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Prayer To Get Rid Of Roaches

Have you ever had a problem with mice? Or maybe cockroaches? Ants? Whatever pest has invaded your home, the effects can be more than annoying.

These creatures give new meaning to “be fruitful and multiply.” And they seem to outsmart us in both imagination and perseverance.

Happily, the Church recognizes your pain and in her wisdom, has provided a “Deprecatory Blessing Against Pests” that can be prayed by a priest. So when the pests won’t seem to go away, call the exterminator … and the priest.

Cockroaches Biblical Meaning

The priest vests in surplice and purple stole, and coming to the field or place infested with these creatures, says:

Antiphon: Arise, Lord, help us; and deliver us for your kindness’ sake.

Ps 43.1: O God, our ears have heard, our fathers have declared to us.

All: Glory be to the Father ….

P: As it was in the beginning …

All: Arise, Lord, help us; and deliver us for your kindness’ sake.

P: Our help is in the name of the Lord.

All: Who made heaven and earth.

P: Lord, heed my prayer.

All: And let my cry be heard by you.

P: The Lord be with you.

All: And with your spirit.

Let us pray.

We entreat you, Lord, be pleased to hear our prayers; and even though we rightly deserve, on account of our sins, this plague of mice (or locusts, worms, etc.), yet mercifully deliver us for your kindness’ sake. Let this plague be expelled by your power, and our land and fields be left fertile, so that all it produces redound to your glory and serve our necessities; through Christ our Lord.
All: Amen.

Let us pray.

Almighty everlasting God, the donor of all good things, and the most merciful pardoner of our sins; before whom all creatures bow down in adoration, those in heaven, on earth, and below the earth; preserve us sinners by your might, that whatever we undertake with trust in your protection may meet with success by your grace. And now as we utter a curse on these noxious pests, may they be cursed by you; as we seek to destroy them, may they be destroyed by you; as we seek to exterminate them, may they be exterminated by you; so that delivered from this plague by your goodness, we may freely offer thanks to your majesty; through Christ our Lord.
All: Amen.


I cast out you noxious vermin, by God + the Father almighty, by Jesus + Christ, His only-begotten Son, and by the Holy + Spirit. May you speedily be banished from our land and fields, lingering here no longer, but passing on to places where you can do no harm. In the name of the almighty God and the entire heavenly court, as well as in the name of the holy Church of God, we pronounce a curse on you, that wherever you go you may be cursed, decreasing from day to day until you are obliterated. Let no remnant of you remain anywhere, except what might be necessary for the welfare and use of mankind. Be pleased to grant our request, you who are coming to judge both the living and the dead and the world by fire.
All: Amen.

The places infested are sprinkled with holy water.

Prayer To Get Rid of Pests

We will be addressing all of the bug and infestation concerns that may come up in your home or business. From bedbugs to termites.

For a more spiritual approach, here are some Christian prayers to tackle bugs and pest infestations in your home or apartment.

Our prayers include special requests for protection from any type of pest or insect.

After all the Bible says in Luke 18: 1″…that men ought always to pray, and not to faint;”

Table of Contents
Prayer Against Bugs
Consult a Professional On Getting Rid of Bugs in your Home
Get a Professional to Fumigate your House in the safest way
Prayer Against Bugs
1) Lord Jesus, I pray that you rid the bed bugs from my apartment as long as I live. Please keep me safe and free of pests in your name. Amen!

2) Dear Jesus,

I am writing this to you in faith that the bed bugs will be gone and I hope to never see them again. It is my sincerest prayer for all apartments where ever I live not to have any insects or bed bugs as long as it’s up there with me. Lord, please hear me when I say thank you.

3) I believe in miracles and that is why I am praying to the Lord Jesus who can make this happen. In any apartment that I live in, please let there be no insects or bed bugs as long as I live. Thank you for hearing my prayer!

READ ALSO: 25 Powerful Prayers Against Bed Wetting
4) Please make this happen within 7 days because these pests are causing me so much stress with their bites; they’re making it difficult to sleep at night too! When an insect infestation happens, the residents can’t enjoy life as we want them to – but you know better than us what’s best and how icky these creatures really are when they creep into our homes. So if you could just come down here one more time then everything will finally go back to normal again before a new problem arises.

5) Lord forgive us our sins and rebuke the devourer on our behalf.

“And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground; neither shall your vine cast her fruit before the time in the field, saith the LORD of hosts”.-Malachi 3: 11

Do these pests keep you up at night and disrupt your life with their incessant buzzing, swarms, and bitings? Then you should Pray.

6) Dear Lord, we pray for those who are plagued by this pesky problem. Help them find peace from the bugs that invade their homes, which makes it hard to sleep at night.

7) We ask that You protect them from any future invasions as well as provide comfort during difficult times when they feel like no one can help them but You alone. In Your name, I pray, Amen.

8) Pray that Lord Jesus should cleanse every toxins and impurity released to your body as a result of bitings from these little creatures.

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Consult a Professional On Getting Rid of Bugs in your Home
Bug infestation is a common problem for homeowners. There are many types of bugs that can be found in your home, and some bugs have more significant implications than others.

If you want to avoid the stress and cost associated with bug infestation, then it’s important to know what kind of pests you’re dealing with before trying to get rid of them yourself.

Bedbug bites usually occur at night when people are sleeping; they bite exposed skin on ankles, feet, arms, and face in order to feed on blood from their host.

We live in a world with bugs and infestation. There are many types of bugs that can come into our homes, and they just seem to multiply over time.

As Christians can be obedient in protecting our homes from all the pests that would like to enter them. Because Jesus lost his life for us on Calvary’s hill, it is up to us to protect what he died for – even if that means from an invasion of ants!

Get a Professional to Fumigate your House in the safest way
Pests are a major issue for households and can cause infections or irritate allergies. If you’re noticing an infestation in your home, it’s time to call the professionals for Fumigation against pests.

It can be very disturbing and unsettling to know that these unwanted visitors are not only invading your space, but they may carry diseases or other harmful substances into your living environment.

Fumigation is the process of applying pesticides to an area through fogging or spraying with the intent to kill all insect life within. Fumigation also includes treatment for odors such as smoke or unpleasant smells by using chemicals like formaldehyde, chloropicrin, methyl bromide, and carbon disulfide.

This type of pest control service should be taken seriously because it can produce toxic gases when completed incorrectly which could lead to injury and illness for homeowners if they are exposed to them.

It is important to contact a professional for fumigation services. Fumigations are highly effective at removing pests from homes and buildings.

Mathew 26: 41 says “Watch and pray…”

Prayers Against Evil Cockroaches

Prayers Against Evil Cockroaches

Prayers Against Evil Cockroaches


……. For this purpose the son of man was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.” 1john 3:8b.

Kindly watch Evangelist Joshua powerful videos on YouTube

What shall we then say to these things, If God be for us, who can be against us?. Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.” Romans 8:31,37.


Today, we are looking at prayers against evil cockroaches. One might begin to wonder what cockroaches have got to do with the life of a man or how cockroaches affect the life or destiny of an individual. Let me enlighten you that the devil is the master of all manipulations and he manipulates whatever he can lay his hands upon to derail and destroy the lives of men and their destinies. As harmless as a cockroach can be, the devil can manipulate it or project evil into it and use it to harm a child of God. Why?, Because the devil knows that we are of the mind set that cockroaches are harmless and so we are ignorant of what he the devil can do with that little creature.

The devil can manipulate cockroaches to bite, infest, pollute and poison our food in the spiritual realm and the cockroaches come to do the same in the physical. The bites, infestation, pollution or poison can be the greatest evil a man can face to death, if care and proper discernment is not done. That is why the Bible admonishes us in 1peter 5:8 saying “ sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour”. So the journey of life and faith calls for absolute soberness and vigilance to know when the devil sends evil cockroaches to infest a believer’s life and destiny with diseases, these evil cockroaches can also pollute the believer and cause deadly diseases in the life and destiny of a child of God. These and many more of the manipulations of the devil using evil cockroaches against the destiny of believers must be met with fierce opposition and resistance, if believers are to make the most of their lives and destiny.

There is no agenda of the devil that doesn’t have a fierce and powerful resistance from the word of God. God, through His word has made adequate provision for the believer to dismantle every evil work of the devil and obtain victory, that is why He, in His infinite wisdom sent His only begotten son to manifest and destroy all the works of the devil, inclusive of that of evil cockroaches. And made the believer a joint heir with him, so that we might also receive that authority and power as stated in Like 10:19, to trample upon every evil cockroach and it’s works and by extension all the works of the devil and obtain our victory. Remember that victory has already been given to us on the cross of Calvary, in Roman 8:31 and 37, we have been made more than conquerors, it therefore means that every battle we face with the devil and his agents shall turnout victorious because God is with us and when God be for us, no evil cockroaches and the devil can stand in any place against us. 

Believers must walk in this consciousness, but delegated power and authority is received on the altar of taking responsibility. The authority is released but we must earn an increase in it, so as to be able to stand against all opposition to the devil and evil cockroaches. Increasing in authority and power means we have to spend good time at the power room or the secret place of God. That secret place is the place of prayer and fasting with a heart absolutely glued to God and the assurance of His word. When we dwell here consistently, we prevail over every evil cockroach and works of the devil. 

Prayer points have been outlined below to help the believer stand in the secret place and battle the devil out of his or her life and destiny, and also obtain victory and stand. And as you do this no evil cockroaches will ever find its way to your home, life and destiny, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Prayer points Against Evil Cockroaches

  1. Father, I thank you for all your love and compassion over my life and family, in Jesus name.
  2. Father, I come before your throne to seek your forgiveness and mercy over my life, cleanse me with the precious blood of Jesus and make me whole again, in Jesus name.
  3. Father, I pray that you will tend the heavens and come down for my sake, to destroy every evil cockroach in my affairs, in the name of Jesus.
  4. Father, let every darkness brought by evil cockroaches in me and around me scatter, in Jesus name.
  5. Father, by the light of your son Jesus and by your power, lighten my path this year and do not allow me to stumble from the traps of evil cockroaches, in the name of Jesus.
  6. Father, let the powers of evil cockroaches hiding in the dark to afflict my life and destiny be exposed and disgrace, in the name of Jesus.
  7. Father, let every altar harbouring evil cockroaches in my father’s house and mothers house catch fire now, in Jesus name.
  8. Father, I break every association with the darkness of evil cockroaches by the blood of Jesus Christ, in the name of Jesus.
  9. Father, let every evil cockroach in my place of work and my habitation fade away now, in the name of Jesus.
  10. Father, by your word, I command darkness to overshadow the camp of my enemies using evil cockroaches to torment my life and destiny,  in Jesus name.
  11. Father, by your word, I call out my glory in the cage of the darkness of evil cockroaches to come out now and shine to the end of the world, in Jesus name.
  12.  Father, I nullify every judgement of the kingdom of darkness using evil cockroaches against me and my household, in the name of Jesus.
  13. Father, let the glory of the living God possess me and announce my name for good to the end of the earth and shame the work of evil cockroaches, in the name of Jesus.
  14. Father, let every satanic police in the form of evil cockroaches assigned to arrest my glory catch fire and die, in the mighty name of Jesus.
  15. Father, let the checkpoint of evil cockroaches assigned to stop my progress scatter now, in the name of Jesus.
  16.  Father, I thank you for the gift of the Holy Spirit in my life and the work it’s doing through me, in the name of Jesus.
  17. Father, let every satanic agent of evil cockroaches assign against the unity and progress of my family die, in the name of Jesus.
  18. Father, I command the powers of evil cockroaches against the unity and peace of my life and family to die, in Jesus name.
  19. Father let your power for signs and wonders fall upon me and empower you to scatter the works of every evil cockroach around me, in Jesus name.
  20. Father, let every demonic agent on assignment against me and my family catch fire, in Jesus name.
  21. Father, let every assignment of darkness from evil cockroaches against my marital settlement scatter, in Jesus name.
  22. Father, I ask for grace to achieve the impossible this year irrespective of the works of evil cockroaches, in the name of Jesus.
  23. Father, by your anointing I scatter every evil cockroach of disobedience in my life and I receive more grace to obey you completely, in the name of Jesus.
  24. Father, I command every evil cockroach of lukewarmness at work in my life to die by fire and give me the grace to walk deeper with you in all areas of my life and destiny, in the name of Jesus.
  25. Father, scatter the evil cockroaches of backsliding in my life and destiny and give me grace to be steadfast in you, in the name of Jesus.
  26. Father, take away every veil of evil cockroaches covering my life and destiny and release grace for deeper revelations and understanding of your word to me, in the name of Jesus.
  27. Father, let my Haman in the form of evil cockroaches die in my place this year, in the name of Jesus.
  28. Father, let every agreement of darkness orchestrated by evil cockroaches against my faith in you scatter and die, in the name of Jesus.
  29. Father, let every evil cockroach manipulating my glory roast to death and I receive grace for exploit in the work of the kingdom and of my hand today, in the name of Jesus.
  30. Father, I scatter every agent of the devil holding me down and I receive abundance grace to make a great impact in this generation and beyond, in the name of Jesus.
  31. Father, let the power of the most high overshadow my life and destiny, in Jesus name.
  32. Father, every demonic spirit of evil cockroaches from my fathers and mothers house assigned  to monitor my life, lose your hold upon my life, in Jesus name.
  33. Father, let that strong man of my father’s house and mothers house assigned against my marriage die, in the mighty name of Jesus.
  34. Father, I separate my life and that of every member of my family from any ancestral bondage of evil cockroaches, in the mighty name of Jesus.
  35. Father let darkness over shadow the camp of every power of evil cockroaches monitoring my life, in the name of Jesus.
  36. Father, I destroy every communication gadget of the wicked evil cockroaches over my life and destiny, in the name of Jesus.
  37. Father, make me invisible to every enemy of my life and family, especially that of evil cockroaches, in the name of Jesus.
  38. Father, waste the wasters and destroy the destroyers assigned against my life and progress, in the mighty name of Jesus.
  39. Father, let every power of evil cockroaches in the heavenlies against my life die, in the name of Jesus.
  40. Father, I challenge the foundation of evil cockroaches in my life and destiny with the fire of the Holy Ghost, in the mighty name of Jesus.

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