Exam Season is fast approaching!! With that in mind, we have set up an area at the back of the Church to remind us to taketime to pray for our young people at this important time in their lives. We have a book available and we invite you to write the names of all sitting exams over the coming weeks. This article discusses prayer for exam success.
As every parent knows, this can be stressful time for students – even the most well-prepared ones. We cannot sit those exams for them but we can support them with our prayers. You’ll also read prayers for taking exams.
Prayer To St Martin For Exams
All Exam Students and everyone who wishes to pray for and support them are invited to attend.
As someone once said…let us pray!
Lord, as I prepare to sit my exams send
your Holy spirit to guide me and be with me.
Thank you for the many talents and gifts you
have given me and for the opportunity of
education. Keep me calm.
Help me to do the best I can on the day of
my exam. Help me to remember all that
I have studied, to express it clearly and to
answer the questions as best that I can.
Give me peace, understanding and wisdom and be
with me today and always.
St. Martin (Study Prayer)
Gentle Saint Martin, During Your Lifetime You Looked After The Needs Of All Creation Both Mankind And Animals. Look After My Needs Now For I’m Worried About My Examinations.
Grant By Your Prayers I May Answer The Questions I Know And Answer Correctly.
If There Are Questions Set That I Could Not Answer, Guide And Enlighten My Mind So That I Should Study Them Between Now And The Examinations.
Under Your Guidance And That Of The Holy Spirit I Know I Cannot Fail So Please Come To My Assistance.
In Return I Promise To Make Your Own Name Better Known And Better Loved.
Prayer For Exam Success
Anxiety and stress are common during examinations, and this is amplified when a lot is riding on a single exam. If you want to ace your exams, here are some prayers to ask for help.
Meditation-Enhancing Prayer
To the Lord be the glory, I have many exams ahead of me this semester. You are aware of the many tests I will be taking and how I should study for them. I pray to You now so that I may maintain my mental acuity and concentration in class and thereby improve my memory and learning. Please advise me on how to arrange my schedule so that I can study thoroughly for each of my upcoming exams. Help me pay attention in class and concentrate while studying. Amen.
Asking God for Direction
Sacred Father, What I think will be on the test is what I have been studying. My prayer is that the Lord would show me where I went wrong during my preparation time so that I could go back and study the things I missed during my actual study time. Lord, I beg you to help me study effectively so that I can answer any and all of the questions that may appear on this exam. Amen.
The Invocation of My Memory
Saviour, my most treasured In this class, I have learned so much from listening, reading, and writing. As I study for this test, I keep worrying that I won’t remember something crucial. I beseech You, Lord, to ingrain in my mind the many facts and figures I’ve memorized in preparation for this test. Amen.
Invocations for Endurance
Lord, Have Mercy A lot of information has been covered in class and in studying for the exam, and it has left me feeling exhausted. I still have a massive amount of reading and research to do. Please give me the strength to read this entire book. I need to stay awake and focused so I can memorize everything I need to know for my exam. Please give me the stamina to use every waking moment in the days leading up to the test to study and rest so that I can perform well on it. Amen.
health prayer
Dearly beloved Redeemer, I have been cramming for upcoming exams and am not getting enough sleep. I’m stressed about doing well on tests, so I haven’t been eating well or taking care of myself. Assuage my anxiety so that I may concentrate on my exams. If you could, I’d really appreciate it if you took care of my health while I got ready. As I study for and take these exams, I ask the Lord to keep my body healthy. Amen.
Contemplation and Prayer for Peace
Dear Lord, as the date of my exam approaches, I am having trouble turning off my mind and falling asleep. My mind is like a television with the volume turned all the way up. I ask that You bless me with restful nights of sleep so that I can face each day feeling revitalized and at the top of my game. Amen.
Intercession for Keeping
I pray to the Almighty God that, while I am in class and while I am studying, I may have the memory retention necessary to succeed on my upcoming exams. Please, Holy Spirit, remind me of things I need to know, not just for the test but for the rest of my life. Holy God, I am studying and taking notes with all diligence. Please help me to remember everything I need to know for my upcoming exams. I appreciate how the Lord has got my back no matter what the situation is. With Your assistance, I know I can rely on You. Amen.
Intercession for Focused Attention
Most High and Wonderful Father, Exam season has me feeling like everything is a blur. Please grant me the focus and stamina I’ll need in lectures, in my reading, and on my exams. Please give me the energy to retain the information I have studied, because I am exhausted. I ask for Your favor in hoping to succeed on all of my upcoming tests. Amen.
Supplication for Dealing with Distractions
Holy Father, I’m trying to study, but there are too many interruptions. I’m trying to focus on my exams, but all the noise and activity around me is distracting me. Dear Lord, I beg You to either silence my interruptions or give me the strength to ignore them. Please, in the name of grace, allow me to put my entire mind toward studying so that I may do well on my exams. Amen.
Prayer for Good Fortune
Esteemed Papa, I trust in the future You have planned for me. When I call to You, I know You will answer. I am begging You, Lord, to bless me with success on my upcoming exams. I can’t do this without You. To succeed on my own, I know I need help. For the sake of my sanity and future success, please assure me that I will do well on my upcoming exams. Amen.
A Glory to God Prayer
Dear Redeemer, I need Your guidance to finish strong in my classes and earn high marks on my exams. I need to get good grades on my exams to be competitive for the jobs I’m interested in. Although I have not yet begun my chosen career, the exams I am currently taking are an important milestone on the road to doing so. I am doing all of this studying as Your servant. It is my deepest desire that my academic achievements bring honor to You. Lord, I appreciate Your ever-present help and direction. Amen.
Supplications for Enlightenment
Lord, You are the source of all knowledge, both past and future. It is Your counsel I seek. In the Bible, you tell us that if we need guidance, we can come to you, and you will give it to us freely. That’s a wonderful assurance; thank you so much. Grant me the insight to know how to study effectively and how long to study to ensure that I do well on my exams. Amen.
A Blessing on Your Success
Dear Lord, Your Word tells us about Joseph, who You made prosperous despite facing severe adversity. Because of Your plan for his life and for Your people, you always protected him. I pray to the Lord for assistance as I study for my upcoming exam. Please bless me with the strength to finish my studies, the knowledge to do well on my exams, and the insight to follow Your will as I move forward in my life. Amen.
Worry-Reducing Prayer
Faithful You, Jesus, tell me not to be anxious. When my mind wanders to anxious thoughts, I know it is because my faith in You is wavering. Worrying won’t solve anything, I know that. Nonetheless, I remain anxious about my upcoming exams. Grant me the confidence to put my full trust in You. Please be with me and help me relax before my tests. Amen.
Supplication for Material Support
We thank You, Eternal Father, that all throughout Your Word, You demonstrate how miraculously You provided for Your children. If you have anything I need to do well on my tests, please give it to me. Help me improve by highlighting my areas of weakness. You see my future, and you know what I need to get through this. I ask the Lord to supply all my needs. Amen.
An Invocation for Guidance
You, great guide, give me advice and teach me how to live. Help me prepare for my exams by pointing me in the right direction as I study. A blessing of comprehension for the material covered in my classes, please. I know that I can put my faith in Your caring eyes to protect and guide me as I go through this difficult time. Amen.
A Prayer of Strengthening
In this materialistic age, Heavenly Father, it can be easy to lose sight of what really matters in life. There’s nothing inherently wrong with being successful in this world, but please keep me from being motivated by it, Lord. Inspire me to study hard and do well on my tests so that I can bring praise and adoration to Your name. For the sake of my exams, Lord, please give me the strength and wisdom I need. Amen.
A Request for Divine Intervention and Strengthening
Dear Lord, I pray that you would help me experience the strength of Christ dwelling within me. Through You, God, who gives me strength, I know that I can accomplish anything. I know that You will give me the strength to study and the blessing I need to do well on the test. I appreciate your presence, Dad. I have faith that You will see me through all of these study sessions and help me do well on the exam. Amen.
A Request for His Favor
Lord, You have promised us many times over that if we put our faith in You, we will be blessed. And I put my faith in You, Lord. I hope that You can give me the assistance I need to do well on my upcoming exam. I have faith that You will provide me with the energy and concentration I need to get ready. Thank you in advance for blessing me and guiding me to a high score on this exam. Amen.
A Supplication for My Mind
I trust in You, Lord, and I give You all my anxiety, stress, and worry. I have done my best to prepare for this moment by studying and praying for Your guidance. I will also pray for success on my exam. Help me focus on the exam at hand without any worries or concerns interfering. To God be the glory; I give You thanks for the faith and favor You have given me. Amen.
I ask for His promised assistance in prayer.
You have always been there for me, and I know that You will be there for me again now. The Lord, I pray for Your blessing on my exam and hold fast to this promise. Though I have studied and taken notes, I worry that I have forgotten something. Be my Helper and hold me up with Your mighty hand. Amen.
Comforting Prayers for Worry
Dear Lord, My fear of tomorrow’s exam is what brings me here today. My chest is constricting and I feel myself starting to panic. Your Word tells me to “give over” my worries to you, Lord. This is what I want God to do as a result of my prayers. I beg You to calm my fears and give me Your tranquility. With Your guidance, I am confident that I will do well on the test. Amen.
An Invocation of Divine Defense
Lord God, I pray that You will keep the devil at bay as I study for my upcoming exam. Since I am Your child, I understand that his goal is to harm and destroy me. And I know that as Creator, You have authority over everything, even Satan. Because of this, I beg for Your blessing and protection as Your child, so that I may live a life unencumbered by my endeavors. Amen.
A Plea for Understanding
Lord Almighty, Please help me to focus as I study for my exams. I am currently preparing for a number of exams, and there is a great deal of material to learn. Lord, I pray that You would help me make sense of this mess in my head. Help me do well on my homework and test. Lord, I give You thanks for the assurance I have in Your constant presence. Amen.
Uttering a Peace Prayer
My exam time is quickly approaching, and I must admit that anxiety is beginning to take over. I ask that the calm of Your peace would wash over me and fill me with assurance. Please grant me Your tranquility so that I may focus on the exam and do my best. Lord, grant me the peace of Christ that passes all understanding right now. I know that You have everything I need to be successful. Amen.
Prayers For Taking Exams
My Lord, I have tried my hardest. I’d like to give this test and its outcome to Jesus Christ.
I’m grateful that you’ve provided me with this oasis of grace and tranquility.
Jesus, I am grateful that you are always right by my side, protecting me from anything that may come.
I am grateful to be able to journey with you and bask in your favor.