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Funny Stories In The Bible

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The bible is made up of several fascinating stories. Years after hearing them Sunday school, it is still hard to let go of some funny stories in the bible . It’s bizarre to think about how many things have happened throughout time and can never be changed.

Have you ever read the Bible and thought, “I wish this was a little funnier?” Well, I have. And now I’m going to share my stories with you.

Funny Stories About The Bible

If you’re a Christian or have ever even read the Bible, then you know all about God, Jesus and his disciples, and all of the stories they told. Yet you may not know that there are actually quite a few funny stories in the Bible. We use it to teach ourselves how to behave and how to be good people. However, we often overlook the humor in these stories. Here are some of my favorite humorous tales from the Bible:

The Bible has many comical stories, each one with a lesson to learn.

The Bible has many comical stories, each one with a lesson to learn. The Bible is a book that is full of wisdom and contains many wonderful stories. There are many lessons for all people in the Bible, whether they are Christians or not. We can learn from the people who lived in ancient times because they were just like us today!

funny moments in the bible

The story of Balaam and his donkey is funny, but the moral of the story is to always listen to God.

One of the most humorous stories in the Bible is found in Numbers 22-24. The story involves a donkey, a prophet named Balaam, and a talking donkey named “Mr. Naysayer” (yes, that is actually what he says).

This funny story starts out with Balak sending messengers to find someone who can curse Israel for him because he has heard that there is no one greater than God and people say He loves them; so it’s no surprise that when Moses hears about this request he tells God he doesn’t want anything to do with it because they are wicked people who don’t deserve blessings from Him. But then God tells him that if he refuses to go then some other person will go instead and curse Israel on his behalf!

So Moses sets off on his journey where none other than Mr. Naysayer happens upon him along the road during their travels together towards Moabite territory (where Balak lives). Now here’s where things get interesting: when presented with an opportunity for mischief–or maybe even just out of curiosity–Mr Moses asks Mr Naysayer why does he always argue against whatever ideas or plans others suggest? As you might expect from any reasonable person who doesn’t want any part of something questionable going on around them—”I’m just trying not make trouble!” says Mr Naysayer before being commanded by his master (Moses) into silence until they reach Kadeshbarnea which happens sometime later after escaping an attack by Midianites led by King Sihon. And finally we arrive back at our main point: how did Balaam meet up with these two travelers again? Well maybe through coincidence but more likely because they were traveling together while heading toward Kadeshbarnea too!

Samson was full of pride.

Samson was a strong man, but he was also very proud. His pride caused him to lose his strength and blindness and imprisonment by the Philistines. He was later rescued by God.

Elijah had a sense of humor.

Elijah was a man of God. This is very clear in the Bible, and we see it again and again. As an example, just look at how he once took care of 100 men who had been sent to take his life (1 Kings 19:5-7).

God gave Elijah many blessings and much power as a prophet. He also had great wisdom, which came from God through the Holy Spirit. Elijah often used this wisdom to teach others about God’s Word (1 Kings 17:18; 2 Kings 4:28).

Elijah was also known for having a sense of humor—just like you! In fact, he often used his sense of humor to help explain things that were hard for people to understand or accept at first glance…

interesting bible stories for adults

When David was in trouble, he called upon his God.

When David was in trouble, he called upon his God.

David’s story is one that shows us the importance of faith and how our Lord can help us in times of need.

David was anointed by God to be king over Israel, but it took a long time for him to realize this destiny. In fact, there were many years when David thought that God had abandoned him because he had so many problems and challenges in his life. But as we know from reading through the Bible story of David’s life (1 Samuel 16-1 Kings 2), no matter what happened or how difficult things seemed at any point during his reign—or even after his reign—God always came through for him in some way or another.

In fact, when things looked particularly bleak for David one day while he was living on Mount Zion among the Jewish people who had gathered there after being forced out of Jerusalem by their enemies (“the Philistines”), he cried out to God saying “Save me O LORD!” (Psalm 6:4). Then later on when King Saul died and all hope seemed lost for David having any chance at achieving his destiny as king over Israel since Saul’s son Ishbosheth was still alive and ruling over much territory surrounding them both…

The thought of a man being swallowed by a large fish can make for some great conversation between people who read the Bible.

The thought of a man being swallowed by a large fish can make for some great conversation between people who read the Bible.

Jonah and the whale is one of those stories that has stood the test of time, as it appears in both Catholic and Protestant Bibles. This story is actually in the book of Jonah, which tells us about how God sent His prophet Jonah to Nineveh to warn its people that if they didn’t repent their sins they would be destroyed. But instead of carrying out this mission, Jonah ran away from God’s will by getting on board a ship headed in the opposite direction.

When God saw him running away from his mission, He sent a great storm to sink the ship and everyone on board except for Jonah himself because he had been thrown into the sea when he was thrown overboard by sailors who thought he was responsible for bringing bad luck upon them all (because sailors are superstitious like that). The fish swallowed him up whole like an apple core! And then… well… here’s where things get interesting:

Paul’s letters include many funny stories that have been overlooked over the years.

The Bible is a great source of comedy. So many people have overlooked the funny stories found in Paul’s letters. These stories are hilarious and will make you laugh out loud!

Jesus told many funny stories using common objects to teach His lessons.

Jesus used stories to teach the people. He used stories to make them think, to make them laugh and smile, but most of all he used stories to tell jokes! Here are a few examples:

Not all lessons in the Bible have to be taught in a serious way. It’s okay to laugh at some of the stories in the Bible if you remember the lesson behind them.

Not all lessons in the Bible have to be taught in a serious way. It’s okay to laugh at some of the stories in the Bible if you remember the lesson behind them. Whether it’s a story about Jesus calming down a storm or Moses parting an ocean, these funny stories can help us learn important lessons about life without taking ourselves too seriously.

The Bible is full of funny stories and interesting anecdotes that demonstrate God’s love for humanity. These stories can teach us how to act when we’re faced with difficult situations or show us how God works through people every day—even if it means bringing forth something unexpected from their actions!


We hope you had as much fun reading our funny stories about the Bible as we did writing them! As we’ve said before, it’s always important to take a moment and laugh at ourselves—and laughing at your faith is no exception. There’s so much that can be learned from these silly stories, so don’t forget to share them with your friends and family. After all, they may just find their own funny story hidden in there somewhere!

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