Dear God,
I pray for love. I pray for someone who will see me for who I am and never judge me. I pray that they will accept my flaws, but also my strengths. I pray that they will love me when I am at my worst, but also when I am at my best. I pray that they will accept me with all of my baggage and baggage-related issues.
Please send someone who can see past the façade of what the world has told them about me—someone who can look into my soul and see the true beauty that lies within me. Please send someone who can show me how to truly love myself in a way that doesn’t make me feel like an imposter or a fraud. If there is anyone out there like this, please send them into my life so that we can be together forever as one perfect whole!
Smudge Prayer for Love
Light this smudge stick to clear the negative energy and allow positive energy to flow into your life.
What you need:
- Sage bundles
- Candles
- Paper, pen, match
You will also need:
- A bowl or cauldron of water. This is where you will burn your sage bundle.
- A bowl of salt. You’ll use this to purify your space after smudging is complete—and it gives the air a nice aroma while you’re doing your smudging ritual as well!
- Wine or juice glass (optional). This is for anointing yourself and/or another person with love energy during the ceremony itself.
A sacred space to perform your prayer in.
You can perform this prayer anywhere. You can also do it in a sacred space like a church, or on a beach or in a garden.
If you are calling on angels or your spirit guides to help you, then make sure that everyone is comfortable with this idea before beginning the ritual. You may want to create an altar for them as well so that they feel welcome and can assist as needed throughout the ritual process.
Sage bundles, either for smudging yourself or a space, or both.
Sage bundles, either for smudging yourself or a space, or both. The Native American tradition of smudging is used to cleanse the body and mind. The smoke of burning sage helps to clear away negative energy and emotions. This can be done in an outdoor setting or indoors wherever you feel the need to clear away negative energies and emotions that may be holding you back from living your best life! It’s also great if you have bad dreams because it’s said that when we dream we make contact with our inner self (our subconscious) so this is also a good way to connect with your inner self as well!
I’ve been told by a friend who works with herbs that some people find it easier just to do a prayer over burning sage instead of doing both steps but either way works fine!
4 pink candles
If you’re looking for love, pink candles are the way to go. When you light them, they will represent love, romance, and affection. Write your name on four pink candles in a clockwise direction with a black marker. Place them at the four compass points: north, south, east and west. Light each candle in a clockwise direction while saying something like “I call upon the element of fire to burn away all that stands between me and my heart’s desire.” Then make sure to keep your eyes on the flames until they die down so that you don’t get burned!
1 white candle
1 white candle
White represents the purity of your aura, intention and heart. White is a symbol of hope, new beginnings and purity.
Paper, pen, and match (or lighter)
You will need a small piece of paper for writing your prayer, a pen for writing down the prayer, and two candles. One candle is for you to light with your match or lighter, and one is for lighting the first candle. After lighting both candles, you can set them aside and begin writing out your prayer.
When you’re done writing your prayer on the piece of paper, use the pen to write it down again on another piece of paper that you will burn after completing this ritual (though not in direct proximity). The idea behind this practice is that when you light these two flames in front of each other—your own personal fire with its burning desires—it will create an even greater flame than either could alone. This flame is then used as a portal through which love may pass into our lives more easily than it would otherwise do so by itself.
Bowl or cauldron of water
Now, take a bowl or cauldron of water and place it in front of you.
This is what you will use to extinguish the candles when they burn down completely.
Bowl of salt.
- Salt is a purifying agent and can be used to cleanse away negativity.
- This bowl of salt represents the circle around you; think of it as a shield against evil spirits.
- You can use any kind of salt for this purpose, but sea salt and rock salt are traditionally thought to be the best choices. Some people like using Epsom salt for this prayer because it has many healing properties, but don’t use table or granulated salts—they won’t work as well!
Wine or juice glass
For the wine or juice glass, any glass will do. It can be a wine or juice glass, or even a cup you associate with love. The glass is used as a symbol of love because it holds liquid that represents life and is passed from person to person in order to share its goodness.
Directions for performing the smudge prayer:
- Clear the space of negativity.
- Bless yourself.
- Create a sacred space and say a prayer to invoke divine love.
- Light the candles, say a prayer and let them burn until they go out naturally (do not blow on them).
- Write down all the things you want to release that are causing you pain, fear or anger: resentment toward another person; fear of being judged by others; anger at yourself for making mistakes in life; anything that makes you feel bad about yourself or those around you. This can include adding any physical objects that might be connected with these feelings: pictures, letters, gifts from ex-lovers etc… When writing these things down on paper it can help to burn them later as well! But if this is too much for some people then just throwing away their paper may be enough for now – but make sure it gets burned eventually so there’s no chance it’ll still be around after some time has passed…
This prayer can be used to restore or ignite love, or to remove negativity from love.
This prayer can be used to restore or ignite love, or to remove negativity from love. Prayer is a conversation with God, and there are many different forms of prayer. For example, there are prayers that are said at specific times of day (morning prayer and evening prayer), prayers that involve reciting a psalm or verse from the Bible (called scripture readings) and prayers of praise.
There is no right way to pray! It’s all about finding what works best for you personally—and you might have more than one form of prayer in your life too! One thing that is important when praying: it’s important for us to pray from our hearts instead of just going through the motions without really meaning what we say. Praying sincerely is one of the most important things we can do as Christians because it shows God how much we care about him/her/them and shows our willingness to listen when they speak through His Word—the Bible—or through other people like pastors or friends who have been called by Him into ministry roles such as teachers etcetera..
This particular type of ritualistic ritualism has been adapted so many different ways over time throughout history across cultures worldwide including but not limited too Japan where they call it Shintoism; Korea where they call it Buddhism; etcetera…
Now that you know all the steps to perform a smudge prayer for love, it’s time to go out and make it happen. We hope this article has been helpful for you and opened up some new possibilities in your life.
Types Of Smudge Prayers
Smudging can both banish negative energy and attract positive energy. Smudging has also been scientifically proven to help us feel better and more focused. It can be easy to lose our way when we’re experiencing a big change, going through a life event, or moving into a new space. Smudging can help us cleanse our minds of negativity and chaotic energy and instead welcome positivity and gratitude into our lives.
Smudging is often accompanied by a prayer or speech. What you say while smudging doesn’t have to be the most important part of the process, but it can be incredibly helpful depending on the type of smudging you are doing. However, don’t let the idea of having to say something out loud stop you from smudging.
There are three distinct types of smudging prayers you can use or you can even make up your own. Reciting a smudge prayer can not only help you focus, but can help attract the energy or healing you are
Ritualistic smudge prayer is performed on a regular basis, usually as part of a daily or weekly routine. A person might regularly smudge because it makes them feel good, cleanses their space, or reinforces positive habits for them.
This type of smudging can be especially helpful for creating positive, mindful habits. If you’re someone who is trying to imbue their life with more gratitude, you might set aside a time in your routine to smudge as a way to dedicate time to quiet, thoughtful gratitude.
Smudging also enhances focus, so daily or weekly smudging can be a great way to clear your mind and your space at the same time, enhancing and empowering your day-to-day life.
In indigenous culture, smudging is often practiced at the beginning of a gathering to cleanse the space and cleanse the minds of the people attending the gathering.
Additionally, smudging might be a component of a larger ceremony as opposed to a standalone activity. For example, smudging is often a part of a sweat-lodge ceremony. In this case, there are prayers that go along with the rituals being performed as part of this specific ceremony. At times, the smudging ceremony might coincide with a special feast or other activities.
The type of gathering or ceremony you are attending might determine which prayers are said while smudging. These prayers might be much more specific than those we recite in our own homes, for our own purposes. In most cases, smudging at gatherings or ceremonies involves a group of people and therefore the prayer will encompass the best interests of all those who participate.
In fact, a special occasion smudging prayer might involve the entire group; the audience might recite the prayer or there might be a series of speeches given.
Smudging might be necessary as a result of a big change, a transformative experience (either negative or positive), or a move to a new location. You might smudge when you feel there is an imbalance or a specific need for the ritual.
In this case, you can recite a smudging prayer that specifically channels the energy you need. For example, if you’ve had an argument or have had a traumatic experience, you might recite a prayer that cleanses you of any lingering negative energy.
Reciting a prayer for positive energy after moving into a new space is common, as it allows us to start feeling comfortable in our new home and starts our experience in the space in a positive, calming way.
This type of smudging prayer is used when there is a specific purpose, imbalance, or need for the smudging ritual.
If you’re still not sure which type of smudging prayer is right for you, you can start by simply answering the following questions while you smudge:
- What am I grateful for?
- What do I love the most about myself?
- What is something that I’m really excited about?
- Why is today a great day?
These questions will start you down the path to feeling good, grateful, and focused. Carefully considering what you are grateful for can help you carry good energy and intentions with you throughout the rest of your day.
If you need more help, we’ve put together a guide especially for you to help you figure out what to say while smudging. where we walk you step-by-step through how to smudge and what to say while you do it!
Though smudge prayer can be a transformative part of the smudging experience, the most important thing is that you are grateful, thoughtful, and intentional when you smudge. When you practice mindfulness and respect while you smudge, the words will come to you on their own.
Smudging Prayers for Protection and Cleansing
The process of smudging is intended to cleanse, purify, and get rid of negative energy. It is believed that the smoke acts as a purifier and as it rises, it takes your wishes up into the universe and to the Gods. The most common herb used is white sage which is a sacred herb across many cultures for its intense purifying properties, however other herbs can be used too.
Your intention, mantra or prayer, is a set of words that are spoken during the smudging ceremony that are designed to focus your mind on what you want the smudging ceremony to achieve, so your words should always be positive and affirmative.
Here are 5 short smudging prayers you can use in your smudging ceremonies for protection:
1. Prayer for protecting your home
Smudging is a fantastic way to cleanse your home if the air is feeling heavy or there is a sense of unease. Smudging prayers are particularly beneficial if you have just moved into a new house or if you have recently suffered a bereavement, as the smoke will work to remove any lingering negative energies.
When creating a smudging prayer for the home, you will need to think about what you want to achieve – the more specific you can be the better! Do you want to be more productive in your home? Do you want to clear negative energies after an argument? It’s important to remember that every situation is unique so the more you can personalize the prayer the more tailored your intent will be. However, if you are looking for a little inspiration here are a couple of mantras that you can adopt:
“Smoke, air, fire, and earth, cleanse and bless this home and hearth.
Drive away harm and fear, only positive energy may enter here.”
“I have opened this space to love and affection; may all the positive energy around me benefit my space. May it come with nurturance, compassion, forgiveness, and truth.”
2. Prayer for protecting your family
Smudging prayers for protecting your family are particularly beneficial if you put your emotions into your words. Have fears about how your children will grow? Worried about that time you raised your voice and now your regret it?
Smudging prayers can be customized to specify practically any intent, from healing rifts between partners to infertility and idleness. Here is a native prayer you may want to use or customize for your own family:
“Creator, Great Mystery
Source of all knowing and comfort,
Cleanse this space of all negativity.
Open our pathways to peace and understanding.
Love and light fills each of us and our sacred space.
Our work here shall be beautiful and meaningful.
Banish all energies that would mean us harm.
Our eternal gratitude.”
(The Medicine Wheel Garden, E. Barrie Kavasch)
For something simpler, consider a shorter prayer like this one:
“Sacred plant, I thank you for the purification and healing you provide. Cleanse and protect this family from negative energies so that we may live in peace and harmony.”
3. Prayer for protecting yourself (or your energy)
There are countless prayers you can use for protecting your own energy. It is best to think of one thing you want to get rid of, such as negativity or a bad habit, then make one positive affirmation to confirm your intention. Your words themselves do not necessarily work on their own, instead they are powered by your thoughts and feelings.
Here is an excerpt from a particularly powerful Native American smudging prayer which can be used to cleanse away negativity and boost your self-esteem:
“Let me walk in beauty and make my eyes ever behold
the red and purple sunset.
Make my hands respect the things you have
made and my ears sharp to hear your voice.
Make me wise so that I may understand the things
you have taught my people.
Let me learn the lessons you have
hidden in every leaf and rock.
I seek strength, not to be greater than my brother,
But to fight my greatest enemy – myself.
Make me always ready to come to you
with clean hands and straight eyes.”
(Translated by Lakota Sioux Chief Yellow Lark in 1887)
Of course, this prayer will be a little heavy for some, but the important thing is to use words that mean something to you. Be as honest as you can be and the universe will listen.
A shorter prayer may look something like this:
“Please help me to feel good in my heart, and live positive thoughts. Help give me bravery to overcome feelings of fear, and focus on the good feelings.”
4. Prayer for cleansing your surroundings
Smudging prayers for cleansing your surroundings can be short or elaborate. Rhyming prayers are often easier to remember and many spiritual healers suggest that the process of rhyming can also raise more energy. You may feel the need to cleanse your surroundings before performing a ritual, meditation, or even before you start on a new task, to ensure all negativity has been removed. Here is an example:
“The negativity of this sacred space,
I expel you by using the light of my sacred grace.
You hold no right or power here
I face and stand you without fear.”
Even something simpler would work, such as “I cleanse my sacred space as I prepare for ceremony and prayer” (or whatever it is you are preparing for).
5. Prayer for attracting positive energy
All of the smudging prayers above are designed to rid you and your space of negativity and therefore bring positivity into your life. However, sometimes you may want to be more specific in the type of energy you bring into your home, or maybe you are just looking for an uplifting affirmation that will raise your spirits.
These types of smudging prayer can be particularly potent if said allowed when you first wake up in the morning, as they will put you in a positive mindset ready for the day ahead. Here are a couple of short examples:
“I am beautiful, strong, and capable of achieving anything I put my mind to.”
“Thank you for this beautiful day. I will fill it with beauty, laughter, and joy”
The mind is incredibly powerful. Research shows that stating positive mantras or prayers regularly can improve your mindset and increase feelings of self-worth.
Furthermore, when you are feeling stronger and more positive, you are much more likely to be open to new experiences and attract positivity into your life.
How to smudge for protection/cleansing?
Here are 3 important points to bear in mind as you smudge your space.
1. Hold a focused intention
When performing a smudging ritual, you should hold your focused intention throughout the whole process. It may be helpful to meditate beforehand to calm your mind, or just take a few deep breaths to center yourself. You should never perform a smudging ceremony if you are angry or upset as this can offset the balance and actually make your situation worse!
2. Use all four elements while smudging
Before you begin any smudging ritual, you should open a few windows to allow the smoke to escape (carrying with it your negative energies). Then light your smudge stick or herbs over a bowl. You can also clean and vacuum the area, or take a bath if it is to cleanse yourself. Traditional smudging ceremonies use all four of the earth’s elements, which are thought to increase the power of the ritual. Luckily, this is fairly simple to do:
Fire: the lighter or candle that you use to light the herbs
Earth: the smudging stick
Air: the smoke that is created when the smudging stick has been lit. You can also use a feather to fan the smoke.
Water: many people opt to use an abalone shell as the bowl, which represents this element.
3. Say a prayer as you cleanse
When the smudge stick is lit, walk around the area you wish to cleanse to ensure the purifying energies reach into every corner. Don’t forget to say your prayer at this point. Once the smudging is complete, it is a good idea to sit and inhale the positive energy you have created.
What to smudge with for protection?
Traditionally, white sage is the herb of choice for smudging rituals as it is famed for its cleansing and purifying properties. However, there are a few other options you can consider:
Cedar: Traditionally used for protection and grounding rituals, this herb is very slow-burning which makes it an excellent choice for smudging.
Palo Santo wood: This is perhaps the second most popular smudging choice, after white sage, and is often referred to as ‘holy wood’. Research shows that Palo Santo has antiseptic and antibacterial properties, which help to cleanse a room physically and spiritually.
Lavender: This herb is famed for its calming properties and attractive scent. Use this herb to bring calm and serenity into your space.
What is the best time to smudge?
You can perform a smudging ritual for protection at any time of day, depending on your unique circumstances. For instance, you can smudge after you have just had visitors to your home, or any time you are feeling stressed. Intervals between smudging ceremonies can vary too, from weekly to every few months – the choice is yours!
However, many smudging ceremonies are aligned with the phases of the moon as this is believed to enhance the effects. For instance, smudging on the new moon is believed to help with new beginnings or new projects. The waning moon is excellent for banishing negativity or bad habits.
Summing it up
Smudging is a practice that has been carried out for centuries, and for good reason! Whether you want to improve your feelings of self-worth or heal a rift in your family, smudging prayers can help to focus your intent and bring a sense of calm and positivity into your life.