When it comes to mouth, we have many words like chute and gavel (which are in fact used by the legal system), doctor, kid, father and mother. The meaning of mouth is simply a word which describes any organ or bodily part associated with eating. Read up on open mouth symbolism, spiritual meaning of mouth in a dream and Spiritual meaning of mouth.
Open your mouth wide and breathe deeply. Feel the air coming into it, filling up every corner of your mouth and nose with air. Now close your mouth, blow out what’s left in this space. Notice how your lips are sealed tight? They looked like they were puckered, like you had just kissed someone on the cheek. This is a common occurrence when someone breathes out quickly after inhaling a lot of air, called an “abnormal” or “failure to relax.”

The spiritual meaning of mouth is one that is connected to communication. When you take care of your mouth, you are taking care of the means by which you communicate with the world around you. Your words are an extension of your soul, and they are the foundation for how others perceive you (and how they perceive themselves). The way that we speak about ourselves is rooted in our self-concept, and it can be a powerful predictor of how we think about ourselves. When we choose our words carefully, we are choosing our path towards a healthy sense of self-esteem.
open mouth symbolism
Mouth also refers to our ability to take in new information and make it part of who we are. We all have different ways that we acquire knowledge—some people learn best by reading books, some by listening to lectures, others by absorbing information visually through watching videos or reading diagrams. Whatever method works best for YOU is the one that should be used! The important thing is that it works for YOU—not anyone else!
The mouth is an important part of the body. The tongue, teeth, and lips all play an important role in how we communicate with others and the world around us. It is also a place where we can experience and express our emotions, whether it be through joy or sorrow.
The mouth can be used for good or evil. When someone is known for speaking out against injustice or trying to spread love, they are said to have a “good mouth.” On the other hand, if someone uses their mouth to spread gossip or hate, they are considered to have a “bad mouth.”
The spiritual meaning of the mouth is linked to communication: what you say, how you say it, and why you say it. It’s important that we use our mouths wisely because words have power. We can use our mouths to uplift others or tear them down; we can use our mouths to spread love or fear; but most importantly, we must use them in ways that will bring goodness into this world.
spiritual meaning of mouth
We are loud people. Perhaps not in volume, but at least in volume. That is, we might not be yelling all the time, but most of us are broadcasting almost all the time. Broadcasting statements, pictures, videos to any and all who darken the doorway of our social media accounts.
Perhaps, then, the exhortations we find in Proverbs regarding our speech are not just applicable to our literal mouths and words; perhaps they are equally applicable to all the ways we broadcast ourselves.
Take, then, what we find in Proverbs 21:23: “The one who guards his mouth and tongue keeps himself out of trouble.”
Or Proverbs 13:3: “The one who guards his mouth protects his life; the one who opens his lips invites his own ruin.”
There is wisdom in keeping your mouth shut. Certainly not all the time, but also certainly more than most of us do. But doing so is much, much easier said than done. In a society of hot takes, in a world of instant opinion and reaction, and in a culture where the loudest voice seems to always win, the temptation is there to broadcast. Immediately. And loudly. In thinking through the contrary voice of wisdom in Proverbs, then, I see at least three spiritual reasons why it’s a good idea to keep my mouth shut more often.
1. To serve others.
Often times, my quick speech betrays my self-focus. The only way, after all, I could speak so quickly after someone else is if I’ve been considering my clever retort while they have been speaking instead of actually listening to them. Conversely, If I consciously made the choice to keep my mouth closed, then I would find much more intellectual energy available to truly listen and process what someone else is saying. My silence, then, is a way I can truly serve others, for true service is more than simply doing something for someone else; it’s thinking of someone as better than myself. Surely a great beginning point of that kind of service is actively choosing their words over my own.
2. To acknowledge my lack.
There is another verse in Proverbs that speaks well here: “Even a fool is considered wise when he keeps silent, discerning when he seals his lips” (Proverbs 17:28). My dad used to rephrase this Proverb like this – “Better to be silent and thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.” In other words, it’s smart to keep your mouth shut because if you open it, all you’re going to do is show your ignorance about a particular topic, person, or issue. But if I know this about myself – that I am not the smartest, most clever, or most wise person in the room, then keeping my mouth shut is not some kind of savvy power play. It’s an actual acknowledgment on my part that I don’t have anything of value to add at that moment. And that’s okay. It’s far better, in fact, than opening my mouth just to try and prove myself to a room full of people.
3. To embrace the Spirit’s work.
One of other reasons I speak quickly is because I am uncomfortable with silence. I’m the guy that will always speak up in a room, not because I necessarily have anything of value to say, but because I’ll do just about anything to avoid the awkwardness that comes from silence. This is a problem, because it’s during these pregnant silences when the Holy Spirit does good and eternal work. There are those moments when someone might be convicted of their sin. They might feel genuine sadness over a situation in their lives. They might contemplate questions of the highest order. And I might, in an effort to relieve the awkwardness of silence, stand in the way of that good and lasting soul work that needs to happen. Here, too, the wisdom of Proverbs hits home with me.
Quietness of speech, then, is not some kind of social awkwardness. Or at least it’s not when that quietness has been cultivated intentionally as a part of growing as a disciple of Jesus. Instead, this quietness marks the one who is confident in Jesus and His power, and simultaneously aware of their own great deficiencies. And that is a wonderful place to be, for this is where the gospel meets us again and again.
spiritual meaning of mouth in a dream
The mouth is a symbol of communication. It represents our ability to express ourselves and the need for us to speak our truth. When you dream about your mouth, it’s important to consider what you’re being asked to say or not say.
If you dream that your mouth is dry, this indicates that you may be feeling unable to say what’s on your mind. This could be because someone else has been dominating the conversation or because you feel like you don’t have the right words to express what you want to say.
Dreams about losing teeth can also indicate a fear of forgetting something important or saying something that will hurt someone else’s feelings.
A dream about biting off more than you can chew may mean that you are taking on too much responsibility at work or in your personal life. You might be stretched too thin and need to delegate some tasks so that you don’t burn out before reaching your goals!