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Prayer To The 3 Archangels

Light 3 white candles on a white plate and put sugar all around it. Place a glass of Water next to it. Ask the archangels for 3 wishes: one for business, one for impossible and one for love.

Do this petition for three days. On the third day publish this prayer.


St. Michael, St. Gabriel, and St. Raphael, please be with me today. Please hear and answer my prayers with your divine grace, intervention, and kindness, I love you all, please help me so that my prayer requests all come true quickly, Amen.

You can have anything you want if you keep in touch with me and let my words enter your own essence. (NLT) John 15:7

The Lord commanded us to make intercession. Because God commanded it is one of the most simple reasons to pray. Discipleship requires a life of obedient service to God.

“Remain vigilant and seek divine intervention. If you don’t, you’ll give in to temptation. Thought and emotion are on board, but the body can’t keep up. Matthew 26:41, New Living Translation

Then Jesus used a tale to impress upon his followers the need of persistent intercession. (Lucas 18:1)

And always, ask for everything you want, whenever you want, in the Spirit. Keep this in mind as you continue to pray for the saints and watch over them. (NIV) Quote from Ephesians 6:18

Why Bother If I Can’t Pray?

When you don’t know what to say in prayer, the Holy Spirit will show you what to say:

The Spirit strengthens us when we are feeble. When we do not know what to pray for, the Holy Spirit prays for us. Whoever examines our hearts knows the thoughts of the Holy Spirit, for the Spirit intercedes on behalf of the righteous in accordance with God’s will. New International Version (NIV): Romans 8:26-27

Prayer To The Archangels

St. Michael, St. Gabriel, and St. Raphael, please be with me today. Please hear and answer my prayers with your divine grace, intervention, and kindness, I love you all, please help me so that my prayer requests all come true quickly, Amen.

[mention your request here]

Heavenly Father, you have given us archangels to assist us

during our pilgrimage on earth. Saint Michael is our

protector, I ask him to come to my aid, fight for all my

loved ones, and protect us from danger. Saint Gabriel is a

messenger for the Good News, I ask him to help me clearly

hear your voice and to teach me the truth. Saint Raphael

is the healing angel, I ask him to take my need for

healing and that of everyone I know, lift it up to your

throne of grace and deliver back to us the gift of

recovery. Help us O Lord to realize more fully the reality

of the archangels and their desire to serve us. Holy

Angels pray for us. Amen

Say for 3 days and see what happens on 4th day.

Heavenly King, You have given us archangels to assist us during our pilgrimage on earth. Saint Michael is our protector; I ask him to come to my aid, fight for all my loved ones, and protect us from danger. Saint Gabriel is a messenger of the Good News; I ask him to help me clearly hear Your voice and to teach me the truth. Saint Raphael is the healing angel; I ask him to take my need for healing and that of everyone I know, lift it up to Your throne of grace and deliver back to us the gift of recovery. Help us, O Lord, to realize more fully the reality of the archangels and their desire to serve us. Holy angels, pray for us.Amen.

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