Noting for nothing the spiritual meaning of kiwi fruit, we have seen that the fruit has been known as the “Queen of Fruits.” The fruit is similar to grapefruit in that it is also tangy and has a large seed in the middle. The largest market for kiwi fruit is Asia and the Middle East; however, Western countries are also importing a good amount of kiwi from China and New Zealand. Kiwi fruit contains vitamin E, which stimulates blood flow throughout the body. Kiwi fruit vitamins are helpful in the production of new cells.
Some consider that kiwi symbolizes happiness. It is also a sign of bright perspectives in the fulfillment of your plans. Exotic Kiwi is seen as a reflection of bold desires.
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Spiritual Meaning Of Kiwi Fruit
What does the Kiwi fruit mean in Spiritual terms? Does it hold any spiritual message? The Kiwi fruit or otherwise known by its Scientific name as “Actinidia” grows widely in New Zealand and is becoming popular all around the world. It is a very rich source of antioxidants, Vitamin C and fiber and there are different beliefs and stories attached to this fruit. [My post focuses on some of those.)
It has been known that kiwi fruit is a symbol of rich spiritual meaning, and also it is believed that it is the fruit of God. Most people believe that this fruit can give you a quick relief in health problems such as digestion disorders and high blood pressure. Kiwi fruit is rich and contains a variety of vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates and other nutrients.

The kiwi fruit has a spiritual meaning that can be applied to your life and the way you live it.
The kiwi is a very unique fruit, and its shape is said to resemble a heart. Because of this shape, some people believe that eating a kiwi is like giving yourself a hug or an expression of love. This is especially true if you eat the skin as well as the inside of the fruit.
Another spiritual meaning of the kiwi fruit comes from its color—green. Green is associated with life and nature, so eating a green-colored food like kiwi may help you connect with those things in your life.
The spiritual meaning of kiwi fruit is that it represents the ability to sustain oneself and thrive, even in the face of adversity.
Kiwis are often used as symbols of health and vitality in Chinese culture. They are said to represent a healthy body and mind, and are used as gifts for newlyweds or for new babies.
In Western culture, kiwis have a more negative connotation. People who are considered “kiwis” are often viewed as being overly conservative and lacking in creativity. They’re seen as people who aren’t willing to try new things or explore different perspectives.
The kiwi fruit, with its unique shape and vibrant green color, holds a deep spiritual meaning that can be applied to our lives in various ways. By looking at the symbolism of the kiwi fruit, we can gain insight into aspects of self-love, connection with nature, resilience, health, and creativity.
1. **Self-Love:** The heart-shaped appearance of the kiwi fruit is often associated with love and affection. Eating a kiwi can be seen as an act of self-love, as it is like giving yourself a hug or a gesture of care. This ties in with the biblical verse from 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, which reminds us that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, and we should take care of them.
2. **Connection with Nature:** The green color of the kiwi fruit symbolizes life and nature. By consuming foods that are green in color, such as kiwi, we can feel more connected to the earth and all its natural beauty. This can help us appreciate the world around us and find peace in the midst of our hectic lives.
3. **Resilience:** Kiwis are known for their hardy nature and ability to thrive in various climates. This resilience is reflected in the spiritual meaning of the fruit, which represents the ability to sustain oneself and thrive, even in the face of adversity. Just as the kiwi fruit can persevere and grow, we too can overcome challenges and grow stronger through our trials.
4. **Health and Vitality:** In Chinese culture, kiwis are symbols of health and vitality. They are given as gifts to represent a healthy body and mind. By incorporating kiwi fruit into our diets, we can nourish our bodies and minds, striving for optimal health and well-being. This reflects the biblical principle from Proverbs 3:7-8, which encourages us to fear the Lord and shun evil, as it will bring health to our bodies and nourishment to our bones.
5. **Creativity:** In Western culture, kiwis have been associated with a lack of creativity and openness to new experiences. However, this perception can be challenged by embracing the adventurous and versatile nature of the fruit. By exploring new ways to enjoy and incorporate kiwis into our lives, we can unlock our own creativity and break free from limiting beliefs. This concept is echoed in the story of the tower of Babel in Genesis 11, where the people’s lack of creativity led to their downfall, illustrating the importance of embracing creativity and new perspectives.
In conclusion, the spiritual meaning of the kiwi fruit serves as a reminder to practice self-love, connect with nature, cultivate resilience, prioritize health and vitality, and embrace creativity. By incorporating these principles into our lives, we can find fulfillment and spiritual growth.
Kiwi Fruit Meaning
Did you dream about kiwi? Kiwi in the dream foretells plenty and abundance of things to come. It points to inspiration, creativity, affection, and charity. You will figure out ways to get rid of small obstacles or worries. You will soon be energized and revitalized. Do things differently to express yourself fully. Move forward in a situation to fulfill your plans. Below we will note more dream interpretations for kiwi.
Dream About Cutting Kiwi
Cutting kiwi with a knife or spoon in the dream; it foretells that you will be a referee of an event. You will become a judge of something or someone that could result in rewards money or fame. It will be an exotic experience.
Dream About Peeling Kiwi
Peeling kiwi skin in the dream; symbolizes happiness after certain trials. You will soon reap the result of your labors. Relate it to egg dreams.
Dream About Blending Kiwi Juice
Using a blender on kiwi in the dream; signifies positive and quick work. You will soon combine the work of many people for a profitable business. The dream suggests that you will put together an exotic team of varying capabilities. You will achieve success to generate good income and business.
Dream About Eating Kiwi with Skin
Eating kiwi raw with skin on; it indicates that you will fall prey to bold desires. You desire something so deeply, that you will do whatever it takes to get what you want. Be aware of losing respect from others because of your eagerness without regard.
Dream About Picking Kiwi Fruit
To dream that you are picking kiwi fruit off a tree; indicates that you will soon take profits or cash out from an exotic business opportunity. Your patience and hard work are finally paying off. Your financial problems will soon disappear.
What Does A Kiwi Symbolize in Dream
Dreaming about kiwi fruit can have various interpretations depending on the ripeness of the fruit in the dream. Here are some dream meanings associated with unripe, overripe, and rotten kiwi fruit:
1. Unripe Kiwi: Dreaming about unripe kiwi symbolizes temptation and frustration. You may be eagerly waiting for an important event or outcome in your life. This could be related to waiting for a client to accept your offer or waiting for a paycheck for your hard work. The unripe kiwi indicates that you are in a state of anticipation and uncertainty.
2. Overripe Kiwi: Dreaming about overripe kiwi suggests that you may have missed an opportunity. The overripe fruit signifies that a window of opportunity has passed, and you may have missed out on a chance to do something important. It is a reminder to seize opportunities when they arise and not let them go to waste.
3. Rotten Kiwi: Dreaming about rotten kiwi warns against being too trusting. The rotten fruit may represent deceptive people or situations in your life. Be cautious of seemingly attractive opportunities or individuals that may turn out to be deceitful or harmful. Trust your intuition and be discerning in your dealings with others.
In the Bible, there are several references to fruit and its significance. One relevant verse is Proverbs 25:11 which states, “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver.” This verse emphasizes the importance of timing and wise communication, which can be related to the dream meanings of ripe, overripe, and rotten kiwi fruit.
In the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, the forbidden fruit is often depicted as an apple, symbolizing temptation and sin. This biblical story aligns with the dream interpretation of unripe kiwi representing temptation and the consequences of giving in to it.
Culturally, the kiwi fruit is often associated with New Zealand, where it is a national symbol. The fruit is known for its vibrant green color and unique taste, making it a popular choice for healthy snacks. In dreams, the kiwi fruit can represent freshness, vitality, and growth.
Overall, dreaming about kiwi fruit can reflect your emotions, desires, and subconscious thoughts. By paying attention to the ripeness of the fruit in your dream, you can gain insight into your current circumstances and take appropriate actions in your waking life.
Dream About Unripe Kiwi
Unripe kiwi in the dream symbolizes temptation and frustration. You are waiting anxiously for an important event. Perhaps you are waiting for a customer or client to accept your offer or pay for your work with a paycheck.
Dream About Overripe Kiwi
Overripe kiwi in the dream points to missed an opportunity. You have missed an important window of opportunity to do something. Take what you can for the time being, before your investments or projects get to a complete loss. Be aware of time-sensitive investments or projects.
Dream About Rotten Kiwi
Rotten kiwi in the dream forewarns that you are too trusting. Watch out for seemingly exotic opportunities or people. They may seem OK on the outside, but they might be rotten inside.
What Does Kiwi Fruit Represent
Some consider that kiwi symbolizes happiness. It is also a sign of bright perspectives in the fulfillment of your plans. Exotic kiwi is seen a reflection of bold desires.
What Does Kiwi Mean Sexually
A beautiful girl, over a ten, who has a very wet vagina during sexual intercourse. Her body is kiwilicious, meaning that her privates are as wet as a kiwi, therefore, she is called Kiwilicious.
Bryan: I think I’m fallin in love with that girl!
Daniel: Really? Well she is a dime.
Bryan: Not only that, she got a wet wet on her. Her pussy is a kiwi. She’s so kiwilicious!