This article is about the spiritual meaning of mirror falling off wall. Mirror allows us to see a unique level of our soul. Mirrors are also known as shards or pieces of glass or metal that reflect the outer world towards us. Well, that was the mythology behind mirrors but do you know how mirrors can harm us? What is their connection with things happening around us? How do they control the destiny of mankind and what is their actual meaning? Just keep reading the post and you will know more about mirrors and their importance in our lives.
The mirror falling from the hallway wall is a powerful psychological symbol. Its significance lies in its ability to reflect. Mirrors are indicators of the truth. In your dream, when the mirror falls off the wall, it indicates that you are not seeing things clearly and accurately, so you cannot form an intelligent opinion about what is happening around you. This means you need to reassess the situation and see it for what it is, so you’re not acting out of ignorance.

What Does It Mean When A Mirror Falls Off The Wall By Itself
Mirrors have been associated with many different cultures’ mystical and symbolic meanings throughout history. Many people think that a mirror falling from the wall isn’t merely a coincidence; rather, they interpret it as an omen or a sign that something important is going to occur. Let’s examine some widespread myths and superstitions related to broken mirrors.
ill luck
One of the most pervasive beliefs is that shattering a mirror will bring misfortune for seven years. This idea originated in antiquity, when people thought mirrors were strong objects that could both reflect and capture the soul. The belief states that when a mirror breaks, the soul within it is shattered, disrupting one’s existence and drawing bad luck. Despite the lack of scientific proof, many societies nevertheless harbor the antiquated fear of bad luck.
Unknown Facts Unveiled
The disclosure of secrets or hidden facts is another meaning associated with a fallen mirror. Reflection has always been connected to mirrors, both literally and figuratively. It’s possible to interpret the breaking and falling of a mirror as a sign that something secret or hidden will soon be revealed. This view stems from the notion that mirrors have the ability to reflect both our inner selves and our outside appearance.
There are just two kinds of honor in the world: the honor that people have for you and the honor that you have for yourself.
The second type helps you stay in line with your morals and life’s fundamental values.
If you witness a mirror break and tumble off a wall, it may indicate that you are no longer respected by yourself.
It’s possible that you violated a moral standard or committed an error that is now making you feel awful about yourself.
You can’t even bear to think about looking in the mirror after what you did; you’re so ashamed and disgusted.
Spiritual Meaning Of Mirror Falling Off Wall
The spiritual meaning of mirror falling off wall is that you are being given a chance to reflect on your life and/or the choices you’ve made. You may be feeling disconnected from yourself or your image of yourself. This might be the result of an outside event that has changed the way you view yourself, or it might be the result of something internal that is making you wonder where you fit in the world.
Mirrors can be seen as a way to see ourselves from an outside perspective. When we see ourselves through another’s eyes and their perception of us, it helps us see things about ourselves that we may not have noticed otherwise. When a mirror falls off the wall, it means that there has been some kind of disruption or change in one’s perception of themselves; perhaps something has happened that has made them question whether or not they are truly beautiful individuals worthy of love, acceptance and belonging.
The spiritual meaning of a mirror falling off the wall is that you may be feeling misunderstood or alone.
If a mirror fell in front of you, it might be a sign that you don’t feel like people are listening to or understanding you. You might feel like no one cares about your feelings and that no one has your back.
If the mirror fell behind you, it could mean that you feel like no one understands what is going on with you right now. You might feel like those around you don’t understand your inner workings and might even be judging them.
Seeing a broken mirror indicates a turbulent relationship in waking life. There is a large chance that you were initially drawn into a relationship because it made perfect sense to you. The broken mirror promotes irresistible chemistry between two people. Likewise, the broken mirror is a suggestion that a relationship is not going to plan. You need to find a compromise because the positives outweigh the negatives in a given relationship. This relationship could be a sexual or family relationship.
Is the dream of a mirror good or bad?
Mirrors are known to represent luck, be it bad or good. Because of the superstitions related to mirrors, mirrors in dreams often have strong psychic vibrations and deep meanings. There are sayings that if you break a mirror, it will give you seven years of bad luck. If you stare into a mirror at the stroke of midnight on a full moon, then you will see a glimpse of your future husband. Giving a mirror to your daughter on her wedding day is considered good luck in some cultures. So let’s move on to your dream.
What do you need to be mindful of when you dream of a mirror?
These dreams appear when we have been in situations where we have started to share something important, but you never finish what you want to say. This could be because the listener has asked a different question or shared a similar experience. All of this is not the end, and we all have it from time to time. Reflective listening can be a valuable way to ensure that a person has the space to express themselves and to be heard when they have something to say.
What is the dream meaning of seeing a mirror?
When you notice mirrors in a dream, they often come with their own images. Sometimes you will see a pleasant reflection in a dream, while other times you will not see anything at all. In the dream, the reflection you see (or lack thereof) has significant meaning to you as the dreamer and how you see yourself in the waking world. Consider your own image in the mirror in your dream as reflecting an aspect of yourself, but remember that the sight that you see is not always what you are thinking of in real life.
Seeing yourself as older, younger, attractive or ghastly in a mirror during the dream is a reflection of the inside and is usually tied to feelings of worry, guilt, or self-chastising behavior. For example, a person who is run down in their life and desperately needs a change may see the reflection in a mirror as themselves but as someone who is old and haggard-looking. Someone who feels that they are overlooked or not paid attention to in their waking world will sometimes stare into a mirror but see no image of themselves. The first indication of the mirror in a dream is to assess your internal feelings about yourself and what is going on in your life. Often, there is a direct correlation between how you are feeling and your psyche’s way of dealing with internal feelings.
A house with smashed mirrors, if it is your home, is a deeper reflection of how you see yourself. This is a message that you are hiding and sometimes it can be an alarming dream. Consider what feelings you have that you are ignoring. When you refuse to look at yourself in the mirror, consider the way you feel that others see you and if you are dealing with a healthy outlook on your own appearance. Often, people with eating disorders or twisted self-image issues will be unable to look at themselves in the mirror.
Mirrors are a strong key for foreshadowing in stories and movies. Messages get written in steam and sometimes you will see things in the mirrors that you normally would not see become apparent. Dreams sometimes use a mirror as a window. If there is a magical quality to the mirror, especially if there is a purpose or image involved, this is often a psychic or prophetic dream that should not be ignored. Fear dreams regarding mirrors are often warnings of things to come in your waking world.
Of course, there are generic meanings when mirrors are involved in your dream. It is important to pay attention not only to what happens in your dream but also to how you feel based on what you see in the reflection of the mirror. When a dreamer can see the past, like a running movie in a mirror, the nostalgic feeling the scared feeling or whatever else, these indicate key points of your life to revisit. If a person looks into a mirror and feels sexy and confident, then it would be important to bring those aspects into the waking world as well.
The same is said if you look into a mirror and are unhappy with what you see, then consider the cause and how to change it in your waking world. Dreams often show us pathways to travel. Mirrors help us see what is right and wrong for ourselves. With all the things that are happening in our daily lives, it’s nice to slow down and see what we might have missed because we were looking the wrong way. Mirrors often give us a chance to see things from a new perspective. Mirrors are quite interesting in the dream state.
To see a broken or cracked mirror in superstition terms is negative. You have to ask yourself a question in life if you dream of mirrors. This question is: Is it worth it? The mirror has many different meanings in the dream state but they generally all boil down to self-explanation. You may see different parts of your behavior—the good parts and also the bad. From a psychological perspective, Freud believed seeing yourself in the dream was a process involving the image of how others in waking life look at you. It has also been connected to dreams of anxiety. If your expression in the mirror changes or you are older than you are in real life, then this indicates you need to have more self-awareness. Mirrors are quite interesting in the dream state.
Seeing a mirror is associated with one’s connections in life to their own inner reflections. Sometimes we can dream of looking into a mirror. To see a broken or cracked mirror in a dream or alternatively, a dirty mirror, is rather common. Many people dream of looking into a mirror or, alternatively, seeing a reflection looking back at them. Dreams of mirrors are focused on how we view ourselves in waking life; they indicate that if you’re committed to understanding who you are, then this dream is common. A negative “mirror” dream indicates you may find difficulties in life.
To see sunglasses in a dream illustrates that you are trying to hide away from a difficult situation in waking life. To see a mirror in the operating theatre indicates that you are working towards a timescale, that you are always rushed and stressed and that you need to reflect on your own health in order to progress in life.
Seeing a mirror is associated with one’s connections in life to their own inner reflections. Sometimes we can dream of looking into a mirror. To see a broken or cracked mirror in a dream or alternatively, a dirty mirror, is rather common. Many people dream of looking into a mirror or, alternatively, seeing a reflection looking back at them. Dreams of mirrors are focused on how we view ourselves in waking life; they indicate that if you’re committed to understanding who you are, then this dream is common. A negative “mirror” dream indicates you may find difficulties in life.
To see a broken or cracked mirror in superstition terms is negative. You really have to ask yourself a question in life if you dream of mirrors. This question is: Is it worth it? The mirror has many different meanings in the dream state but they generally all boil down to self-explanation. You may see different parts of your behavior—the good parts and also the bad. From a psychological perspective, Freud believed seeing yourself in the dream is a process involving the image of how others in waking life look at you. It has also been connected to dreams of anxiety. If your expression in the mirror changes or you are older than you are in real life, then this indicates you need to have more self-awareness.
What does it mean to see no reflection in the mirror in a dream?
No reflection in the mirror is also important; it means you are having problems with your self-esteem. To see your own self or reflection is a positive omen, meaning that in any given relationship you have, you need to look at your own actions and how they affect others.
What does a strange image in a mirror in a dream?
If you look in a mirror, the image scaring you back is not of your own face, and this can suggest there are hidden emotions. In many dream dictionaries, it denotes that looking at a mirror can indicate that you are reviewing your own actions in the waking world. For some scary image to be present in a mirror in a dream, it indicates a fear you have in real life.
What does a rearview mirror in a dream mean?
To see the rearview mirror of a car in a dream is a suggestion that you are focusing on other people rather than yourself. It can also suggest you were looking back at the past and were unwilling to change with knowledge of other people’s emotions.
What does looking in mirrors in a dream and a mirror falling?
To be at a hairdresser and for somebody else to be drying, washing, or dying your hair in a dream indicates that you need to look within yourself for the answers. Mirrors can also denote many spiritual teachings, even if we look at Buddhism and Indian folklore. If we look in the mirror, it can also be a reflection of different aspects or consciences in life. It is not uncommon for stories to denote that we can switch different planes or spiritual connections through a mirror. We only have to look at Alice in Wonderland through the looking glass. But what does this mean in the dream state? It indicates that you feel that you are outside of where you’re supposed to be in waking life.
Perhaps you have come to the understanding that you are different and that you truly accept the fact that you need to mellow. This dream can also be associated with your own inner child. To be in a bedroom and look into the mirror is associated with experiencing some difficult emotional times ahead. If you look in the mirror and your face changes, then this indicates that you are going to be in tune with the emotional climate around you. When you experience different emotions, you may become more vulnerable than normal. Consider this dream a challenge, in that you need to look inside yourself in a dream that is associated with insights about understanding your particular relationships with you, as we have already highlighted.
It can indicate that you are being controlled by somebody. If you see a mirror falling from your dream, then this indicates that you need to take pride in being emotionally available to others. Try not to forget who is important in your life. If you look in the mirror and cannot see your reflection looking back at you, then this suggests that you are challenging your own beliefs. If you can see another person looking back at you when you look into a mirror in a dreadream,n this implies that you need to value the partner that you have. If you don’t have a partner, then it can suggest that you need to have the freedom to make the choices that you make in life.
What do broken mirrors in dreams mean?
A cracked mirror can indicate that your self-image is in question. It means that you cannot connect with your own emotions. It can also suggest that you will encounter somebody who will make some critical remarks and expect you to get the joke—when it feels as though this person is diminishing you as a person. Beware of people who put you down and try to make you feel like you are not worth anything because, in fact, you are. The broken and cracked mirror is very much associated with feeling better about yourself. Be kind, share, trust, and understand others unconditionally.
As we have already touched on, breaking a mirror in superstition terms is connected to 7 years of bad luck. Breaking a mirror by accident during the dream state is a suggestion that you will encounter some bad luck but in the future things will work out well. The broken mirror is also associated with you breaking away from an uncomfortable situation.
What do repetitive dreams of mirrors?
Sometimes people have repetitive dreams of mirrors. If you see other people in a mirror during the dream, then this can suggest that you need more self-reflection in life. If you go into a shop and buy or receive a mirror as a gift, then this can indicate that you need to look inside yourself in order to remain strong. To see a mirror shattering your dream is an indication of a breakthrough in life. Keep in mind that you need to have a direct approach to matters, especially love.
What does a dirty, cleaning, or foggy mirror?
If you are cleaning a mirror in your dream then this indicates that you need to contribute financially to a relationship. We live in a society where both people in a relationship need to work in order to survive. Cleaning the mirror is a suggestion that you need to works harder in life to achieve what you wish to do. If you are single cleaning the mirror means that you need to are dirty mirroring a dream indicates that you need to respect someone in waking life. It can suggest you are being criticized by somebody, rather than be angry try to take this criticism on. To see a mirror steamed up, for example being in a bathroom is a representation of not having the time or value for yourself. It can often indicate that you have been feeling neglected and really hurt in a relationship. If the mirror itself is foggy then this can indicate a difficult cloudy relationship in life.
What does a room or hall of mirrors in a dream mean?
To be in a room and every wall is covered in mirrors, or a hallway of mirrors is a suggestion that you need to reflect on your own actions in life. There have been moments that have led to unhappiness but you need to be more physically in tune with yourself in order to overcome any emotional problems.
What does black mirror in dreams mean?
If you look into a mirror in your dream and you see darkness or the mirror is black then this can suggest that you are willing to welcome the advice from others. It can suggest that you have been feeling paranoid lately and this is because one part of a relationship is not working. Try to surrender and trust there is a higher power that supports human life. a ghost mirror or haunted mirror featured in a dream is associated with taking charge in life. Are you using all your creative energy in your job? It suggests that your spiritual development is being squashed. If the black mirror in your dream is on a wall then indicates you should take charge. For the mirror to turn different colors in a dream suggests that you gain some spiritual help in the future. As we have already concluded mirrors are associated with our reflection in life.
To see a shaving mirror in a dream is a suggestion that you are going to find your way back to a love relationship that is good for you. To apply make-up in a mirror in a dream suggest selfless acts of kindness. It can also suggest that you were trying to hide from your true self.
What the mirror looks like in the dream?
Mirrors are often used so we can look at our own reflection, a mirror can have a huge array of decoration and architecture. If the mirror has a silver frame then this dream denotes riches are coming your way. For the mirror frame to be gold indicates you going to remove negative energies in life. There are many different types of mirrors and these could be featured in your dream. A concave mirror is associated with the distortion of your own self-image. If you see a curved mirror then this is connected to a possible bad relationship in the past. The curved mirror indicates that you need to enjoy the possibilities of a new relationship in the future.
What do car mirrors or driving mean in a dream?
To see a mirror on a road, for example, if you reversed your car in the road and you were able to look in your rearview mirror which allowed you to see traffic indicates that should be yourself! Convex mirrors are notably used to view traffic in blind spots or busy road junctions then seeing such a mirror in your dream indicates a possible danger. To see an accident in a mirror suggests a new start. To see something chasing you through a mirror suggests your inner fears in life.
What do dental mirrors in dreams mean?
To see dental mirrors which are used by a dentist in your mouth is a suggestion that you need to be aware of difficulties in a relationship. It can indicate a male or female who is very critical of your body or this dream can also denote self-awareness. It implies that somebody will make you feel special you don’t have trust in this relationship.
Other mirrors in a dream:
- To see sunglasses in a dream illustrates that you are trying to hide away from a difficult situation in waking life.
- To see a mirror in the operating theatre indicates that you are working towards a timescale, you are always rushed and stressed and it indicates you need to reflect on your own health in order to progress in life.
- To see a mirror over the fireplace in the dream suggest that you may have cold feet in a matter if the fire is not on. If the fire is on, and you see an overmantel mirror on a chimney then this can suggest attraction to the opposite sex.
- To be in a hall of mirrors which is found in theme parks or distorted mirrors which give of an unusual reflection is a suggestion we need to remind ourselves of the qualities that we have.
- Dropping a mirror in a dream implies “don’t be too hard on yourself” this is the key message. To see a rolling disco ball in your dream suggest that you will feel emotionally wounded by somebody in the future.
- To see a magical mirror such as the sleeping beauty mirror that talks back at her is a suggestion that you feel that you are living in a fairytale. You are not in charge of your own life if you see a mirror that is magical in its effects.
- Looking in mirrors in a dream and a mirror falling: To be at a hairdressers and for somebody else to be drying, washing, or dying your hair in a dream indicates that you need to look within yourself for the answers.
What is the spiritual meaning of dreaming of mirrors?
Mirrors can also denote many spiritual teachings, even if we look at Buddhism and Indian folklore. If we look in the mirror it can also be a reflection of different aspects or consciences in life. It is not uncommon for stories to denote that we can switch different planes or spiritual connections through a mirror. We only have to look at Alice in Wonderland through the looking glass. But what does this mean in the dream state? It indicates that you feel that you are outside where you’re supposed to be in waking life.
Perhaps you have come to an understanding that you were different and you truly accept the fact you need to mellow. This dream can also be associated with your own inner child. To be in a bedroom and look into the mirror is associated with experience in some difficult emotional times ahead. If you look in the mirror and your face changes then this indicates that you are going to be in tune with the emotional climate around you. When you experience different emotions you may become more vulnerable than normal. Consider this dream a challenge, in that you need to look inside yourself in a dream it is associated with insights about understanding your particular relationships around you as we have already highlighted.
It can indicate that you are being controlled by somebody if you see a mirror falling from in your dream then this indicates that you need to take pride in being emotionally available to others. Try not to forget who is important in your life. If you look in the mirror and you cannot see your reflection looking back at you then this suggests that you are challenging your own beliefs. If you can see another person looking back you when you look into a mirror in a dream then this implies that you need to value the partner that you have. If you don’t have the partner then it can suggest that you need to have the freedom to make the choices that you do in life.
What does a cracked mirror mean in a dream?
A cracked mirror can indicate that your personal image is in question. It means that you cannot connect with your own emotions. It can also suggest that you will encounter somebody who will make some critical remarks and expect you to get the joke – when it feels as though this person is diminishing you as a person. Beware of people who put you down who try to make you feel you are not worth a because in fact, you are. The broken and cracked mirror is very much associated with feeling better about yourself. Be kind, share and trust, and understand others unconditionally.
As we have already touched on breaking a mirror in superstition terms is connected to 7 years of bad luck. Breaking a mirror by accident during the dream state is a suggestion that you will encounter some bad luck but in the future things will work out well. The broken mirror is also associated with you breaking away from an uncomfortable situation.
Feelings encountered during the dream of a variety of mirrors: Worried about breaking the mirror. Magical mirrors wishing mirrors. Rearview mirror where you can’t see the traffic. Looking at your reflection of yourself during the dream. Worried, unhappiness, feeling unsettled in life
In this dream, you may have
- Broke a mirror.
- Purchased a mirror.
- Given or received a mirror as a present.
- Screamed at your image in a mirror.
- Cut someone or something with a mirror.
- Were trapped in a house of mirrors.
- Were in a home with no mirrors.
- Noticed that your reflection in a mirror looked different or that the person staring back at you was not you.
- Been startled to see someone behind you in the mirror.
- Noted that someone or something didn’t have a reflection.
- You see a broken mirror in the dream.
- You see a wall of mirrors in a dream.
- You see an odd reflection in the mirror during your dream.
- You see other people’s reflections during the dream.
- You see mirror wishes.
- In your dreams see a black mirror.
- In your dream you see a door made out of a mirror.
- In your dream you see a mirror in the bathroom.
- In your dreams your cracked mirror.
- In your dream there is no reflection in the mirror.
- You see a silver or gold mirror in a dream.
- You see a disco ball in the dream (made of mirrors)
- You see a rear view mirror in the dream.
- You see a broken mirror in the dream.
- You see a wall of mirrors in a dream.
- You see an odd reflection in the mirror during your dream.
- You see other people’s reflections during the dream.
- You see mirror wishes.
- In your dream you see a door made out of a mirror.
- In your dream you see a mirror in the bathroom.
- In your dreams your cracked mirror.
- In your dream, there is no reflection in the mirror.
- You see a silver or gold mirror in a dream.
- You see a disco ball in the dream (made of mirrors)
- You see a rearview mirror in the dream.
Positive changes are afoot if
- Receive a mirror as a present.
- Give a mirror to a girl.
- Saw yourself age in a mirror.
This dream is in association with the following scenarios in your life
- Feelings and emotions.
- Being tired or run down.
- Being unhappy with your body image.
- Seeking a change or resolution.
- Being satisfied.
- Happiness.
Advice after a dream of a mirror: Reflect on yourself and your own goals in life.
Mirror Fell Off Wall And Shattered Meaning
What is the meaning of a mirror falling off the wall? Breaking a mirror is considered to be bad luck. … It is also said that the damaged soul, which results from the broken mirror, is not capable of protecting a person from bad luck or the damaged soul brings bad luck as an act of revenge against one’s carelessness.
Is it bad luck when mirrors fall and break?
Breaking a mirror is considered to be bad luck. … It is also said that the damaged soul, which results from the broken mirror, is not capable of protecting a person from bad luck or the damaged soul brings bad luck as an act of revenge against one’s carelessness.
What does it mean if you drop a mirror and it doesn’t break?
You’re in luck. If you dropped a mirror and it somehow managed not to shatter, good luck will be coming your way. Don’t go playing with fate though. If the mirror does break then you’re going to have quite the opposite of luck!
What does it mean if a mirror broke?
Breaking a mirror is another supposed source of bad luck. Well, mirrors used to be rare and expensive, so breaking one meant going without, saving for another, and waiting. … Also, breaking a mirror usually meant that shards of glass would be scattered about the floor.
What happens if mirror breaks in home?
According to Vastu Shastra, if a crack appears on mirror, it should be immediately thrown out of the house. … If a crack appears on a mirror, immediately throw it out of the house. Also, when a mirror breaks suddenly, it is believed that a big threat or problem that was about to affect the family has now been escaped.
What Happens If Mirror Breaks In Home
After months of searching, you found the perfect apartment and it’s finally time to move. But just as you’re about to pat yourself on the back, something terrible happens: You trip over a crack in the sidewalk and the large, antique mirror you’re carrying slips from your grasp. Before you can even fully understand what’s happening, the mirror hits the concrete and cracks into hundreds of pieces. Your first thought? Well, we probably shouldn’t repeat it here. Your second? Seven years of bad luck.
But why the bad luck? Will breaking a mirror really heap misfortune upon your head? According to superstition, the answer is yes. Although the exact origins of the belief are inexact, potentially centuries-old lore holds fast to the idea that a mirror is a projection of one’s appearance — and one’s soul. Breaking a mirror also breaks the soul into pieces. The soul, now severely damaged, isn’t able to fully protect its owner from bad luck. Or, in an alternate explanation, the damaged soul seeks revenge against the one responsible for its injuries. The means of revenge varies, but often includes the loss of a close friend or the death of someone in the household [source: Radford].
The idea that broken mirrors can bring bad luck most likely stems from the ancient Greeks, who believed spirits lived in reflective pools of water. In fact, the fate that awaited Greek mythological figure Narcissus may have grown out of this belief. Narcissus fell in love and it was his undoing; so besotted was he with his own reflection in still waters that he pined for himself (or, by some accounts, the visage of his late twin sister) until he died [source: Encyclopedia Britannica].
Regardless of the way it started, the notion that breaking a mirror brings bad luck is prevalent in cultures around the world, ranging from Greek and Chinese to Indian and American. Whether you subscribe to the superstition or not, breaking a mirror is bad news — if only because of the mess it creates.
Mirror Bad Luck FAQ
What does a broken mirror symbolize?
People from many cultures, including Greek, Chinese and American, believe that a broken mirror is an indication of bad luck.
What happens if you accidentally crack a mirror?
Nothing really happens, except that you might have to clean up a mess and buy a new mirror. However, if you are superstitious, then a broken mirror is a sign of bad luck.
What does the breaking of mirror indicate?
According to superstition, breaking a mirror results in seven years of bad luck. It is believed that the only way to counteract this is to remove the pieces from the house and bury them under moonlight.
Is breaking a glass a bad omen?
No, unlike a broken mirror, a broken glass is not a bad omen. In fact, some cultures see it as a sign of good luck.