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Prayer To Angel Aladiah

Angel Aladiah is a male Angel. This Angel is likely to be obedient and loyal. Angel Aladiah governs over employment, business, and the judicial system, so if you’re looking for job or a promotion, it might be time to pray to him. Prayer to this Angel will restore balance and harmony into your life, protecting you from vengeful elements that have created disorder in your life. Aladiah, the angel of mercy, sees to it that people in need receive guidance and support. He can also deliver visions of one’s future. In some ways, he represents divine compassion. While Aladiah’s duties are extensive, his remit is limited to personal matters.

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Prayer To Angel Aladiah

Dear Angel Aladiah,

I pray that you help me find a way to forgive those who have hurt me. I pray that you remove the anger and resentment from my heart, so that I do not carry it around with me like a heavy weight.

I pray for peace in my life and for happiness. I pray for strength when I am feeling weak, and hope when I am feeling discouraged.

I also pray for clarity of mind and heart, so that I can continue to make progress towards my goals without being distracted by negativity or doubt.

Angel Aladiah, please protect me from harm and guide me through this journey in life. I pray to the Angel Aladiah, who is in charge of protecting me from evil spirits and negative energies.

Aladiah, I ask you to protect me from all harm and negativity.

You are my guardian angel and I trust you wholeheartedly. You have always been there for me when I needed someone to guide me through tough situations in life. You helped me navigate through difficult times with grace and compassion, which made them easier for me to handle.

Aladiah, please continue to protect me from all harm and negativity by surrounding me with your holy light. Be my constant source of guidance and strength throughout this journey called life.

Aladiah In The Bible

Aladiah is the guardian angel for people born between May 6 and May 10. He has a feminine energy and represents the 15th and 20th degree of Taurus. In the angel hierarchy he is a Cherub, he is part of the sefirah of Hochmah, and his governing Archangel is Raziel. His planetary energies are Uranus / Saturn and he represents the element of Earth.

His name means: God of Favor.

He symbolizes: Tolerance and Clarity of Mind. He gives you the inspiration to succeed in your endeavors as well as help in restoring your morale. He also brings you healing and forgiveness for your faults. The angel Aladiah’s stone is Opal and his colors are Orange / Purple. Of the 7 charisms, he rules over: Interpretation.

The qualities given to you by the angel Aladiah

He offers you divine grace which will allow you to be absolved of any and all transgressions that you may commit. If you feel you have done wrong, turn to Aladiah for help.

He can help you to balance your karmas and to get rid of any negative energies you may have. Aladiah offers you his great strength to help you in matters of healing.

This strength will help you to replenish yourself and will bring you good health. He is therefore an important source of support for people who want an illness cured or for people who just want to be physically or mentally stronger.

He gives you an abundance of material as well as spiritual wealth. Aladiah is the guardian angel who watches over the disadvantaged and the homeless. He helps them to reintegrate into society and offers a second chance to whoever needs one and asks for it with love.

The imbalances regulated by the angel Aladiah

He protects you from anything which has the potential to unbalance your karmic energies, especially false prophets and gurus with ill intentions. He will protect you from all dangerous spiritual activities.

He prevents you from making the same mistakes that you’ve made in the past and will ensure that you keep your promises regarding your commitments.

Aladiah is a source of pure energy which allows you to fix any lack of productivity or lack of action you may be struggling with. He helps you become a righteous person who doesn’t neglect anything or anyone.

He helps you to channel some of your excessive sexual impulses as well as any potential problems you may have with your diet. He guides you towards respect for the law which will ensure a kind of harmony with regards to the forces of order.

When should I communicate with the angel Aladiah?

Time – Physical:
May 6 – May 10
Time – Intellectual:
03:00 – 03:20
Time – Emotional:
January 18, 00:00 – 23:59
March 30, 00:00 – 23:59
June 12, 00:00 – 23:59
June 13, 00:00 – 12:00
August 27, 00:00 – 23:59
November 8, 00:00 – 23:59

What can I ask the angel Aladiah?

You can ask Aladiah to bring you divine grace so that your faults may be forgiven. He will answer your prayer by sharing his energy with you to help you manage any problems you may have with your karma.

You can call upon him to ask for healing. If you feel as though you are lacking in energy, he can restore it for you. He can bring restoration not only to your body, but to your mind as well.

He can be called upon to help those in financial distress. He will be of support to homeless people wishing to succeed at reintegrating themselves back into society. Pray to Aladiah to find or to be reunited with success in the material world.

He is the guardian angel who provides second chances. You should therefore ask him for his guidance during times of hardship or when you face a great challenge in your life.

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