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Father’s Day Church Service Ideas

Father’s day is here. So, who will recommend a church service idea? I’ll do it for free. Who will provide a Top 5 list about church services, creative fathers in church and creative churches? I’ll do it for free. Who will share five words, five ways to grow in faith, five things to know about fatherhood and five ideas to greet father whom you have not seen for long time? I’ll do it for free too but only if you call me tomorrow.

Creative Father’s Day church service ideas can be hard to come by. If you’re looking for a way to honor your dad that will be a meaningful part of the overall church celebration, then you’re in the right place. Here are some ways you can honor your father during your service this year. Discussed; Theme for fathers day program, Fathers Day Program Ideas for Church Youth.

Father’s Day Church Service Ideas

Father’s Day is a great time to celebrate the men in our lives who have made a difference.

Here are some ideas for how to do that in your church service.

  1. Have all the fathers stand up and be recognized at different times during the service
  2. Talk about how fathers struggle with their children and how God can help them
  3. Talk about how fathers have been like God in their lives
  4. When you mention the father’s name, have the children say “thank you” or sing a song that has something to do with it (like “Jesus Loves Me”).

Father’s Day Idea For Church Service

The first part of the service is known as the welcome. This includes welcoming all visitors, especially fathers who may be visiting for the first time. It also includes thanking people for coming and greeting new members and visitors.

At this point, you should express your gratitude to the fathers in your congregation. You can do this by saying something like: “We have some special people here today who are celebrating Father’s Day with us, so let’s give them a round of applause!”

Call to worship:

  • The call to worship is a special way to greet your congregants and remind them of the day’s theme.
  • For example: “We gather together today to honor our fathers.”


For those who are planning a Father’s Day service for a church, there is a lot of material to work with. There are many different categories of fatherhood, and each category has its own unique relationship with God. It is important that you get an idea of what kind of father you’re talking about before you have your service. If you have an older man in the congregation who has been married several times and has children from multiple wives, then make sure that your prayer focuses on his relationship with God and not his relationships with his ex-wives or current wife (unless they’re getting along). In addition to this, if there are young men in your congregation who do not have children yet but are waiting until they find someone special before having children themselves, then their prayer should be focused primarily on their future relationships as fathers.

Song suggestions:

  • “He is My Son” by Paul Baloche and Beth Redman
  • “O, How He Loves You and Me” by David Crowder Band (this one is a particularly beautiful rendition from a church service)
  • “All Because of Jesus” by Hillsong United (cover version)

(If you’re looking for a really special rendition of this song, check out Lecrae’s cover on YouTube.)

Special music/video suggestions

If you’re looking for some suggestions, here are some that I think would be appropriate:

  • “I’ll Be” by Edwin McCain or “Father’s Day” by Luther Vandross
  • “Because You Loved Me,” Celine Dion
  • Video of your church members expressing their love for their fathers.

Scripture reading(s)

  • Choose a scripture that is appropriate for the theme of your sermon.
  • Read a verse from 1 Timothy 6:11, which says “But as for you, O man of God, flee these things! Pursue righteousness, godliness, faithfulness, love, steadfastness and gentleness.” This passage speaks directly to fathers and suggests several qualities they should strive to have as they raise their children in the ways of God. It also references running away from sin (which is important) but not forgetting about faithfulness, love and steadfastness (also important). These traits are good examples of what makes a great father.
  • Read Matthew 20:28-30: Jesus said “…whosoever will be chief among you let him be your servant…even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto but to minister…” By reading this passage aloud during church service it reminds us how important service can be whether it’s from our individual perspective or from our collective responsibility within community life. In addition this passage shows how vital it is for families who are striving towards Christlikeness act like servants rather than despots or dictators over their families by serving one another with humility out of love instead prideful arrogance which often leads people down paths filled with selfish ambitions rather than humble acts guided by faithfulness.

Fathers Day Program Ideas for Church Youth

Fathers Day is a great opportunity to put together a special program for your church youth. Here are some great ideas you can use:

A fatherhood quiz – this is a fun way to get the kids thinking about what it means to be a good father. You can create a list of questions and have them circle their answers on the card, or have them answer out loud.

Fatherhood trivia game – using cards with questions about fatherhood (such as “What is your favorite thing about being a dad?” or “What do you think God wants you to teach your children?”), have the kids answer the question and then place the card in the correct category (ie: favorite meal with dad, church memories, etc.)

Fatherhood skit – pick one or two dads who are willing to dress up in costume (with help from the kids) and perform a skit showing what it’s like to be a dad today.

Fathers Day Program Ideas

Father’s Day is a great time to honor dads and grandfathers with a special program at church. The following ideas can help you create a meaningful celebration for your congregation.

Meal & Music Combo

Set up a buffet table with finger foods and drinks. Then offer light snacks or desserts during breaks. Encourage families to bring their own picnic baskets, so they can enjoy the meal outside if weather permits. Play music in the background while people eat, then invite them back inside for entertainment before the program begins.

Activities and Games

Have kids make cards or signs to display throughout the service, or ask them to write notes on strips of construction paper that will be hung in front of each seat at the beginning of the service. Ask children to prepare something they think their dads would like — perhaps an original poem or song — and perform it during the program (with permission from parents, of course). Let kids decorate hats or headbands with ribbons for dads to wear during worship services on Father’s Day weekend. Have kids draw pictures of what they think makes fathers special (or draw pictures of themselves with their dads), then display them on easels during worship services on Father’s Day weekend

Sermon ideas/suggestions

This Sunday, we will celebrate all that our fathers are and have done for us. They are the spiritual head of the family and our first line of defense. They are our heroes and examples of manhood.

We honor them for their work, their wisdom, and for what they could have been but weren’t because they chose to be great dads instead (I’m looking at you, #Dad).

In this sermon series we’ll explore how faith impacts fatherhood from a biblical perspective–and vice versa. We’ll also look at practical ways to help strengthen your family by applying what we learn through faith in Christ’s teachings on marriage & parenting:

This is a great way to honor dads on Father’s Day

As a congregation, we should honor our dads. It’s Father’s Day and we should honor the people who have raised us, taught us, and guided us through life.

We can do this by honoring all of the dads in our congregations: those who are here today; those who are not here today but have passed away; or those who serve or served in the military.

We could also include foster dads in our service as well as single fathers.

Theme for fathers day program

The theme for this year’s program is “catch the vision.” In the Bible, it takes three days to create the earth and all that is in it. On Sunday morning we will explore God’s vision for our lives and how we can catch that vision.

We will be using our new video system to show clips from around the world. We’ll also have some fun with games, prizes and food!

We’d love to see you there!

Father’s Day is almost here, and it’s time to start planning what you’ll do with Dad. This year, why not take him on an adventure?

Plan a Father’s Day Adventure

Whether he loves hiking, fishing or golfing, there are plenty of ways to make Father’s Day extra special this year.

Hiking: Taking Dad on a hike is a great way to spend some quality time together away from the distractions of work and home. Hikes offer plenty of opportunities for bonding and conversation — plus the scenery is beautiful!

Fishing: If your dad is an angler at heart, fishing makes for a perfect Father’s Day outing. It doesn’t matter if you’re fishing in your backyard or on a lake; fishing gives you plenty of time to talk while casting lines into the water or sitting around waiting for fish to bite.

Golfing: Golfing is another great Father’s Day activity that allows you both to enjoy fresh air while spending time together outdoors. The best part is that it doesn’t matter whether Dad has played golf before — just having fun with each other is what matters most!

fathers day church events

This year, Father’s Day falls on June 19th. But that doesn’t mean you can’t start celebrating earlier in the month, or host an event on another weekend.

Here are seven ideas for celebrating Father’s Day during your Sunday service, or if you’d like, on a Sunday afternoon, Saturday morning, or weekday evening.

  1. Highlight fatherhood in the message.
    Some of us have amazing biological fathers who cared for us, affirmed us, and taught us integrity and character. But fatherhood can be a painful topic for others. More than one in four children in the U.S. live without a father. Even adult children struggle with their dads. And pscyhologists find that issues that adults experience can often be traced to having strained relationships with their dads.

Acknowledging that Father’s Day can be painful–and that some (or many) dads don’t measure up to Biblical fatherhood–shows empathy and authenticity. The very, very good news about this is that we are all loved and known by a perfect Father.

The Bible is packed with Scriptures on the Father nature of God. Here are a few jumping points for talking about the character of God as a Father.

I will be a father to him, and he’ll be a son to me. When he does wrong, I’ll discipline him in the usual ways, the pitfalls and obstacles of this mortal life. But I’ll never remove my gracious love from him. (2 Samuel 7:14-15)
I will guide you in the way of wisdom and I will lead you in upright paths. When you walk, your steps will not be hampered, and when you run, you will not stumble. (Proverbs 4:11-12)
There you saw how the Lord your God carried you, as a father carries his son, all the way you went until you reached this place. (Deuteronomy 1:31)
Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as sons. For what son is not disciplined by his father? (Hebrews 12:7)
But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him. (Luke 15:20)
Teaching on these Scriptures on Father’s Day can help remind your church community that Biblical fatherhood is about love, gracious discipline, guidance, care, strength, and compassion.

  1. Host a BBQ for dads and their children.
    It may be rare in some families for dads to get one-on-one time with their kids. A special BBQ or picnic can be a great opportunity for dads to have quality time with their children, enjoy a tasty lunch, and feel celebrated.

Here are some ideas for a Father’s Day BBQ that rocks.

Ask for volunteers. To plan a BBQ picnic with a ton of kids, ask for volunteers who can help with preparing food, serving, and watching children (By the way, if coordinating with volunteers is a struggle, can help you manage and check in your volunteers quickly and efficiently).
Play games. Dads like doing things with their kids. Cornhole, bocce ball, and frisbee are all fun picnic games that most kids can participate in. Provide a few activities that keep energy levels and participation high.
Keep it simple. Choose a simple, delicious menu. Grilled chicken and burgers, chips, and watermelon are all tasty and require minimal prep.
Finally, take a few moments at the beginning of the event to give vision for celebrating fatherhood. Honor different dads in your church community, speak from Scripture on fatherhood, and affirm everyone. This is a day to celebrate!

  1. Celebrate dads in children’s ministry.
    Too often, Father’s Day can feel like an afterthought to children. Focusing on the topic of fatherhood in children’s ministry can give kids an opportunity to connect with their dads and understand the heart of God.

Here are some ideas for celebrating Father’s Day in your children’s ministry:

Homemade frames, cards, and keychains are easy gifts that kids of any age can make for their dads. You can integrate Scripture into these gifts to create a “teaching moment” for young children on God’s heart for us as a Father.
Preparing a play or singalong just for Father’s Day is a fun way to prepare for the special day. Re-enacting the story in Luke 15 or singing “How Great the Father’s Love For Us” are two ideas that draw on Scripture to celebrate Father’s Day.
Interviewing children about their dads and then creating a short video to show on Sunday morning is a sweet way to highlight and honor dads in the church.
Finally, remember to be sensitive with children who don’t have dads. Find ways to support those children through quality time with father figures or male mentors in the church.

  1. Host a friendly tournament or competition.
    Hosting a tournament, game day, or individual competition can be a fun, creative way to bring your church community together for Father’s Day.

Though we may not be accustomed to competing in church, a friendly spirit of competition can have a positive impact. Psychology Today says that “good competitiveness….can bring out the best in people.” Coordinating an activity where dads, kids, and male mentors in the church can participate in a game can foster camaraderie, drive, and intentionality.

Here are some ideas for a Father’s Day event that rocks.

Create a tournament. A tournament with tiers for different ages and levels of athleticism creates a competition that everyone can participate in. You can even create teams based on different ministry teams and ages, just for fun (leadership team, worship team, volunteers, youth ministry).
Plan a game day with different activities. A field day with all different types of activities–tug of war, dodge ball, soccer, an egg toss–is a good way to bring everyone on board, and keeps the focus off of a single game.
Host a contest. Competition doesn’t have to center around sports or athleticism. Host a contest for best burger, best business plan, best original song, or best t-shirt design for fathers and their children.
Ultimately, Father’s Day can be a great opportunity for community-building and fun. Planning an event outside of church can also give busy families an opportunity to celebrate without having to plan something themselves.

  1. Free coffee!
    If your church has a fancy coffee bar with lattes and espresso, then give the dads free coffee on Father’s Day. Everyone can appreciate a hot beverage (or cold brew), and even something as simple as a free cup of coffee can help dads to feel appreciated.

Other free stuff your church can give out: Books, merchandise (such as hats, t-shirts, or mugs), or even tickets to an upcoming conference or workshop event.

  1. Build something together as a church.
    Like a game or competition, building something together can help build camaraderie and impart a sense of purpose to community. If you’ve got a few dads in your community that are handy with a toolbox or woodworking, leverage those skills to build something–a shed, new signage, a large picnic table, or even a church garden.

Building something together is certainly a more labor-intensive way to celebrate Father’s Day, but the pay-off is significant: a finished product that commemorates fatherhood in your community. Plus, the activity can help teach kids–and other dads–in your church practical skills and new confidence.

  1. Create a mentorship program.
    If your church has a strong discipleship culture, then you’re already aware of the power of effective mentorship. If your community hasn’t honed in on discipleship in specific, practical ways, then Father’s Day may be a great opportunity to grow this kind of culture.

Mentorship empower your church members to use their God-given gifts to teach and influence others towards Christ.

A mentorship program can:

Bring men together in a way that’s healthy, constructive, and encouraging to others.
Have constructive impact on youth. Youth with mentors are 52% less likely to skip a day of school, and 46% less likely to use illegal drugs.
Bring a much-needed father element to mentorship. There are far more female mentors than males. There are twice as many boys waiting for male mentors in the Big Brothers of America program than there are girls waiting for female mentors in the Big Sister program.
Cause a “multiplying effect” on mentorship. When kids experience the power of mentorship, they are more likely to replicate the same experience for others as they get older.
Father’s Day can be used as a launch date or kick-off party for a mentorship program that specifically focuses on mentoring young boys. If you’re in a community where fatherlessness is more common, this can be particularly powerful.

fathers day welcome for church

Just like Mother’s Day, Father’s Day can be a layered holiday to celebrate.

While there are so many amazing dads in your congregation, there are also people who are…

  • Struggling with the desire to become a father
  • Stepping in to fill the role of a father in the lives of other people’s children
  • Dealing with the loss of a father in their lives either through death, absence, or a strained relationship.

It’s so important to let every single one of those people know that they are seen, loved, and valued at your church this Father’s Day. So be sure to acknowledge them! To recap, this includes…

  • The Ones Who Are Fathers- Those men who are staying in the game with children of their own.
  • The Ones Who Stepped Up- Those men who have stepped in to take care of—and play a fatherly role—for the children who aren’t their own (stepfathers, grandfathers, uncles, older brothers, foster dads, etc.).
  • The Ones Who Are Grieving- Those people in your congregation who are grieving the loss of a father, navigating a strained relationship with their father, or navigating a life lived with an absentee father.
  • Those Ones Who Want To Be Fathers- There are men who long to be fathers of their own. But for some reason, it hasn’t become a reality in their lives yet.

Ways To Celebrate

There are tons of ways to celebrate dads in your congregation on Father’s Day. You know that! But just in case you need a little extra help, here are a few ways to get things started at your church this year.

  • Engage in Prayer.This is a great opportunity to lift up every single group of people on Father’s Day. By using your prayer time to acknowledge and pray for every category of people right where they are this Father’s Day, you’ll not only encourage them, but you’ll also let them know your church sees and loves them right where they are.
  • Get the kids involved.Getting the kids involved in celebrating their dads at church is a great way to make Father’s Day fun this year. Have kids dress like their dads for church that morning for a fun photo opportunity. Create a special hand-made gift in children’s church. Or have them fill out a questionnaire about their dads leading up to Father’s Day, and share some of the best answers on stage. Because let’s be honest, is there anything funnier than a kid saying something crazy about their dad? I don’t think so!
  • Give a gift.This one may require some extra prep work, but it’s definitely a great way to make people feel seen this Father’s Day. If you can make it happen, offer the dads in your congregation a free gift. It could be as small as free coffee and a donut to start their Sunday. Or a little bigger, like a Starbucks gift card or a free devotional book. This is also a great opportunity to acknowledge other men in your congregation. Whatever free gift you offer, extend it to all men. This will allow you to include men who are struggling to become fathers (a group that is so often overlooked), as well as anyone who is serving as a “step up” dad!
  • Create a hashtag.Take your Father’s Day online by creating a hashtag to celebrate in the digital space. It could be something like #FathersDayCrossChurch or #FBCMiltonDads. Ask church members to use the hashtag during the week leading up to Father’s Day to post photos and videos of their dads on social media. Then, create a slideshow of some of the best posts to scroll through as people walk in on Father’s Day Sunday. It’s also a fun way to promote your Father’s Day services and have even more dads and families attend.
  • A  Father to the fatherless.Use your Sunday morning message this Father’s Day to remind your congregation that no matter where they are in the journey of fatherhood, or what feelings they have about their own fathers, they have access to a God who is Father to all. This is a great opportunity to not only share this message with people who may have never heard it but also to encourage people in your congregation who are struggling without a father in their lives. Let them know that God is there to meet their “Father” need.
  • Host Special Events.Host a few special events this Father’s Day month to make the celebration fun. Maybe throw a cookout for families after church on Father’s Day. Or host a breakfast for dads and their kids one Saturday morning at your church.

If you’re launching any special programs for fathers (like Bible studies, men’s accountability groups, or an upcoming men’s retreat), take time on Father’s Day to promote it!

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