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prayer for driving test

It is known to be difficult to pass the driving test, especially if you are an older driver. Passing a driving test can bring a lot of relief and happiness, especially to one who has learned how to drive after a long time. Below, we review prayer for driving test, bible verses for driving test and patron saint of driving tests.

Many have heard and read about the importance of driving certification in today’s world and wish that they can take this one step further, by holding the certification as soon as possible. I was once in the same place as you, just like many older drivers today; I learned how to drive after a long time but found it quite difficult to get my driving certificate. After many attempts and failed attempts, I wasn’t able to get my license back then. But that was several years ago — I am happy now because I have learnt something new since then: what are prayers for driving exam?

You may find it hard to access the right information on the internet, so we are here to help you in the following article, providing the best and updated information on prayer for driving test. Read on to learn more. We at churchgists have all the information that you need about prayer for driving test. Read on to learn more.

prayer for driving test

Kalogs,Here is the prayer for success in the driving test:Dear Lord,Thank you for this opportunity. I thank you for giving me time and patience. I have faith in you that my skills are increasing constantly and will be successful today. Let me overcome my fear and help me pass this test with flying colors. Forgive my mistakes and bless others on the road. Help them be kind to me even though they may not want to be kind. I ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen

Lord, please help me to be confident and calm during my driving test. Please help me to remember all the lessons I have learned and to use them wisely. And please help me not to be distracted by my thoughts or emotions, but rather focus on driving safely and accurately. I pray this in your name, Amen.

Dear Lord,

I pray for your guidance and protection as I prepare for my driving test tomorrow. Please help me to be calm, confident, and safe as I drive on the highway. Protect me from accidents, distractions, and drowsiness. Guide me through each turn of the road with your wisdom and foresight. Let me not forget that you are always there with me, even while I am behind the wheel. Amen.

Dear God,

I pray for your guidance as I take my driving test. Please help me to stay calm and focused on the road ahead, and give me the strength to pass this test with confidence. Please bless the examiner and their family with love and peace, and please let me pass this test so that I may continue to drive safely on the road. Amen

Dear God,

I ask you, please help me to pass my driving test. I know that I can do it with your help.

Please help me to focus on the task at hand and not get distracted by anything outside of the car.

Thank you for hearing my prayer.

Dear God,

I am so grateful for this opportunity to ask you for help with the driving test. I know that you have already given me many gifts and talents, but I also know that sometimes we can get stuck in a rut or make mistakes.

Please help me pass my driving test today by giving me confidence and mental clarity. Please also protect me on the roadways.

Thank you!

Dear God, please help me to pass my driving test today. I know that it’s not just a test, it’s an opportunity to show you what I can do if you give me the chance.

I know that you’ve given me this gift of driving as a way for me to serve you and others by helping people get around safely. Please let me pass so that I can start doing that right away.

And above all else, please help me remember how much you love me and how much you want me to succeed in this new part of my life. Thank You!

Dear Lord,

I ask for your guidance and protection as I take my driving test. Please protect me from all harm, and guide my hands and feet to the right places. Help me to remember the rules of the road and make good decisions behind the wheel. I know that you are always with me, even when I feel alone, so thank you for being there, always. Amen.

Dear God,

I ask that you show me the way to pass my driving test. I know that I am capable of doing anything if you are with me, and I know that there is nothing more important than my safety on the road. Help me to be calm, focused, and determined. And please let me pass this time! Amen.

Dear God,

Please help me pass my driving test. I’ve been studying so hard, but I know that you can help me do even better.

If you let me pass, I promise to be a good driver and always wear my seatbelt.

Thank you for helping me pass my test!

Dear God,

Please let me pass my driving test. I promise to be a good driver and obey all traffic laws. Please let my tires not blow out on the way to the DMV and please don’t let me get a ticket for speeding or running a red light. I will always use my blinker when changing lanes and I will never tailgate anyone.

Thank you for listening to my prayer

bible verses for driving test

No matter how much driving experience you’ve had in the past, passing the official driving test and getting a driver’s license is something you want to be serious about. Knowing that some flimsy mistakes can make you fail and you will have to take the test again. Praying for the success of your driving test is not insignificant at all.
Many things could affect you on that day, ranging from being caught up in traffic and not getting to your test ground early to having a bad night the night preceding your test. Also, the fact that you got off on the wrong foot with your examiner could cost you so much. You must not be ignorant of the devices of the enemy; he always makes the lives of the children of God difficult, and he uses every opportunity he has found. So, take these prayers for a successful driving test with faith in your heart.

Although examiners are not expecting you to flatter or impress them, they still want to ensure they are not certifying a complete amateur or an overconfident novice. They want to be certain that having you behind the wheels will not constitute a social menace.

To be candid, you should not only attend driving classes or practice all the skills around your block; but you also need to pray that the Good Lord will crown all your efforts with great success. You will find below different short prayers and prayer points that put all your fears and anxieties in the hands of the one who has the power to make all things work together for your good.

Prayers to Make Driving Test Successful

I thank you, God, for the mercy of seeing today. I have picked a day for my driving test. As I say these prayers for successful driving test today, please make that day a record of good success in my driving experience in the name of Jesus.

1. Prayer against Lateness for My Driving test

I have been told to get to the testing ground 20 to 30 minutes before the time I was given. Please grant me the grace to wake up on time. H0elp me focus on the issue of the day – successful driving test. I receive grace to look away from any form of distractions in the name of Jesus. Please help me have a good night’s sleep and not be disturbed with nightmares of failing the test in the name of Jesus.

Rushing into the place is not my portion. I receive the mercy that will make the day begin well in the name of Jesus. Lord, I have picked the day I think is best for my driving test. I have out so many things in consideration for the D-day. Please help me get there in good time. Direct the traffic to my favour; do not allow the enemy to play a fast one on me in the name of Jesus.
Thank you, Jesus, for you will help me be on time on the day of my driving test in the name of Jesus.

2. Prayer for Perfect Understanding of Highway Codes

Lord Jesus, you are the light that enlightens every man. I look up to you for mercy to perfectly recall all I have learnt on the highway codes in the name of Jesus. Some things are still confusing throughout lessons and practice; help me, Lord, remember all I have studied and been taught in the name of Jesus. I receive the mercy that I will not be asked to use the highway codes that are confusing to me in the name of Jesus.

Father, your word says he that lacks wisdom should ask, and you will give when we ask in faith. I ask for your wisdom to answer every theoretical question correctly. I will not fail the practical ones, too, in the name of Jesus. I will not stutter to any question that proves difficult in the name of Jesus.

Grant me the grace to be humble and sincere enough to acknowledge my mistakes or errors calmly to my examiners; even if it may decrease my chances of passing the test, I know it will be a great background for the next in the name of Jesus.

3. Prayer for Favour before My Driving Examiner

Lord God, I pray to make me find favour in the sight of my driving examiner in the name of Jesus. Let the first sight reverberate mercy and favour in the name of Jesus. I am an object of God’s mercy, so I find favour before God and men in the name of Jesus. Let the light of the face of Jesus radiates all over me in the mighty name of Jesus.

Nothing negative will be seen or felt around me in the name of Jesus. No matter how strict, unapproachable, and stern, make me comely to him in the name of Jesus. Let your mercy arrange a great time between my examiner and myself. Do not allow me to speak on any topic that will stir up negative thoughts or feeling towards me in the name of Jesus.

4. Prayer for Grace for Accurate Preparation for Driving Test

I have been told to do many things so that I can pass my driving test once and for all. I am praying for your mercy to help me do all I should do in the name of Jesus. I help me to master how to use the manoeuvre perfectly in the name of Jesus. Some turns could be tricky; I receive mercy to go through them as adequately as possible skillfully.

Lord, I do not want to impress my driving test examiner with stunts, but I must be able to take a three-point turn well. Some other driving skills that scare me a bit are reversing around a corner and parallel parking. Please, dear God, help me in the name of Jesus. I receive grace for excellence in all these areas in the name of Jesus.

Lord, imprint the need to always check my mirrors in my mind in the name of Jesus. Help me not to allow anyone slip, that I will not take any action no matter how minute without checking the mirror in the name of Jesus. As I say these prayers for a successful driving test, bless all my efforts with good success in the name of Jesus.

5. Prayer for Peace during Driving Test

During this driving test, I receive the peace that passes all understanding to saturate my spirit, soul, and body. All the skills for driving will not do better under anxiety. So, dear Lord, help me stay calm in the name of Jesus.

Lord, I am so anxious about the success of this driving test, but I know anxiety can not do anything positive for me. It will only make me more agitated in the presence of my examiner. So, I pray that the peace of the Lord Jesus Christ floods my soul through all the time of the test in the name of Jesus.

I banish every spirit of fear and worry that can distract and destabilize me in the name of Jesus. I am filled with righteous confidence and boldness in the name of Jesus. No bend, turn, or roundabout will unsettle me in the name of Jesus. All the lessons and instructions I have been given come in handy to help my mind in the name of Jesus. Help me not to be scared of lorries or big vehicles, help me remain calm even when other vehicles pose a threat, and help me listen to the voice of my examiner in the name of Jesus. Thank you, Jesus, because all things will work together for the success of my driving test in the name of Jesus.

6. Prayer for Effective Sense of judgment during my Driving Test

It is said that a good driver uses all the sensory devices simultaneously while driving. I receive mercy to be at alert at all times as I am behind the wheels. Grant me the grace to have the right appraisal of the speed of approaching vehicles.

Fill me with the ability to be very observant of crossroads, signals, and manoeuvre. Help me, Lord, not to forget to stop at the red light or move when it indicates ‘go.’ I receive mercy to position the car correctly at a stop so that my turning into a minor road will not be wrong. Make me please my examiner on all these grounds in the name of Jesus.

I also pray for the grace to be able to steer the car smoothly as possible. Help me not to steer at the wrong time but make the appropriate judgment and not be a source of confusion to others on the road.
Straighten my hands that as I drive that I will stay correctly on my lane in the name of Jesus.

7. Prayer for Good Health on the D-Day

My health is kept and preserved in Christ Jesus. The Scriptures say whatever I lay my hands on will prosper. I have set my heart to get a driver’s license so that I can be free to go anywhere I want in my own time. Help me, Lord, to be in good health as I take that test on the stipulated date in the name of Jesus.

I declare no cold or flu will have power over me in the name of Jesus. Lord, I declare victory over any kind of stomach pain or upset. No infection will thrive in my body in the name of Jesus. I have heard stories of those who were completely fine the night before, but on the morning, the reverse was the case. I decree and declare that my own will not be like that in the name of Jesus.

The power of life in Christ Jesus reigns supreme in my mortal body in the name of Jesus. And crushes any sickness or disease that wants to destabilize my health in the name of Jesus.

Prayer Points for Successful Driving Test

1. I declare that my driving test is successful in the name of Jesus.
2. I receive mercy to be excellent at all the requirements of the examiner in the name of Jesus.
3. No emergency whatsoever will make my driving test day unsuccessful in the name of Jesus.
4. The angels of God steer my heart and mind in the right way.
5. I declare no accident as I take my driving test in the name of Jesus.
6. I will not lose control of my steering or gear in the name of Jesus.
7. I find favour before my driving test examiner. Everything I do will not conflict or repel him in the name of Jesus.
8. My health is completely sound on the day of my driving test. Sickness, disease, or infection have no place in my body in the name of Jesus.
9. The traffic coming my way during the test will favour me in the name of Jesus.
10. The peace and calmness of our Lord Jesus flow through my spirit, soul, and body in the name of Jesus.
11. All my preparations are blessed in the name of Jesus. I will not forget anything necessary in the name of Jesus.
12. The presence of the Holy Spirit goes with me as I go to my driving test in the name of Jesus

patron saint of driving tests

Dear God, please help me to pass my driving test. I know that I can do this, with your help. Please keep my hands steady and my eyes focused on the road so that I can drive safely and not cause any accidents. Please give me the confidence to know that I am capable of doing this, and please help me not to be nervous or anxious about the test. Please let me remember everything that I have learned in driver’s ed and let me be able to apply those skills during my test. Thank you for helping me to pass!

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