Anointing oil holds a special place in the Bible, often used in various religious rituals and ceremonies. It is a symbol of consecration, empowerment, and divine blessing. In this blog post, we will explore the anointing oil recipe in the Bible, its ingredients, and the spiritual significance attached to it.

You may find it hard to access the right information on the internet, so we are here to help you in the following article, providing the best and updated information on How To Make Your Own Anointing Oil At Home (Anointing Oil Recipe), How To Make Your Own Anointing Oil At Home: What are the 5 Ingredients in Anointing Oil, and lots more . Read on to learn more.

Anointing Oil in the Bible: A Symbol of Divine Blessing:

Anointing oil, mentioned in the Bible, was used to consecrate individuals, objects, and places for sacred purposes. It represents God’s presence and empowerment.

The Biblical Recipe for Anointing Oil:

The recipe for anointing oil is detailed in the Book of Exodus:

Exodus 30:22-25 (NIV):
“Then the Lord said to Moses, ‘Take the following fine spices: 500 shekels of liquid myrrh, half as much (that is, 250 shekels) of fragrant cinnamon, 250 shekels of fragrant calamus, 500 shekels of cassia—all according to the sanctuary shekel—and a hin of olive oil.’”

The ingredients for the anointing oil are as follows:

  1. Liquid Myrrh: Myrrh, a resin obtained from the Commiphora myrrha tree, was one of the key components. It has a rich, balsamic aroma and was often associated with purification and consecration.
  2. Fragrant Cinnamon: Cinnamon, known for its sweet and warm fragrance, represented holiness and the sweet aroma of prayer and worship.
  3. Fragrant Calamus: Calamus, with its sweet-smelling reeds, symbolized the sweetness of the presence of God.
  4. Cassia: Cassia, a fragrant bark, was used for its aromatic properties and as a symbol of God’s anointing.
  5. Olive Oil: Olive oil served as the base for the mixture, representing the Holy Spirit’s empowering presence.
how to make your own anointing oil at home

Anointing Oil Recipe In the Bible

Throughout the Bible, anointing oil is mentioned as a sacred substance used for various purposes. The recipe for the anointing oil is outlined in the book of Exodus, with specific instructions on how to make it. The anointing oil was a symbol of consecration and empowerment, used to set apart individuals for service to God. Here are five important Bible meanings related to the anointing oil:

1. Consecration

One of the primary meanings of the anointing oil in the Bible is its role in consecrating and setting apart individuals for a specific purpose. In Exodus 30:30, God commands Moses to anoint Aaron and his sons with the oil, signifying their consecration as priests:

“Anoint Aaron and his sons and consecrate them so they may serve me as priests.” – Exodus 30:30

2. Empowerment

The anointing oil was also used as a symbol of empowerment in the Bible. In 1 Samuel 16:13, we see Samuel anointing David with oil, and the Spirit of the Lord coming upon him, empowering him to become the future king of Israel:

“So Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the presence of his brothers, and from that day on the Spirit of the Lord came powerfully upon David.” – 1 Samuel 16:13

3. Healing and Restoration

In the New Testament, we see the use of anointing oil for healing and restoration. James 5:14 instructs believers to anoint the sick with oil and pray for their healing:

“Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord.” – James 5:14

4. God’s Favor

The anointing oil symbolizes God’s favor and blessing upon individuals in the Bible. In Psalm 23:5, David speaks of his cup overflowing with oil, signifying God’s abundant blessings in his life:

“You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.” – Psalm 23:5

5. Symbol of the Holy Spirit

In the New Testament, the anointing oil is also seen as a symbol of the Holy Spirit. In 1 John 2:27, believers are reminded that they have been anointed by the Holy One, imparting wisdom and spiritual discernment:

“As for you, the anointing you received from him remains in you, and you do not need anyone to teach you.” – 1 John 2:27

Overall, the anointing oil holds significant spiritual significance in the Bible, representing consecration, empowerment, healing, God’s favor, and the presence of the Holy Spirit in the lives of believers.

Spiritual Significance of the Anointing Oil:

  1. Consecration and Holiness: Anointing oil was used to consecrate priests, prophets, and kings, setting them apart for holy service. It symbolizes holiness and separation for a divine purpose.
  2. Empowerment: The anointing oil represents the empowering presence of the Holy Spirit. Those anointed were equipped for their roles and tasks.
  3. Healing and Restoration: Anointing with oil was also used for physical and spiritual healing. It signifies God’s healing and restorative power.
  4. Divine Blessing: Anointing oil is a symbol of God’s blessing and favor. It signifies His presence and approval.

Relevance Today:

While the specific anointing oil recipe mentioned in the Bible is not commonly used today, the spiritual symbolism and significance endure. Believers recognize that the Holy Spirit anoints and empowers them for their unique callings and roles in God’s plan.

How To Make Your Own Anointing Oil At Home (Anointing Oil Recipe)

Looking for how to make your own anointing oil at home? Then, you’ve come to the right place! This anointing oil recipe is easy, lasts for a while, and is biblically inspired.

In this article, I’ll cover four things for you: The 5 ingredients in the anointing oil, a prayer to consecrate anointing oil, how to use your holy oil at home, and how to anoint yourself with holy oil.

If you haven’t already, be sure to check out my instructions on how to do a house blessing prayer. It is a complete guide with bible verses, commonly answered questions, and specific prayer points.

I made this exact anointing oil myself a while ago, and I still have it sitting on my altar. I only use it for healings and anointing myself or others for prayer. This is very important.

I’ll be doing an article soon on the essentials of a prayer room and how to place an altar in your home. Be sure to keep a lookout for that if you are interested.

I’m glad that you’re here! Lets’ get into how to make your own anointing oil at home. Happy healing! 

This article is all about how to make your own anointing oil at home: anointing oil recipe

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anointing oil recipe

How To Make Your Own Anointing Oil At Home: What are the 5 Ingredients in Anointing Oil

Below are the five ingredients you will need to make your own anointing oil at home along with the biblical scripture reference.

4 of your ingredients will be essential oils, and you want to make sure to use a reputable company. Check out my doTERRA essential oils review, and why I’ve used them for the past 4 years. Check it out here.

  1. Myrrh essential oil
    1. 24 drops of myrrh oil
  2. Cinnamon essential oil
    1. 12 drops of cinnamon oil
    2. You can substitute the oil for actual cinnamon sticks that will be left in the oil mixture.
  3. Fragrant cane/ Calamus oil
    1. 12 drops
    2. This is not easy to find
    3. Can be substituted with the following: frankincense oillemongrass, CBD, or clove essential oil. I used clove for mine
  4. Cassia essential oil
    1. 24 drops of cassia essential oil
    2. Not to be confused with cinnamon oil
  5. Olive oil
    1. 4-8 ounces (depending on how much you want to make)
    2. Use organic cold-pressed extra virgin!
    3. This will be your carrier oil

*You will also need a glass jar, vile, or bottle with a top to keep your anointing oil recipe in. Below is a picture of the one I used for mine.

These ingredients come from Exodus 30:22-24. A recipe given to Moses straight from God. Read more in detail here.

how to make your own anointing oil at home

Anointing Oil Biblical Reference

22 Then the Lord said to Moses, 23 “Take the following fine spices: 500 shekels[a] of liquid myrrh, half as much (that is, 250 shekels) of fragrant cinnamon250 shekels[b] of fragrant calamus24 500 shekels of cassia—all according to the sanctuary shekel—and a hin[c] of olive oil25 Make these into a sacred anointing oil, a fragrant blend, the work of a perfumer. It will be the sacred anointing oil

To be clear the recipe found in the bible above was designed to make A LOT of anointing oil, probably for hundreds of people.

For instance, 500 shekels of myrrh equals 12 pounds, 250 shekels of cinnamon equals 6 pounds, 250 shekels of calamus equals 6 pounds, 500 shekels of cassia equals 12 pounds, and a hin of olive oil equals 1.72 gallons.

Because you will be making you in smaller doses, the amount of ingredients needed has been decreased to fit our needs in today’s time.

Also, fragrant calamus is not an easy oil to come by, some studies argue that it’s a form of cannabis (read more here).

Because of this, you can substitute the calamus oil for clove oil, frankincense, CBD oil, or lemongrass. I personally used whole cloves for my holy anointing oil.

how to make your own anointing oil at home

Prayer To Consecrate Anointing Oil (Anointing Oil Prayer)


The anointing oil recipe in the Bible, with its specific ingredients, holds spiritual significance that goes beyond the physical mixture. It symbolizes consecration, empowerment, divine blessing, and healing. The spiritual lessons derived from the use of anointing oil continue to be relevant for believers today, as they seek to walk in God’s presence and fulfill their divine callings.

The heavenly blessing oil (Scriptural Hebrew: שמן המשחה, romanized: shemen ha-mishchah, lit. ‘oil of blessing’) framed a vital piece of the appointment of the organization and the Devout Minister as well as in the sanctification of the articles of the Sanctuary (Departure 30:26)[1] and resulting sanctuaries in Jerusalem. The main role of blessing with the sacred blessing oil was to purify, to separate the blessed individual or article as qodesh, or “heavenly” (Mass migration 30:29).[2]

Initially, the oil was utilized solely for the clerics and the Sanctuary articles, however its utilization was subsequently stretched out to incorporate rulers (1 Samuel 10:1).[3] It was taboo to be utilized on a pariah (Mass migration 30:33)[4] or to be utilized on the body of any normal individual (Departure 30:32a)[5] and the Israelites were illegal to copy any like it for themselves (Mass migration 30:32b).[6]

A few portions of Christianity have proceeded with the act of utilizing blessed blessing oil as a reflection practice, as well as in different liturgies.[7]

Various strict gatherings have customs of coherence of the blessed blessing oil, with some portion of the first oil ready by Moses staying right up to the present day. These gatherings incorporate rabbinical Judaism,[8] the Armenian Church,[9] the Assyrian Church of the East,[10][11] The Congregation of Jesus Christ of Modern Saints,[12] the Coptic Church,[13][14] the Holy person Thomas Nazrani churches,[15] and others.

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