A closing prayer or blessing is a statement of thanks, love and hope and is offered to close a meeting. A meeting can be with a small group of friends or a large congregation. Your choice of closing prayer depends on your purpose for the meeting. Here are nine of the best closing prayers for church meetings that you can use at your next meeting.

There are many closing prayers in the Bible, but it is difficult to remember all of them. When meeting with other members of your church, sometimes they will be giving a closing prayer and you need to join them in praying. This can be done by opening your own copy of “The Daily Prayer” which contains many different closing prayer invitations for you or using the below script as a guide.

You may find it hard to access the right information on the internet, so we are here to help you in the following article, providing the best and most updated information on 9 best closing prayers for church meetings. Read on to learn more. We at churchgists have all the information that you need about the 9 best closing prayers for church meetings. Read on to learn more.

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Closing Prayers for Church Meetings

Closing prayers are given in many events and meetings in different parts of the world. These closing prayers help to close down a meeting, sermons or any other occasion without wasting any time or having to close abruptly. Pray for each person who was present at this meeting and for those who were not present as well.  There are many who were absent from this gathering and we ask God to reach them with His love and to bring them into a closer relationship with Him.

9 Best Closing Prayers For Church Meetings

1. Heavenly Father,

As we conclude this meeting, we thank you for your presence among us. We pray that you will guide us in all that we do and help us to carry out your will. May we leave this place inspired and ready to serve others in your name. Amen.

2. Lord Jesus,

We are grateful for the time we have spent together in fellowship and worship. As we go our separate ways, we ask for your protection and guidance. Help us to spread your love and light wherever we go. Amen.

3. Holy Spirit,

Fill us with your wisdom and strength as we depart from this gathering. May the lessons we have learned today continue to shape our lives and help us to grow closer to you. We are thankful for your presence in our midst. Amen.

4. Gracious God,

Thank you for the blessings you have bestowed upon us during this meeting. May we carry your peace and joy with us as we leave this place. Help us to be beacons of your love in a world that so desperately needs it. Amen.

5. Merciful Father,

We humbly ask for your guidance and protection as we depart from this place. May we remember the lessons we have learned and carry them with us in our hearts. Help us to be a light for others who are lost in darkness. Amen.

6. Loving God,

As we close this meeting, we thank you for your presence among us. Help us to remember your teachings and live out your commandments in our daily lives. May we be a reflection of your grace and mercy to all we encounter. Amen.

And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity. – 1 Corinthians 13:13 (KJV)

Short Closing Prayer For Meeting

What is a closing prayer? Closing prayers are offered at the end of a formal meeting. They usually last no more than a few minutes, and focus on sending the participants home with God’s blessings. There are different types of closing prayers, which ranges from simple reminders to the use of scripture verses to reflect upon the day’s activities.

If you do close your meeting at the end and there’s a prayer, these are the most common ones. They’re good to use when you want to close or say something before you hand over the mic. Pray for each person who was present at this meeting and for those who were not present as well.  There are many who were absent from this gathering and we ask God to reach them with His love and to bring them into a closer relationship with Him.

Spiritual Closing Prayer

9 Powerful Closing Prayers for Church Meetings – Whether you’re wrapping up a church service or a group gathering, closing with a prayer is a terrific way to ask God to inspire and protect you as you depart. Here are some excellent ending prayers for church meetings that may be readily altered to a number of scenarios.

Table of Prayers

Prayer for Fruit
Prayer for Guidance
Prayer, Lead Us
Thank You Invocation
Prayer for Peace
Wisdom Invocation
Prayer of Protection for Us
Prayer of Thankfulness
Prayer for Rest
Prayer for Walking by Faith

Prayer for Fruit

Lord Jesus, we want to thank you for the wonderful service we received today. Father, may we put what we’ve learned into practice so that we can become more like Christ and bear greater fruit for the kingdom. Let all we do be in accordance with your instructions. Be with us as we leave this place, and grant us inner peace. We believe and pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Prayer for Guidance

As we leave this area, Heavenly Father, please guide us so that we arrive safely at our destination. Assist us in submitting to you and relying solely on you. Please direct our paths and give us the confidence to follow your lead. Please assist us in obeying what you have taught us through your servant. This week, may we thrive in all areas and be firmly rooted in your love. We pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Prayer, Lead Us

We have come to the end of this meeting, Gracious Father, and we want to thank you. Lord, you have been with us from the beginning to the end, and we thank you for that. Help us, Jesus, our Good Shepherd, to listen to your voice and follow you wherever you lead us this week. Father, may we walk in accordance with the word that has been proclaimed to us today in order to be a light to the world. Give us discernment so that we will not be swayed by the speech of a stranger. We pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Thank You Invocation

We wish to thank you, Father, for the gift of life. Lord, you say that where two or three people gather in your name, you are present; thank you for being with us. Thank you for our church and the leaders you’ve provided for us. Thank you for enabling us to come here and feast on your words. Let grace and serenity be with us as we leave this spot for our various destinations. Allow what we’ve learnt to grow fruit in our lives so that your light can shine on men and they can glorify you, the true and living God. We believe and pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Prayer for Peace

Thank you for your faithfulness to us, Holy Lord. Many of us arrived with troubled hearts, yet all of our worries and concerns have been washed away. We want to praise you, Lord, because it is through your word that we have found the freedom we have been seeking all week. As we leave this church, may we continue to walk in the peace that beyond all comprehension. Help us to focus on you and your word rather than the things of this world that make us sad and nervous. Remove every type of destruction that the enemy has thrown before us in order to take your message from our hearts, Father, and assist us to yield a hundredfold, sixtyfold, and thirtyfold. We pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Wisdom Invocation

Lord Jesus, you have revealed the things of the Kingdom to us today. Show us how to put what we’ve learned in this service to use in our everyday lives. Help us to make sensible decisions this week for the glory of your name. May we be able to sort through everything we’ve learnt and walk in your ways. Give us wisdom that leads to love and faith, Father. We believe and pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Prayer of Protection for Us

O Lord, as we conclude this gathering and return to our homes, we pray you to keep an eye on us. Father, you have given angels charge over us to guard us in all our ways, according to your word. As we leave this place, we know that nothing will harm us in any way. Father, keep an eye on the words your servant has planted in our hearts. Allow your word to take root and produce blessings and beauty in our lives. Assist us in walking in your love and paying attention to your prompting. We believe and pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Prayer of Thankfulness

Thank you, Lord God Almighty, for the time we’ve spent in this location. We’ve sang, prayed, and heard the message. Lord, we do not take these services for granted since we know that believers are being persecuted in some parts of the world right now. We’ve had a fantastic time, and we’d like to thank you for filling this space with pleasure and tranquility. As we conclude this meeting, we pray you, Lord, to accompany us everywhere we go. Assist us in keeping your word in our hearts so that we do not sin against you. We pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Prayer for Rest

Thank you, Almighty God, for providing us good health and allowing us to be here to honor your name. Thank you for your word, which always brings peace to our hearts. We are not returning home the same way we came because our hearts are full of hope and contentment. We came with different burdens, but we’re leaving with lighter hearts. As we return to our homes, please assist us to continue to rest in you. Please help us to avoid doing things that will steal our peace and joy. We believe and pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Prayer for Walking by Faith

Thank you, Lord, for demonstrating your unfailing love to us via your word. Thank you for allowing us to share this love with you today. As we go about our days and weeks, keep our eyes open so that we can see marvelous things in the word that the speaker has presented. Those who come here with broken hearts should go when they have been revitalized and repaired. Assist us in continuing to live and walk according to your word rather than what we see. Father, help us to divert our gaze away from useless things and toward our Lord and Savior Jesus. We pray this in faith and confidence in you, Amen.

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