child Being Saved from Danger by the Police
This dream shows that you are highly protective. Your strong intuition guides you to seal any loopholes that would make your family susceptible to attacks.
Your reliance on your gut has enabled you to crack some tough problems in your community. For this reason, more and more people have come to rely on you.
#20 – Dream of Child Saved from Danger by Child Protection Services
Dreaming of an officer from the child protection services saving a child means you have lost control over your life.
You need urgent help, preferably from a professional counselor or someone who knows you well. This dream suggests you need to get support to regain your life.