The Power of a Praying® Woman Prayer and Study Guide is an interactive, group-based study that helps women learn to pray for themselves, those around them and the world. The guidebook is designed to be used in conjunction with the Praying® Woman app, which can be downloaded on your phone or tablet.

The guidebook helps women understand what prayer is, how it works and what to expect when they start praying. It also includes chapters on how to pray for yourself and others, how to approach God with your needs and wants, and how to grow as a praying woman. The guidebook also contains a section on how to use the app itself: how it works, what it looks like and how it can help you grow in your prayer life.

The Power of a Praying® Woman Prayer and Study Guide is a must-have for any woman who wants to grow in her faith, do more for others, and be the kind of person she knows she’s called to be. This book will help you find your voice as a praying woman, find your way through difficult times, and develop strong relationships with other women who are on your same journey.

The Power of A Praying Woman Summary

When women pray, strongholds are broken, circumstances are changed, healing takes place, and miracles happen. Throughout history, women have stood strong at the forefront of monumental change, and it starts with women warriors kneeling in prayer.

Praying women are a powerful force in the Bible. They are often shown as praying for the people around them, and their prayers are always answered. Women like Hannah, Esther, and Deborah are all examples of powerful praying women who made a difference in their world.

With this guidebook at your side, you’ll learn how to:

• Connect with God through prayer—even when you don’t know what to say

• Find joy in the small moments of life (and even when things get tough)

• Get closer to those around you by sharing what’s in your heart

• Become more confident in who God has made you to be

Are you a praying woman? Do you want to be?

If so, this guide is for you. It’s time to get started on your journey with God. The Power of a Praying® Woman Prayer and Study Guide is designed to help you grow in your relationship with God through prayer. It includes daily devotionals and prayers, as well as space for journaling your thoughts, feelings, and experiences with prayer.

When you begin a relationship with God through prayer, He promises to do amazing things in your life (Jeremiah 33:3). He wants to heal your hurts and give you direction for your future. He wants to give you peace when everything around seems chaotic. He wants to provide for your needs (Philippians 4:19). And He wants the best for you—more than anything else!

So what are you waiting for? Get started today!

The Power Of A Praying Woman Bible

When you pray for your husband, the love of God will grow in your heart for him. Not only that, you’ll find love growing in his heart for you, without him even knowing you are praying. That’s because prayer is the ultimate love language.

5 Tips for Becoming a Prayerful Woman

  1. Focus on God’s Glory. by Allyson of Rapt Motherhood. …
  2. Let Scripture Take the Lead. by Kira Bridges. …
  3. Express Thankfulness for Others. by Emily of Married Myrick. …
  4. Remember God Loves to Listen. by Julie of Unmasking the Mess. …
  5. Make A Personal Prayer Closet. by Danielle of Free Indeed.


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