Fairly typical anxiety dream; perhaps your stomach hurt in your sleep? It doesn’t mean anything.

Most dreams are not memorable ones; most are based on reasonable, normal experiences.

Dreams are not magical, don’t tell the future, and aren’t sent by spirits, demons, angels, God, or gods.

Dreams are just products of our imagination.

Many think dreams have meanings and believe complete strangers here on Quora (who don’t know them at all) can somehow interpret or explain them.

I don’t blame people for asking; dream interpretation has been around for thousands of years! And dreams can at times be REALLY strange.

Many think dreams are more than just the way your brain processes information while you’re sleeping. Dream interpretation is just part of a spiritual belief system unsupported by meaningful evidence.

When you are awake, you are, without being aware of it, constantly receiving a barrage of information, sights and sounds, feelings, etc. that go straight to the brain. At certain times while you are sleeping, it all gets sorted, filed away as memories, or discarded, resulting in your imagination going wild. The brain makes a narrative, tells stories in your sleep, stories which can be very complicated indeed but may not make any sense.

This happens mostly during the REM (rapid eye movement) stage of sleep, which corresponds exactly as one is dreaming. It may even happen when you think you are wide awake. This is something all mammals experience.

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What Does It Mean When You Dream About Getting Shot In The Stomach

To see your own stomach in your dream refers to the beginning of new changes in your life. The dream may highlight the difficulties you have with accepting these changes. It is also indicative of how you can no longer tolerate or put up with a particular situation, relationship, or person, as in being able to “stomach” something. Alternatively, the stomach is often seen as the center of emotions. Thus the dream may be about how you process or handle your emotions.

If your stomach or abdomen is attacked, injured, or sick in a dream it’s pointing a sensitive issue or problems with acceptance.

To dream that someone is shooting you with a gun suggests that you are experiencing some confrontation in your waking life. You may be feeling victimized in some situation. If you dream that someone is shooting you in the back, then it means that you are involved with some questionable people who may be harmful to your well-being. It also implies that you are too trusting of others.

What Does It Mean When You Dream About Getting Shot In The Stomach

If we turn to dream psychology and Sigmund Freud (the famous dream psychologist in the 1900s) believes when we are attacked by a weapon in a dream is associated with defense, fear and control. The “gun” is a focus on people who are possibly controlling you in life, and yes, it can be quite a disconcerting dream.

Dream about being shot by a stranger – this is the most common dream, the stranger in dream psychology is often a representation of yourself. It could be that you are literally “shooting yourself in the foot.” It is possible that the dream’s source may be in your distant past even if the dream material comes from your most recent experience. In Freud’s view, almost all mental conflicts and the dreams that express them stem from childhood. Such dreams might indicate aggression. What is the root cause of your uncontrollable aggression? Do you become angry at yourself when you feel guilty? Does it spill over to others? We often don’t want to look from within but dreaming of being shot by a stranger can suggest that this is about you and your life. It can also suggest you are being too hard on yourself at the moment. Give yourself some slack – it’s okay to feel down but positive thinking is important. It is not uncommon, in my experience, to dream of a stranger shooting you when you feel overwhelmed by a problem in life. Especially, if you can see the injury in the dream.


What Does It Mean When You Dream About Getting Shot In The Stomach

To see your own stomach in your dream refers to the beginning of new changes in your life. The dream may highlight the difficulties you have with accepting these changes. It is also indicative of how you can no longer tolerate or put up with a particular situation, relationship, or person, as in being able to “stomach” something. Alternatively, the stomach is often seen as the center of emotions. Thus the dream may be about how you process or handle your emotions.

If your stomach or abdomen is attacked, injured, or sick in a dream it’s pointing a sensitive issue or problems with acceptance.

Why do I dream about being shot in the stomach?

Actually, more info is required to give you a single answer, so I will have to elaborate.
How many times did this dream happen? If it was only once, did you happen to watch a show where someone was stabbed in the stomach? Did you happen to eat a heavy food right before bedtime, as heavy foods will promote nightmares?
In the dream, did you see who stabbed you? Did you see anyone in the room, that you know? The stomach area represents our social interactions. If you recognize someone in your dream, maybe in your subconscious, you know that person isn’t really a friend. Many people with stomach issues, have social problems. They may be shy or insecure.
If you have reoccurring dreams of being stabbed in the stomach, but the dreams are different, your body could be telling you, to have a check up.

Researchers state that our dreams are affected by the emotional content of the day and recent past, as well as by significant events in our lives. Dreams also process memories by consolidating important memories and discarding non-important memories as they are stored into long term memory. Even the food we eat, or the television program we’ve been watching, or the book we’ve been reading before we go to bed can influence our dreams.

If the dream is a recurring dream perhaps you have an issue with your own safety that may involve your environment. If the news has been reporting recent crimes, or even if you have been watching violent movies this could also be an influence.

And even though this might sound too simple, perhaps you ate something that did not agree with you that night, and had some digestive difficulty. Researchers have found that if a pressure cuff is applied to individuals in a laboratory before they go to sleep, often, the feeling of pressure on their legs is incorporated into their dreams either a direct feeling of numbness, or a difficulty walking in the dream.

In our dreams we can experience the entire range of senses including touch, taste, sound, scent and sight. Sometimes actual physical sensations can be transferred into our dreams.

I hope this helps you. Blessings.

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